
Chapter 005.5: So Cold Part 4

“Marc! You're group is being noisy again!”

Tch. This old bitch is such a stiff school dog.

Just because you have the authority here, you act all high and mighty to us.

You'll suffer the consequences of this arrogance. You don't know who I am you bitch!

My friends while chuckling, straightened up themselves and faces the front.

My seatmate who look like a loser— no he's a loser, pokes my forearm.

“What the fuck do you need?”

I asked him in low voice. I don't want the bitch to notice me again.

“T-They told me to give t-t-this to you...”

What is this?

He gave me a piece of paper.

Behind him is my friend gesturing at me to read his note.

「Let's play LOL at the computer shop later」

He shows me a thumbs up while smiling stupidly.

「What? Can't win without me?」

I wrote on it and passes it to the loser.

“Please stop.. ma'am will be mad—Ow!”

I flicked his forehead.

He caresses it with an expression of great agony.

But I didn't hit you that hard, loser. How pathetic!

While looking like that, he passes the paper back to my friend.

And gives it back to me few moment later.

「Fuck you. Don't be so arrogant just because you know how to play better than me」

Hmmmp. I have yet to show you my full ability.

「How many hours?」

「7 hours」

「2 hours. I need to go to my father by 3:30」

「Then tell him we need to do some school project」

「He'll beat me up」

「Man, you're pathetic」

「Shut up! I'll only play for two hours. There's next time anyway」

「Okay. We decided we'll stay at the comp shop overnight. Just come by tomorrow!」


I am giving the paper to the loser when my forearm stung.

A chalk rolls on the ground.

“You're messing around again Marc! Stand up.”


“What are you doing there at the back?”


“Answer me!”

“We're just talking ma'am. Sorry po.”

“‘Sorry’? I already warned you earlier yet you still went on. Don't you know how to respect? Do you want to go to the guidance office?”

Fuck you! You're annoying.

Do you think you're worthy of my respect, you bitch?!

Be glad you're a teacher in the school I study at. Or I would have slapped you by now!

In any case, I need a scapegoat.

“No ma'am. I wasn't the one who started it anyway.”

“Who is it then?”


I points at the loser who was passing the piece of paper from and to my friends.

He stiffened when ma'am is looking at him.

“Stand up!”

“M-Ma'am.. i-i-it wasn't me...!”

“What? I can't hear you!”

“I... I said It w-wasn't—”

“Ma'am, he's the one who started talking to me. I still don't understand what he wanted.”


“So what do you want to say to him? Care to share it to the class?”

He trembles as he notices that all eyes are looking at him.

“I-I-It wasn't really me ma'am.. please believe me.... It was all.. uhh... I.. I..”

He looked at me and tries to raise his hand perhaps to point at me.


But I glared at him and he flinches from that.

Ew. He's too pathetic!

One of my friends sneakily whispered some words to him. His expression distorts which looks disgustingly hilarious.

He was probably threatened by them and is terrified.

What a disgusting coward.

“I can't hear you! Speak properly.”

“.. sniff.... s-sorry.. po.. ma'am... hic”

Ew. He is crying.

Good job for being able to cry silently though. It will be annoying if he starts to wail.

“Hmmp.. Now you're going to cry. Don't misbehave in the first place. I'll mark your today's test zero.”

She probably pitied him. He looks really miserable after all.

And my friends looks like they will suffocate trying to stop themselves from laughing at loud.

Some of my classmates are chuckling as well.

I want to laugh too. But I can't do that. The bitch is still looking at us!

“You two sit down and behave yourself!”

I sat back. That guy did as well but buries his face on the armchair using his arms as a pillow.

He refuses to look at us and is trembling in either fear or shame. Or both.


It doesn't concern me. That's what he get for being a pathetic loser!

My friends thumbs up at me.

I nods at them.



Morning session is finally done.

We can now go to the computer shop.

“Let's go!”

“Stop slapping my shoulder.”

“Hahaha. Anyway, you were so cruel earlier.”

He points to the loser who hasn't lifted his face since earlier.

Sir who taught us after the bitch ignores him after hearing what happened.

“Hmmp. It's his fault.”

“Right. Anyway, let's go.”

“Carry my bag for me.”

“Fuck you! Don't you have a hand?”


Then we went out of the classroom.

We were talking about the new skin that was released last week when I saw miss Hecate walking from the canteen.

She walks behind the cowardly kid who stole my baked mac. He carries a plastic bag of what I assume miss Hecate's lunch.

Fuck! So he's just her servant after all.

No surprise there I guess. How dare he take advantage of miss Hecate.

He doesn't deserve him.

She's mine.

“What are you looking at? You went silent— Oh. You're looking at miss Hecate?”

“Is that a problem?”

“Why do you sounds irritated?”

Another friend asked while looking at them.

We halt our step and watches the two of them walk away slowly.

“Well, listen here. He was ignored by miss Hecate when he tried to invite her for a date hahahaha!”

“Ohh. Date huh? I understand why you'd try your luck. Having her for yourself is like winning the lottery.”

“Right. But he was ignored hahaha.”

“Fuck you! Don't mock me you fucking idiots. You can't even man up and talk to her!”

This bastards mocks me but they're incapable to even greet her.

Miss Hecate is popular and beautiful. I wonder how they will look at me once I got her for myself.

Just look at that ass of hers. Her neck looks juicy as well.

I'll make her sit on my lap as I grope her perky ass and I'll savor the envious eyes by all the male students. And perhaps even the teachers and school staffs.

“She'll be mine for sure.”

I let my thoughts out loud.

“Isn't she taken?”

“She's not!”

“Then who's that guy in front of her? He looks so pale that he looks like a vampire.”

“He isn't her boyfriend you idiot! Miss Hecate is still single. That kid is just her close friend or something.”

“Then do you still have a chance?”

“Stop doubting me! Of course I have. He's a coward. He have the advantage yet miss Hecate is still not his. That kid is cowardly idiot!”

“Right. I saw him used miss Hecate as a shield when Marc punches at him.”

“Good thing I was strong enough to stop myself.”

“Then you should take her for yourself as soon as possible hahaha. Who knows what he'll do to her.”

You have a point.

He might not be able to hold his lust in sooner or later and ends up assaulting miss Hecate.

I can't allow that to happen!

She's mine to eat.

“I'll follow them.”

“What? Do it next time. We'll still play!”

“That's not important!”

“What do you—Hey! Motherfucker. Come back here!”

I starts running forward.