

The Divine Realm, an ethereal abode consisting of deities and supreme existences, stands at a risk of destruction at the hands of one of its creators. Under such a perilous situation, the emergence of a prophecy attracts the attention of many. The prophetic child, unlike the expectations of many, is a half-breed? Watch as the Son of Chaos breaks through his shackles, shocking the world with his antics. Watch as Noah Numen shatters expectations, and either rescues or destroys the Divine Realm, in which Gods reside. "Prophetic Numen: Void and Chaos" is a gripping tale of ascendance, one that features the journey of the prophesized savior of the world of Gods. --------------- If you like PNCV, don't forget to give "The Horatius Era" a try. If you enjoy this novel, don't forget to leave a powerstone and add it to your collection. Premium will be available soon. Sincerely, AceAmbrosia.

AceAmbrosia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Locus Sacer Of Metus

"Let's discuss that later," Prometheus said, pointing to the balcony. "Why don't you go hang out and explore the city? I can assign a guard to assist and guide you."

Although reluctant, I agreed. I couldn't pry too deeply, as that would ruin my newly formed relationship.

Another reason for my withdrawal was the fact that I needed to explore this world. Even if Othrys was only a small part of the Divine Realm, I needed to familiarize myself with the place.

"Sure," I said, causing a faint smile to bloom on the old God's face. He took a glance at Jacque before guiding me towards the exit.

As we walked through the corridors of Prometheus's palace, I praised the art and architecture of the place, greatly pleasing Prometheus.

He explained the history of each art piece, providing me with detail on everything.

"What is that?" I pointed to a picture in the distance. Within it, several warriors with blood-stained armors faced a single calamity.

The sky was dark, and while the sun was at its apex, it was blocked by what seemed like a human hand.

The warriors seemed exhausted as if they'd been fighting for days. Wounds encompassed the bodies of the warriors.

Most of all, the corpses lined up behind the warriors sent chills down my spine. I suppressed my urge to vomit at the grotesque scene.

Suddenly, a bright light emerged from the picture, blinding me for a split second. I stumbled backwards but was caught by Prometheus.

"That picture…" Prometheus muttered but didn't finish his sentence. He asked me if I was fine before leading me to the exit. He never mentioned the picture, and neither did I.

I was fearful of it.

It was childish to be fearful of a picture, yet it seemed like the scene was happening live. It seemed like one of the characters noticed me and decided to gaze at me.

A very unusual action for a picture.

As Prometheus and I exited the Palace, my eyes widened. I gazed at the mesmerizing scenery that bombarded my eyes.

So this was Othrys.

The verdant and lush greenery, beautiful architecture, and the joy on the faces of the residents. My face brightened as I gazed at the metropolis that Othrys was.

"This is simply the country of Metus," explained Prometheus. "There exist 8 countries, 32 dukedoms, and 128 villages in Othrys. The Godly Society is vast, and it covers over 2 square light years in terms of area."

I was utterly dumbfounded by the inhumane size of the Godly Society. Two square lightyears were no trivial amount of space.

This only made me wonder about the power of Gods in the Divine Realm. How could they conquer such land?

Moreover, how did they maintain it? What was the population of the Society? There had to be trillions of citizens to fill the area. No, maybe even more.

It was simply unimaginable.

While I was busy continuing my train of thought, Prometheus left the area. He seemed amused by my lack of reaction.

I spent a few minutes blankly staring at the country in the distance, admiring it with all my heart.

Apparently, Prometheus and the other Titan Gods' castles were located in the Metus Country within the Locus Sacer Dukedom, one that was governed personally by the King of Titan Gods, Kronos.

Locus Sacer was located in the center of Metus and Othrys itself and was the largest dukedom in the Godly Society.

To me, not only was the Godly Society incredibly organized, it was prosperous enough to harbor feelings of joy in the hearts of the citizens.

It was a place worth living in.

Actually, couldn't I live my entire life here? What was stopping me from doing so?

Chuckling, I observed the citizens of Othrys, smiling gently as if waving if they waved first. Suddenly, my gaze fell upon a middle-aged man.

The man jogged slowly, and on his shoulders was an excited child. The man, who seemed to be the child's father, had pure joy etched over his face as he carried his on.

An unknown feeling arose in my heart. I suppressed my urge to shed tears, knowing I would never see my father again.

I only realized the value of his words after my death. However, I wouldn't have the chance to relay my understanding.

Furthermore, we parted after a negative interaction.

A few minutes passed in an instant, and Prometheus returned alongside a man dressed similarly to Jacque.

With a square and muscular build but a carefree and casual face, the man seemed attractive. I wondered whether he was popular among women. Should I ask for a few tips?

Clad in a sturdy set of silver armor, the man seemed like an actual warrior. There was an enormous sword tied to his back with the tip facing upwards.

Prometheus seemed to be familiar with the man, as he carried a playful expression on his face while conversing casually with the him. Who could the man be?

"This is the prophetic child of the Divine Realm," Prometheus suddenly stated, causing the man's expression to crumple. His eyes widened as he stared dumbfoundedly at me.

I waved before extending my arm for a hand-shake. Unfortunately, the man who stood beside Prometheus was in no state to reciprocate my greeting.

Instead, he immediately kneeled before digging his sword into the soil beneath. "I am honored to be in your presence, Prophetic Child."

I directed an awkward glance at Prometheus, who shrugged. "Get up. You don't have to be courteous to someone like me. Let's just be friends."

I extended my arm for a hand-shake again, but was met with the man's tearful face.

"I am honored that the Prophetic Child would want to be friends with me. However, I am not worthy of such a title."

Frustrated, I turned to face Prometheus. I glared the elderly man, causing him to break out into laughter. "This is Leo, Noah. He has been my trusty guard for over a trillion years. He is a Low-Rank God of War. Leo, guide him through the dukedom."

Leo suddenly stood up before pounding his chest. "I shall do so with my ultimate sincerity."

He then turned to me. "I shall not disappoint you."

I nodded before allowing a faint smile to bloom on my face. While Leo prepared to leave, I walked up to Prometheus before motioning for him to bring his ear closer.

When he did, I whispered a few words. "Do not tell anyone else about my status. I don't even know what it means, and I do not want anyone treating me like this."

Prometheus, although surprised by the fact that I was not interested in fame, nodded in affirmation. "I won't. However, my superiors have the right to know."

I nodded before leaving alongside Leo, who kept flattering me. His words fell on deaf ears, since I simply observed the dukedom of Locus Sacer.

While walking through the prosperous roads of Locus Sacer, I noticed a smithy in the distance. The smithy was broken down and in desperate need of repair, yet there were several people lined up outside it.

Perhaps noticing my gaze, Leo explained the history of the smithy. "That smithy is owned by a former disciple of Hephaestus, the Olympian God of Blacksmiths. Kevin is the owner of that smithy. He was cursed by Hephaestus and banished from Olympus. Thankfully, by the graces of our King, he was allowed to open shop."

"Why is his smithy so broken down?" I inquired.

"Our King prevented him from making any profit from his smithy as a punishment for his atrocious acts," explained Leo. "He only crafts for the thrill of it, and for free. That is, of course, if he acknowledges you."

"It seems a bit harsh from the King," I commented, much to Leo's dismay.

"Respectfully, you are unbeknownst to the inner workings," said Leo. "His crimes were too much. Do not disrespect our King."

I backed off, deciding not to badmouth the King of Othrys ever again. It seemed he was respected by his subjects.

"What were his crimes?" I inquired, and that's when Leo faltered. Instead of answering readily, he hesitated.

"I… I seem to have forgotten," he formulated an excuse in the nick of time. "You can ask Lord Prometheus once you return to his palace."

Narrowing my eyes in suspicion, I contemplated whether to persist or drop the subject. Eventually, I chose the latter, since Leo was a very, very loyal man. He wouldn't betray Prometheus.

It seemed the God of Fire and Foresight had decided to censor a few things from me. I would have to inquire about it.

Anyway, Leo and I explored the city for hours. He explained hundreds of concepts and cultures to me, going into detail about everything. I absorbed the information like a hungry shark, instilling all knowledge into my brain.

It seemed gathering information was not too difficult, considering my position in the Divine Realm.

Well, since I was the Prophetic Child or whatever, why not take advantage of it?