

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Prologue: Dreams of the distant Past

Whoo" I sighed as I stare at the endless void,

Concepts like time and space itself melts and cease to exist here

Why?" He wonders

Why is he alive or maybe not

"It seems like im not moving or rather I cannot move" its obvious as space and time here doesn't exist yet his conciousness still lingers

Supposedly anything that was send outside of their "narratives" simply ceased to exist as they will be devoured by the primal nihility, their history, self and conciousness melted and combined with the nonexistence

He(mc) wonders how much "time" has passed before he was just send into this "place" yet no matter how much he counts he keeps on forgetting the second that he tries to remember

Yet he still remembers his past before he was here

He was just a normal highschool kid maybe a bit of a nerd as he liked things related about the universe

He is also a bit of lazy which make him look like a dick to his family

And now he can't see them forever(?)

He wondered about it earlier

Religious people prays and follow commandments and go to heaven while those who revel and bathe in sins will go to hell

Atheist believe that there is no heaven or hell just nonexistence and you "self" ceasing to exist

"Maybe atheist are going somewhere" he thought

Then he thought about his life again

He now regretted that he did not do many things in his life

Yet he can only eat dust

He wonders if he will be stuck here forever…..






He sleeps



And sleeps



He did not care about anything for now

Or why he should care

If there is nothing you could do

Are you motivated to do something new?

Your purpose is irelevant now that you don't exist

Because of existence that you have been given such purpose to go through life

Buy what if it's the reverse

The You don't exist

That is his dilemma

He doesn't exist yet his conciousness still lingers in this eternal void

A contradiction

A paradox

As such with no task


Suicidal and psychotic  tendencies

Thirst for something new

The need of life

The guilt of being unfullfiled


All of it stuck in one point in his soul

Ohh I forgot to tell you

He is just a soul

A translucent wisp in the vast oblivion








During his "sleep"

He can hear something


Concepts like sounds simply gets devoured by the void

He opens his "eyes"

The eyelids crack and found a light pass through his spiritual retinas

It should be imposible

How could light exist here

Then when he opens it fully

He was baffled by what he was seen

There is a light

It seems to be going in straight line

Wait no…

iT seems to be bending in all of directions

Now its moving chaotically

Swirling spiral

Upside down sphere

Circle shaped square

Its shape contorts into something that humanity cannot comprehend

But he is different

Rather than madness

He is in glee

Maybe this is his chance

Maybe this light is his saviour

So he didn't care

Using his metaphysical hands to touch it

He wants to reach for it

Like a moth attracted to a flame

And so he tried

But he remembers that movement is useless here

Yet he hope

And hope

And hope

And he moves

He did not notice it until now

Something impossible

Moving in something which space doesn't exist

Because of a desire

a desire as bright as the light that he wish to touch

a desire imeasurable

and that is

"to live"

It took a second till he reach it

Finally close to his palms

Then he touch it

Something happens

The erratic like shines brighter than before

Till it washes over his existence

And so our mc disappeared from the void

lIke a melody carried by the wind