
The Begining

Magic has born into this world long ago. People in this world uses magic as a part of their daily life. There are many varieties of magic that exist in this world.

Power brings Chaos they say...Soon after magic was born, comes varieties of danger along with it. Those are the Aboxoth, Chayula and General Lioneye. Till now the source of the dangerous monster are unknown

But there is also a case told where if all the three monsters come together, they tend to attract other monsters to their vicinity and cause widespread chaos and destruction. There have been tales of entire kingdoms falling to the onslaught of these creatures, and many brave mages have attempted to defeat them, but none have been successful so far.

It is said that the only way to defeat the Aboxoth, Chayula and General Lioneye is by combining the powers of different types of magic users. Mages have attempted to stop them, but few have succeeded. Luckily, these cases are very rare to occur, most people have forgotten about them.

As the dangers of magic continue to threaten the world, many wait with bated breath for the day when the source of the monsters' power will finally be uncovered, and order can be restored to the land. The appearance of these dangerous monsters has caused chaos and fear among the people.

The Council of Magic has been formed to oversee the use of magic and to protect the people from its dangers. As the threat of these monsters looms over the land, young mages are being trained to fight and defend against them. They are taught to control and harness their magic so it can be used to protect rather than harm.

There are four legions in this world and every legion has a big magic Academy that trains students to become a mage. This Academy also accepts students who are non-mage too. Not everyone in this world has magic. Besides, this society separates mages and non-mages as "gifters" for mages and "non-gifters" for the none mages...

Non-gifters have the option to specialize in other fields like creating defensive and attacking mechanisms. These skills are highly valued and are in demand in the magical world. Many non-gifters have built successful careers being mechanism creators.

In fact, some of the most famous and respected figures in the magical world have been non-gifters. They in demand in the magical world. In fact, some non-gifters have even surpassed the accomplishments of gifted individuals in these fields.

In essence, the magic academy recognizes that every individual has their own strengths and talents. Both gifted and non-gifted students are given equal opportunities to develop their skills and make a valuable contribution in the magical world.

However, those who do have magic possess an extraordinary ability that allows them to harness the elements and bend them to their will. The four legions are spread out across the world, each with its own unique specialisations in magic.

Each Academy within the legions has its own set of rules and regulations. They are very strict in monitoring the use of magic and ensuring that it is only used for the greater good. Students in the Academy train for years under the guidance of experienced mages, honing their skills and mastering their abilities.

Once they are deemed ready, mages are sent out into the world to fulfill different duties such as battling against monsters, protecting cities, or even serving as diplomats between different kingdoms. They are highly respected and revered for their abilities, and their services are sought after by many.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. Mages are required to keep their emotions in check, as strong emotions can cause their magic to spiral out of control and become destructive. They must also be careful not to overuse their magic, as it can lead to exhaustion and even death.

Despite the challenges, many students aspire to become mages and serve their legion with honor and pride, knowing that they can make a difference in the world and protect it from the dangers that lurk beyond the safety of the Academy walls.

All the four magic academies are placed in the East, West, South and North and are named Himwarrry for the East, Baewiths for the West, Drotora for the South and Klosort for the North. All these four academies follow the their rules and they even hold contests every year to determine which academy is the strongest.

The competition between the academies is intense and it involves a series of magical battles, tests, and challenges that put the students' skills to the testand ultimately determine which school will emerge victorious.

The winner of the competition not only earns the recognition for their academy but also receives a substantial prize, usually a magical artifact that can be used for their further studies.

The competition is not just about winning, but also about fostering the spirit of sportsmanship, cooperation, and inter-academy relationships. The students and faculties from different academies mingle, share their thoughts on different magical practices and develop mutual respect and understanding.

Despite the rivalry between the academies during the competition, they are all part of the same legion, and they work together in protecting the land from any dark magic threats. The four academies have produced some of the most powerful and accomplished mages and non-mages in history.

In conclusion, the magic academies in the East, West, South and North have a rich history of excellence, competition and collaboration. The competition holds great importance as it not only determines the strongest academy but also fosters greater cooperation and understanding between the academies.

One can enter the Magic Academy once they turned 15 and above... Yes, so this is also the year for Aether to attend the magic academy. "My name is Aether Rynes, and I just turned 15 yesterday, which means it is also time for me to attend the selection ceremony in the magic academy,"

Welcome to our little journey...

Main Character introduction:

Name: Aether Ryens


Appearance:Handsome, Auburn brown glaring long hair and short bangs sweeping across his forehead, 170 cm height, light-dark blue gleaming eyes, hot stuff, thin but fit physique.Ideal boyfriend for a girl.

Relatives:Both parents and a sibling

Occupation:Nothing for now

Affiliation:Enrolling in one of the four magic academies.
