
In a World where magic Superseded all things, The Aeons once ruled the world. But after the Great battle, a Battle Where Thousands of Aeons were extinguished while defending Humanity against the Undead Legion, their Race was long forgotten, their empire lies in ruin, and the survivors hid on the fringes of society. But then, Humanity saw their Saviours as their Nightmares. Blinded by their greed, They learnt and took the powers that were not theirs, killing the remaining Aeons and becoming defenders against the Undead Legion themselves. Romeo, who was just a librarian's apprentice, was obsessed with Aeon lore, scavenging for hints of their legendary power. But others are searching too, including the Templars who seek to hunt down the Aeon survivors. Out of hatred, he was framed and captured for being an Aeon with immeasurable powers and was brought before the high council to be Sacrificed, So that the remaining Humanity who weren't blessed with magical powers could Ascend. During his final moment, something went wrong. The Sacrificers became the sacrificed, and Romeo awoke with Powers capable of shaking the foundations of the world. ... But this event marked the beginning of a new era. An era of monsters and demons roaming around the world. But it never occurred to them that the Undead Legion,The shadow beast of legend, was gathering powers and armies, waiting for the appointed time to break free from its eternal prison. Thus, Survivability was thrust into the hands of a woefully unprepared humanity and the young boy who by fate, became Its Lost Redeemer.

Celestial_prince · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

The Uninvited Guest

After reading the book to his heart's content, he discovered the ancient book held nothing but the truth of what really transpired, but it held no information on how one could find hints regarding these beings.

Feeling a bit disappointed, he pushed the book aside and buried his body on his bed, staring at the ceiling above him.

Since his Mother's disappearance, Romeo lived a quiet life. He had no friends, except from his aunty who visited him once a month. She cared little about him. In fact, her visits were just formalities to keep those who loved prying in others' business at bay.

What is the end? So what next? Wouldn't it sound nice if I gave up? These thoughts echoed around his head as he laid there in silence, waiting for sleep to come, when a loud knock broke through the silence of the night.

"Who is it?" he called out tiredly to whoever came to disrupt the peace of his room. There was a long pause before the voice responded.

" It's me Romeo" came the voice, clearly hesitant to speak again.

He stood up and walked over to the door. The moon shone in through his window like a heavenly light, illuminating the dark room, which only served to highlight the shadow cast by his tall figure against the pale wall. Slowly making his way across the room towards the door, Romeo turned the doorknob. A small ray of moonlight illuminated his face, casting shadows that danced around his sharp eyes and pointed nose. When he opened the door, standing right opposite him was none other than his master Luca.

" Master .? What are you doing here by this time of the night?" Romeo said curiously. " Are you alright?"

The bald haired man nodded. " Yes. And yourself?"

"Good" he opened the door, offering

an inviting hand for his guest to come inside. He entered quickly, walking past the young man into the spacious sitting area where the two sat down facing each other.

Silence filled the air, and Luca took this opportunity to look around his home; the large windows letting in the soft white glow of the light moon outside.

"Is anything the matter? Romeo asked, breaking the silence once more.

Luca shook his head "Not really...just felt as if I should come here tonight".

Romeo nodded understandingly, although not being sure why that would make such a drastic choice. After all, apart from him being the district Librarian, Romeo maintained a distant relationship with him. The only time Romeo discussed with him were only on the Matters pertaining to the library; otherwise, he barely spoke with him.

"What should I offer you? Romeo asked with an innocent smile on his lips. This was the first time the man made entry into his humble abode, and he wanted to make him feel comfortable. He couldn't understand the reason behind the sudden visit. But he brushed off his curiosity and waited patiently for an answer.

Luca looked away embarrassed. " Oh please don't trouble yourself." He said, trying to brush off the question. "Am okay"

Romeo raised an eyebrow, looking at the older man with disbelief. "Oh my...really Master?".

Laughing nervously, he replied "well..Yeah. I haven't come here before, so forgive me for showing up unannounced" he said while he stood up, walking towards the shelf that lined the wall of the room.

As Luca began searching through the various books, Romeo got up and moved to stand beside him, trying to catch a glimpse of what the librarian was looking for.

"Ahh! Found it!" He exclaimed with excitement.

He held up the volume Romeo had just read a few hours ago. Opening it slightly, he read out its content,

"Book Of The Endless" he quoted, then he looked up to meet Romeo's eyes, giving a knowing nod. Romeo was confused, tilting his head as he stared at his master with confusion written all over his face. Closing it, he placed it back onto the shelf with great care.

"It's a very interesting read..."

Luca smiled "Indeed it is! It contains all the answers to many questions! For instance, there's this passage-" he began speaking excitedly about some ancient tale from the book, but Romeo had stopped listening as he stared aimlessly into nothingness.

If this was the reason the Librarian had visited him tonight, then he was doomed. Maybe he was aware he took the book all this while. He thought with bitterness, feeling a sting in his chest, causing him to sigh.

"I never knew you're scavenging for clues..answers.. about the people who destroyed humanity. Or are they other ulterior motives? His eyes landed on the large bookshelf behind him. One by one, he ran his fingers along the book until they touched another, similar one. This one had an old black spine with golden lettering on it. He slowly pulled the cover off it, admiring the intricate engravings adorning its smooth surface.

Luca wasn't surprised at all when he saw the huge shelf containing numerous books inside his apprentice Room. It was very rare to see youths who find pleasure reading books, let alone having a shelf containing so many books. That didn't surprise him though. The only thing he was surprised about was the fact that the young man had stolen one of the most important texts in the world.

"They never harmed us. We did" He sighed deeply. His mind drifted towards the last few years of his life. Back then, everyone believed in the lies they were fed, Even though they were wrong. They were ignorant of their true identities. As humans were.

"No one knows the true events that transpired" he continued. "But they were the ones who suffered because of our actions."

" And you're quick to believe what this book says? What if you're being deceived? Luca asked, taking a few steps closer to Romeo.

"Am not being Deceived! '' he thundered, recalling how his mother had made mention of the book.

" Are you aware of the consequences of your actions? Did it ever occur to you of what might happen if I charge you for stealing? Luca's stern gaze bored holes in Romeo's soul. His words pierced through Romeo's heart, reminding him of the promise and the contract he signed when he was newly appointed as a Library apprentice.

"Well then... Since you know the truth, Am afraid I must keep your mouth shut" Luca brought out a dagger from the folds of his robe and held it under Romeo's chin. His breath hitched as his eyes flickered from the knife, to his Master's face, and back to the blade.

"Mas. Master... What do you think you're doing? Romeo stammered. His heart was beating so rapidly in his chest. Why did he have to show up now?

"What am I doing? I'm doing what's best for humanity." Luca answered. With swift movements, Luca plunged the dagger towards Romeo's neck. But he was quick to dodge it, making the dagger slash his skin open a bit. Blood started flowing from the point of impact, splashing against the floor. Romeo held his neck to prevent further outflow, staggering backwards and falling to his knees, as he clutched onto his bleeding wound. Tears started gathering at the corner of his eyes and falling freely from his cheeks.

Luca laughed softly, wiping the blood from the dagger "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist this" With that said, he lunged forward, grabbing Romeo by the shoulders and slammed him hard against a wooden table, pushing the bookshelves and chairs into the wall.

Then in the blink of an eye, Romeo grabbed a chair and threw it violently towards his Master. The chair smashed against the young man's head leaving a large bruise. Luca cried out loudly, clutching his body in pain as he writhed around on the floor.

With his little strength, Romeo stood up, walking towards the door and trying to push it open. As it swung open, he felt a hand wrap tightly around his ankle, pulling him to the floor.

"There's no escape, little boy. Kiss your Last goodbye to the moon". Lucas lifted Romeo up and dragged him forcefully to his feet. He then slammed him against the wall once again, pinning him between the walls. He put his free arm over Romeo's chest and pushed, holding him in place with all his weight.

"Is this book worth my death, Master? Romeo whimpered in pain as a wave of nausea washed over him.

"I never knew you were as cruel as the rest of them, '' Romeo said coldly. The last thing he had expected that night was his Master, showing up at the door of his house with the intention to kill him. No wonder he appeared at night like some demon that lurked in the dark.

"You don't know anything, do you?. I knew you would fall for the trap. I knew something about you was off from the first day I employed you. So I monitored you. I never expected I could use you to free myself from the looming danger" Luca laughed maniacally.

" Huh?. You can't possibly mean..you.." Romeo questioned, still unable to comprehend Luca's words.

Luca chuckled again "Of course. You're like a vessel in the hands of a potter. I can decide whether to mold or break you." He pressed his hand harder against Romeo's chest.

Seeing he was a bit distracted, Romeo stealthily grabbed the flower pot at the other end of the shelf and smashed it against the side of Luca's head. Luca immediately released his hold on Romeo's chest and crumbled to the ground, dazed.

Thank You for reading this chapter! If you liked it, follow Romeo's long and arduous journey

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