
( HTTYD ) Dragon Lord of Berk

What if Hiccup wasn’t Stoick’s first son. What if Hiccup had a brother, a brother who had no problem killing dragons, a true Viking. And what would a blood thirsty Viking do if he could control dragons………. Raid of course. This is the story of Hadrian Stoickson, the Dragon Lord of Berk as he leads his great army of dragons and Vikings to distant shores. ————————————————————————— Hiccup will get Toothless though he might have a different name. Dragons will be different in this fic and some will be treated relatively cruel, Hadrian views them as tools and treats them like beasts of war or pets. Heavy AU if you couldn’t figure out from the synopsis. Hope you read And Hope you enjoy

Telling_Tall_Tales · TV
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5 Chs

(2) The Trecherous

It was a cold day, and the mood of Berk matched. The sun had risen and everyone in Berk, thousands of Vikings have gathered along the shore. It wasn't just Berks people who have come but many Vikings from other cities, villages and towns have all come to pay their respects to Stoick the Vast, one of the greatest dragon slayers in history.

The previous chief of Berk lay still in a longboat.

He wore his battle armour, made from mail and leather. His longship was packed with items of great importance including the chieftains war hammer, a weapon that had taken many dragons lives, as well as the chiefs shield that proudly displayed Berks coat of arms, a flaming sword on a green field.

On his head sat the helmet that the warriors of Berk were famous for. It was a full face helm, made of metal plate and it was adorned with golden engravings. But what really made the helmets unique to Berk was the horns that adorned them. Each helmet had different horns because the horns came from a great dragon that the wearer had slain in battle.

Chief Stoick's helmet was adorned with three horns in the shape and style of a Rumblehorn. The first two horns started at the side of the helmet and curved back while the third was shorter than the others and began just above the nose and jutted straight up. Wearing his full armour, wielding his war hammer, shield, clad in full mail and wearing his helm the chief posed an intimidating presence when on the field of war. And it was on the field of war that chief Stoick gained the respect of many here that had come to send him off.

Closest to boat were the great families of Berk including Clan Hofferson, Clan Ingerman, Clan Thorston and Clan Jorgenson. The head of Clan Jorgenson, Spitelout Jorgenson was the brother to Valka the lady of Berk and the Uncle of Hadrian Stoickson the new chief. The blacksmith Gobber had also been given the honour of being this close despite not being from a great Clan, he was given the honour because he was Chief Stoick's closest friend.

Other notable figures included Oswald the Agreeable, the head of the Berserkers and his young children Dagur Oswaldson and Heather Oswalddottir. Strapped to Oswald back was the Berserkers ancestral great sword Mithrand, it was unique as it was forged with the spines of a Skrill giving the blade a strange purple colouring, it also allowed the blade to channel lighting during fierce storms. This blade was a rallying point that won the Berserkers many victories in wars long past. There where other chieftains and tribes present but none as noteworthy as the berserkers.

Closest to the boat that would send Stoick the Vast to Valhalla was his wife and two sons. Valka stood taller than most women and men alike. She wore a battle dress, if wool, leather and mail and her thick brown hair was done up in a long intricate braid. And in her arms was a babe named Hiccup Stoickson only a few days old wrapped up in a cloak.

Beside Valka stood her son named Hadrian Stoickson. The boy was tall for his age reaching most men's shoulder at only ten winters. He wore a wool tunic and basic leather armour as well as a fur cloak. A small axe and hunting dagger was strapped to his belt and he looked every part the heir of Stoick the Vast.

His brown hair blew in the wind and his green eyes filled with tears as the boat was set out to sea though no tears fell from his eyes. Drums were sound and horns blown as Hadrian raised his bow. He lit the arrow and drew back the string. The arrow soared through the air and struck the boat setting it ablaze.

Everyone watched in mourning as the ship finally sank and Stoick joined his fore-bearers in the golden halls and there he shall rest until the end of days.


( POV Spitelout Jorgenson )


thunder roared outside the great hall were everyone feasted in the honour of their fallen chief and as everyone ate meat and drank mead the door opened and the person who entered caused the room to fall silent.

"Stoickson" came the venomous voice of Alvin the Treacherous as his big frame cast an even larger shadow.

"Aye Treacherous. What is it you've come for on this day of mourning." Came the voice of my nephew the new chief of Berk his voice youthful but strong.

"Your father beat me in our last war boy, and the terms of my surrender said that while Stoick the Vast still drew breath I wouldn't step foot on Berk soil." His voice grated on my ears and many Vikings including myself grabbed their weapons at his words

"Stoick is dead now, and my foot has touched Berk soil and it will do so again, but when it does I will be Chief of Berk and I will claim your throne Stoickson!" He spit the word 'Stoickson' will enough venom to kill a Groncle

Valka stood in anger, grabbed a nearby spear and raised it as did many. I too raised my sword and readied to charge, my anger blinding me. But I was interrupted by a knife sailing through the air and nocking the dented battle worn helmet of Alvins head.

The angry muttering that had begun ended and silence rained as everyone turned to Hadrian. He stood glaring at Alvin his hand right hand was empty were a knife once was and his left was clutched around an axe. I saw a worried look pass over Valkas face before it made way to a look at pride.

"You really are your fathers son." Alvin said before cackling madly

"Begone from my halls Treacherous!" Hadrian shouted but Alvin only continued to cackle before bending over to pick up his fallen helmet.

"We go to war Stoickson! And this time the Outcasts will stand over the burned remains of Berk and its people!" Alvin said with a crazed look in his eyes that many in Berk had become familiar with in the wars long past.

"Aye Alvin the Treacherous! To war we go and should I see your ugly face on the field of battle I'll aim lower!" Hadrian shouted only to be met with cackles yet again. Alvin and his company left the hall but silence remained.

"Course you Treacherous!" My nephew shouted and threw his axe at the door were Alvin just left from and I remembered he was still just a boy, who would need his family and I would be there for him.
