
Chapter 019.4: Rome Wasn't Built In A Day

She tends to my wound as always. Her touch is very gentle and serene almost ethereal. But her eyes have changed. It is no longer as vibrant as before. The light in it has seemingly disappeared.

Her haggard face and messy hair reflects the despair she is going through. It is obvious she has been crying a lot lately. It’s just been three days since the last time I’ve seen her yet she changed a lot.

One day, she went A.W.O.L. And when she comes back, this is how she is. Broken and lifeless. Have you given up on life, Lucy?

I can’t even talk to her anymore. No matter how annoying I was, she would still glance at me. But now, it’s like she can’t see me at all. Or rather, her mind isn’t in this world.

After being done with her job, Lucy leaves the room without a word for me. A few minutes later, her little sister came running to me—


“What did you do?!” Said angrily by Binary. She tried to slash me with a kitchen knife. “You… I trusted you..!”