

   "What happens when a cold-hearted beast turns out to be an Angel in the veil of the night?…      Who could have thought that she was to marry a beast? A man with many scars? And worst of all, " A herald of Hell?!    However, nothing could have possibly prepared her for the beast of a man whom she was suddenly bound to as wife…     His features are enough to bestow fear upon the hearts of anyone who dare to gaze upon him. The Beast of the woods, as he is referred to. He was shocked when a girl with the most beautiful violet eyes he has ever seen, which, however, gaze upon him with trepidation and horror, is given to him to wed…

Celestial_prince · Fantasia
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Matchmaker

A loud trumpet blared as the sunset. All prospective brides and grooms ran to the center of the town square, terrified and excited.

  Lucian, however, adamantly refused to stand from where he was. He turned and observed lovers hugging themselves for what could possibly be the last time, unwilling to join the rest.

It undoubtedly was a stupid custom, one which was meaningless as it served no purpose. Before he came to the town, he thought that only people of royalty had arranged marriages for the purpose of power and friendship with other kingdoms to prevent them from warring against one another. But these were peasants. No power in the universe cared about who they decided to produce children with. They were unimportant.

He observed the girl with the violet eyes who was also reluctant. But she was shoved to join the others by the men who were chasing her earlier.

His eyes flashed in anger. What did the poor girl do to those men?

The mayor, a fat-bellied, short man who tried but failed to dress and look like royalty, strutted to the town podium and started talking.

Lucian yawned and was only able to catch fragments of the man's speech. He was saying something about an age-long custom, something about the great god of love, Deros, something about finding happiness with whomsoever one was paired with.

He only became interested when the superior that refused to withdraw his name came up with the long list of names. Behind him, young men dragged a three feet tall statue of Deros.

Lucian strained to hear but could not so he grudgingly stood up and joined the rest.

The superior was chanting incomprehensible words and the men beside him waved their incense on the god. Lucian took a long, hard look at the god who was draped in red and white silk. The face of the god was molded and carved reasonably well, but Lucian felt that he would have been able to do better at molding the face.

After chanting, the superior looked at the names and began calling out the pairs.


"So, did you make friends with this attendant?"

Gideon didn't respond. Hazel turned to him and found him ogling at Iliana, who was at another end, trying to avoid eye contact with him.

She tapped him.


"I asked if you made friends with the man above."

Gideon sighed. "That man has an even worse temperament than Eris. I never could get close to him. I should have known that he would be the man to take the job if Eris died, after all, he was his right-hand man."

"What's his name?"

"Odei." Gideon buried his face in his hands. "Oh gods, I have little doubt that he would pair me with another. My life as I know it will end today."

"Don't be of little faith, Gideon. You can never tell."

So couldn't she. She closed her eyes and gulped as the names kept pouring out.

"Hedon, today, the great god Deros has decreed that the rest of your life shall be with Eliza."

Upon each pair that was named, the people cheered wildly and the couple moved together to join other pairs.


Hazel's eyes jerked open. She turned to Gideon who was trembling.

Please, gods, please…

"The rest of your life shall be with…"

From the corner of her eyes, she could see Iliana, who was equally as agitated.


Hazel froze.

Oh no!

She turned to Gideon who stood rigid, looking emotionless.


"Goodbye Hazel, maybe we'll meet again in the distant future." He quivered and began to move out swiftly.

She wanted to scream 'No!', to grasp him and beg him not to leave. But she knew he had to. So, she simply stared blankly as Gideon snuck his way out, followed at a non-suspicious distance by Iliana.

She buried her head in her hands and let her tears flow. Gideon was her only friend in the town. Now she really was alone.

She could hear Odei fiercely demand that Gideon should come forward to meet his bride and by the time she raised her head, people were looking around and calling his name.

Fear suddenly overcame her. They had better not find her friend. Stupid people with their stupid customs.

She looked at the Aberra, a plain faced farm girl, who was in tears. The poor girl. She would suffer too. She would be one of the rejected ones who were abandoned by their groom. She would carry that shame for the rest of her life. But shame was a minor pain when compared with the pain of spending the rest of one's life with a woman one didn't want, whilst pining for a woman one could never have.


Lucian was exhausted. The ceremony had gone on for hours and his name had not yet been called. He began to wonder if he's being called was a joke. If it was, he would draw blood.

Soon, there were only about less than fifteen people left. It was already night and most spectators were gathering their things to leave.


His heart ceased for a moment. So, they were serious. He really was going to be paired with someone.

"…the great god Deros has destined you to spend the rest of your life with…"

He breathed heavily, trying to still himself.
