

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 6: Calm before the storm but I am the storm


"You must improvise, Adapt,

and overcome"

- Connor Mcgregor


|Kuroko Household|



After the annoying events that happened yesterday.

Our mc finally woke up from his slumber,

 He made his breakfast and then wash himself

 Then he remembered that  the 4th grail war is almost close (5 Months left)

"It's almost time for the 4th grail war"

He smirk


He thought of speedrunning the war itself

" -Solve the emiya family issues

   - Kill a sadistic priest

  -Save a Certain purple haired kouhai from her fate and then nuke that old man with a worm crest

  -Try to find caster and question him about the things from the beyond as he wondered about the possibility of his origin being lovecraftian in nature

  -Destroy the grail in outer space so it will not leak the mud "

 After thinking all of this he made another plan

The plan to make a debut to the supernatural world.


He then notice something

His mind seems to be clearer and it feels like he can easily comprehend things

He thought about it for a millisecond

Then concluded

"My mind seems to be thinking more freely,

Reaction time seems to be faster than Yesterday.

Hmm? I can also remember easily now

And the memories don't easily disappear

And I can easily make them reappear"

He tried to test this newfound ability

He seems to be able to split his mind and create predetermined orders to other split mind

He can also speed up his thoughts due to the mind upgrade

He thought of a reason on how this happen

Then after a millisecond he finally have his answer

"My origin upgraded my mind itself"

to be honest its quite scary even for him..

His growth that is.

He didn't dwell on it too much and just casually walks on the city while thinking with his newfound mind powers to create new possible applications for all his abilities.


|A while later|

|Fuyuki city|


Hanten is now chilling in a bench

While petting a random cat that was sleeping in his thighs

He can even feel it purring.

He then thought of training again

But this time..

"I also need to temper my body to make sure it adapts to my powers"

If his origin can improve and grow anything that is related to himself

It means that he can also improve his Physique

He is also curious about the world and the universe as a whole

So he plans on adventuring the planet and then the cosmos during his training

"I will only travel the solar system for now"

 As he looks at the sky with his slightly glowing eyes

After he finished all his plans he finally goes back home


|Kuroko Household|

He finished his dinner and shower then finally doze off in his bed earlier than usual.

After all he is excited for tomorrow…




|Kuroko household|

|before Dusk|


We can see Hanten in his newly made suit made of graphene

Because of it the color is normally black

He could've change the colors but he is fine with what it is.

(Mini Kim Kibong Suit from limit breaker)


He then tried to take his dna

And then use the surroundings to make a flesh clone of himself.

After that he touched the clones forehead and push in a split mind of himself

The eyes of the Hanten clone open

He made a clone for a reason..

so that his school will not be suspicious of his disappearance

And also for Spying on what is going on in the city because of his leave

He made sure the clone can use quantum manipulation to give him information no matter how far Hanten and his clone are.(Quantum entanglement)


"You already know the reason why I made you."Hanten said

"Don't worry boss" the clone saluted

Its quite hilarious as the clone is just a small piece of his mind

The clone then started doing his work

Eating,Cleaning,then school he watched and then….


 "Its time" Hanten sighed

He did not carry bags with him as he can just easily create anything

Then Hanten levitated and flown upward

He made sure to reflect all the photons so that he will be invisible

|He didn't try to use the Dimension shift as it get it the way of his vision

Just imagine everything you see are see through (like human insides) and it annoyed him|


Wind brush past his face as he see the city below him along with the sun slowly rising in the east.

"Beautiful" he muttered

The Ocean reflecting the morning rays of the star that they are orbiting making a kaleidoscope of colors.

He then stop looking at the view although he wished to stay and watch it.

Flying with the max speed of .99 the speed of sound

He then rise even higher till he can the clouds go pass him


He can sense the temperature getting lower as he rise up

He even felt liquid build up and pass through his face then immediately turning into steam due to friction.

He did not stop rising and eventually reach the next atmosphere layer 50 Kilometers up

He felt uncomfortable due to the changes in the atmospheric temperature


It contains much of the ozone in the atmosphere. The increase in temperature with height occurs because of absorption of ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun by this ozone. Temperatures in the stratosphere are highest over the summer pole, and lowest over the winter pole.

By absorbing dangerous UV radiation, the ozone in the stratosphere protects us from skin cancer and other health damage.

He can sense the UV bombarded his skin

Supposed that if a normal human would be in his place their skin would heat up which is dangerous while the UV will cause health defects

But he is Hanten

Instead of the UV rays giving him cancer

His body seems to adapt to the radiation becoming immune to it

Heck it even made his body stronger

"So This is how superman feels" as he contracted his arms and made a t-pose

Feeling the dose of radiation fueling his growing body.




He then move upwards continuing his pursuit into the highest atmosphere.

Due to his body growth earlier he can now keep up at supersonic speeds

Flying and passing through

The mesosphere…

Then Thermosphere

And then ionosphere




fInally he reached to the place in which oxygen levels are scarce


He can see the sun

Anyone that tries to look into the sun directly would've been blinded

But its Hanten

So he can see the sun clearly

He can also see the photons it created..

 photons that are created by the sun 8 minutes before it pass his cornea

He tried to Zoom in to the core of the yellow star

Seeing particles collide due to gravity and pressure creating energy

He can see the nuclear fusion clearly.

He then move his eyes and viewed the other terrestrial planets and gas giants




"Asteroid belt"



"Uranus" He giggled a bit remembering the humor of his past life


Then The "Kuiper belt"

He miraculously see the small dwarf planet called pluto along with its moon that's almost similar to his size named charon

He zoomed even further and then see the 'Oort cloud' encompassing everything in the solar system

He whistled at the sight

While his city is described as beautiful (bias because he was born there)

The solar system has its own kind of beauty…

Something Eerie, Ethereal and also Mysterious.

After he revel on the view

He then viewed earths satellite

The "Moon"

The satellite itself is pretty far

Far enough that  planets can fit between the Earth and Moon at the average separation distance too (384,400 km), but you have to tilt either Jupiter or Saturn to fit them

Its also due to the "Moon" or precisely its "Type/Ultimate one" that we have our dead apostles today

Over four thousand years ago

Due to humanities progression it slowly corrupted the planets environment

It "Moon" made a deal to allow for him to live on the Earth in exchange for protection against human corruption. The planet, unable to use a mirror to reflect itself, is unable to set its own standards, so only another celestial body is able to understand the death of a celestial body. True Ancestors based in his image were created as a natural protective system for the Earth, and were set to return it to its natural state.

True ancestors are what you call Spirit Vampires and serves as the planets(earth) sense of touch

Weird because they do not need to suck someone's blood unlike the dead apostles

Like the apostles they can also manipulate the texture of the planet(Marble Phantasm)

But they are almost extinct due to the rebellion of the apostles that was once their servants (Kind of like the greeks gigantomachia)

So most of them perish…




After His memory explaination

He tried to see the earth that is below him

"I will focus on earth for now"

For now he will focus on his planet

He then flown on a direction of different continents….



|Timeskip|[Two months]

|Mariana Trench|

Hanten has his eyes close

Seemingly focused on something

Until you zoom out and see that he is meditating

On a steaming rocky terrain

Lava seems to flow out of the crevices of rocks hitting the water creating small explosions.

It then cooled down.

Hanten did not even flinch at this kinds of explosions

But rather just calm and serene

Just like a certain enlightened one.

Mariana Trench

an  oceanic trench  located in the western Pacific Ocean, about 200 kilometres (124 mi) east of the Mariana Islands; it is the deepest  oceanic trench on Earth. It is crescent-shaped and measures about 2,550 km (1,580 mi) in length and 69 km (43 mi) in width. The maximum known depth is 10,984 ± 25 metres (36,037 ± 82 ft; 6.825 ± 0.016 mi) at the southern end of a small slot-shaped valley in its floor known as the  Challenger Deep  ,If Mount Everest were placed into the trench at this point, its peak would still be underwater by more than 2 kilometres (1.2 mi).


Hanten himself is meditating at the bottom of the deepest trench on the planet.

At the bottom of the trench, the water column above exerts a pressure of 1,086 bar (15,750 psi), more than 1,071 times the standard atmospheric pressure at sea level. At this pressure, the density of water is increased by 4.96%. The temperature at the bottom is 1 to 4 °C (34 to 39 °F)

The pressure is comparable to 120 school busses

At this pressure any air filled crevice of the human body would collapse in the blink of an eye. Lungs filled with air would collapse and the bones would crush.

Yet he is unfazed.

Its because he already adapted to the pressure.

How does he breathe?


He doesn't need to

Adaptation is bullshit that he doesn't need sustenance to live

Even if he did not adapt

He can just split the atoms of the waters and create a pocket of oxygen in his nose and mouth

Hanten finally opened his eyes.

He then stands up(?) At the rocky terrain

Then look up to the dark ocean that surrounds him

He then Disappeared




|West Pacific ocean|

He then pops up into the stratosphere

Via quantum tunnelimg

He firstly look at the sun

And then finally flown in a certain direction.

He seems even faster than before (Approximately mach 200)

 He copied the ability of the apostle that he killed 2 months before (He took his inertia and friction)

But its just his normal flying speed

He can still fly faster

Just minutes and he will be at his destination

So I will give you a short explanation om what happened in the past two Months

After circling around the world many times

He then visits continents and also enjoyed the view of tourist spots

He then walk on dangerous places so that he can adapt to certain environment

These places are:


Antartica|Eastern atlantic plateau

-Cold resistance and super speed

•Ran naked on the place

•After running in circles on the plateau he then ran throught the sea with sheer speed to move to the island of Hawai'i

Hawai'i Island|Kīlauea/Central volcano

-Greater heat resistance and Sustenance

•5 days of running on the sea he finally reach his destination, after that he goes to a volcano and tried drinking and swimming on lava

New Zealand|Ancient sunken continent/Zealandia

-Super strength and greater telekinesis

• Dug into the bottom of the ancient continent and then use his telekinesis to stop the breaking and making of tsunami and other natural disasters.

• Use the New Zealand along with its sunken continent As Gym weights and making the people panic due to their country seemingly rising and then descending(Happened continuously for 3 days). Due to this many conspiracies pops up, famous ones are that  the apocalypse is starting while some believe that a giant sea creature that is living at the bottom of their country is finally awakened

And the Finally…

West pacific ocean| [Mariana Trench/Challengers deep]

-Pressure resistance and night vision

• Flown at the bottom of the trench and meditated there for a week

• Due to light not entering the bottom of the sea he adapted to the dark environment

• Devoured armored(adapted to pressure) Megalodons, and adult bigfin squids which are 10 times bigger than the larval counterpart.



Finally he reach his destination

|South America|

[Unknown Mountains]


Hanten then flown back to the ground and then walk to a certain direction

A cave

He then entered

The cave seems to be going deep into the mountain..


He strolled without care till he reach the place in which weird crystals form on the sides

Hanten felt  like he entered a foreign atmosphere

"The place has different atmospheric composition"

Humans cannot survived if place in this type of atmosphere

He walk even deeper

At the same time the amount of crystal growth finally devoured the passage of the cave

He then stopped.

He looks at the hole which if entered has a giant cavity inside

He then move again



Finally entering the the cavity he what he sees mesmerized him

The ground seems to shimmer like stars and space

He can also see trees and flowers but instead they are made of rainbow crystals

He strolled to the place again.

He touched the crystals and then Zoom to its atomic structure

He laugh slightly at the impossibility that he seen

"The flowers are like minerals in nature but they seem to be alive(?) Like flowers from earth but they do not absorb sunlight?

instead of taking photons they seem to exude a gas similar to this unique atmosphere"

He concluded that the crystal flower along with other life here change the very fabric of reality.

He then moved to his supposed destination

And he found it.

A Spider so large that its comparable to a big house.

It also has a giant saucer at its back

It exudes shades of  light-green energy from its body

Ultimate ones truly live up to their title.

"His presence alone distorted part of this reality to the point that his body is having a gravitational lensing effect"

The spider is the cause of all of the change in this place.

The atmosphere along with its life shaped into what the spider wants.

Even space was not spared

He can sense the spatial fabric seemingly torn apart and was created anew to what the spider wished it to be.

An absolute monster

"So This is ort when its not nerfed, Huh?" Hanten remembered a lostbelt where this thing is the final boss

And the thing it did during its  nerfed form is already crazy

How about its  prime.

Hanten whistled and then immediately quantum tunneled outside

He doesn't want that thing to awaken this early.

Because of what he have seen

He was determined to trained his powers even more

"I guess its time huh,"

Hanten said as he looks at the sky

"To space we go"

He flown again..


After he left the planet and observed other celestial bodies in the solar system.

He then trained his control over matter and fundamental force in space

Observing each planets has given him new ideas of using his abilities

|Space|[Near the asteroid belt/ almost at jupiter]

Hanten focused

He then point his hand on a certain direction and opens his palms


A giant planet manifested

He then close his palms

And the giant planet disappeared much like it reappeared earlier

He then point his hand at another direction

In that direction a small star spawns

He then flicks and erase it

(no nova  happened due to him erasing the star along with each of its particles)

He did this many times to the point that he don't need to flick or open his palms

Rather he just do it because its cool..


He travelled in and out of the solar system

Finding planets that are not observed by mankind while also seeing other types of creatures living on said planets.

He even observed a primordial black hole grazing the side of the Oort cloud

Changing some orbits of the asteroids and dwarf planets

He then observed all 8 main planets and see that they have different textures which foreign life's can thrive

He also observed each ultimate ones

And see their different characteristics..

Yet they are still monsters no less.

But there is one "type" that he havent see so far

"Where the hell is mercury's strongest being?" Hanten wondered.

He did not dwell on it because he observed that only "Ort" is on planet earth.

He then move to the sun

Scorching heat which can even burn the strongest of metals

The temperature reaching 2 mil °F

And he was it by it directly

Rather than getting disintegrated he instead stretched His body

"I haven't slept since my training"

He then got even closer till he reach the surface

But there is no ground in the sun so instead he just freefall due to the absurd gravity

He pushed his fall even more and immediately accelerated straight to the mantle into the core.

He then yawned and said

"I will leave myself in your care, Sun-chan" he then doze of after months of not sleeping

Millions of particles colliding in the core creating giant nuclear explosions which is where the sun got its energy

He Hanten just doze off in the middle of it all tanking those said explosions.

Even surviving the absurd gravity and pressure.

And the funny thing is

While he survives his body is getting even stronger (Can shrugged of anti-world attacks before he trains in space, now he can shrugged of supernovas in point-blank)




|One month later|

|A day before the 4th grail war|


Hanten woke up due to a familiar tugged in his mind….

His clone.


It then gave him info about the city and the starting of the war.

He then stretched and finally flown out of the sun.

(He used his dimension shift to go faster than light but he wont use it too much as it is an overkill)

"Thanks for letting me sleep inside you Sun-chan"[Author: Ayo! Hol up!]

He then felt the change in himself

His body seems to be more mature than before(looks like 15)

He knew it was the

Effects of time dilation

With his muscular but not overwhelmingly muscular physique (comparable to adam in ror)

He then created a mirror to look at himself

He is even more handsome now…

So handsome that countries will wage war due to his looks

"Sheesh" he looks at himself while trying to pose

He then manipulated matter to hide his naked form(he was naked when he was in space as the armor cannot hold on to his training)

He made a hoodie out of the strongest material that he can make in the solar system

The hoodie is also famous in his past world


Along with a black pants and a pair of "Supreme" slippers.

He is now ready to go back to earth

Carrying along his godly drip

He then quantum tunneled

Sky|Fuyuki City


Hanten float in the sky with his invisibility on

He missed the scenery of his home city


It feels like years since I saw you

The serene view

People and children walking the streets and playing in the park

The cat that he petted months ago seems to have found an owner

"Good for him"

He then communicated with his clone

After that he tunneled through the house

"Welcome back boss!" the clone saluted

"Im back, Good job on keeping everything here" he said

And then he holds the clones forehead

And close his eyes

He then took his split mind and erase his flesh clone

And after that he was flooded by new memories

Memories that have happened these past months

He then smiled and said

"Ready Grail war, here I come"

It was a nice normal day in fuyuki

But it is just the calm before the storm

What would be their reaction if they know that the storm is a 10 yr. old kid



Or maybe cough blood.


We will know it tomorrow when the war starts…


Pls gib stones ('_')