


During one of the brief shifts in the structure, Emery managed to seize an opportunity to probe the souls of the Oculus magus he had captured. Among them, only the full moon magus seemed to possess some understanding of the situation. It became clear that it was indeed their plan to obstruct the high elves from repairing the ruins' core. However, when Emery pressed for the reason behind their actions, only one word escaped his thought: "Resurgence." The dark magus appeared to be waiting for something significant, perhaps a momentous celebration once they achieved their mysterious goal.

As Emery finally emerged from the shifting maze and entered the new area, he maintained a heightened state of vigilance. The new area was filled multiple golden metal pillars of varying sizes scattered about, creating a complex network. Each pillar was adorned with intricate engravings, a testament to the craftsmanship of those who had built this place. Symbols and patterns that appeared both arcane and celestial adorned the metal surfaces. As Emery examined them, he couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for the ancient civilization that had created this awe-inspiring place.

Several miles ahead of him, a fierce battle raged between humans and elves. However, he couldn't detect any of the familiar signatures he associated with Jinkan and the others, leading him to believe that his companions had not yet arrived at this location.

Emery knew that he needed to proceed with caution and gather more information before he could fully understand the depths of the unfolding conflict.

Given the precarious situation, Emery made a calculated decision to infiltrate the ongoing battle without drawing undue attention. He retrieved one of his [Concealment potions], and consumed it carefully. The potion cloaked his magical presence, making him less conspicuous while he employed his [Dark Void] ability—a unique power that allowed him to meld with the shadows and traverse the voids between spaces.

Silently, he slipped into the shadow, his form becoming an indistinct blur as he navigated the labyrinthine pathways toward the battlefield. As he approached, the cacophony of battle grew louder, the clashing of swords and the resonating chants of magic becoming increasingly distinct.

Upon reaching the scene, the full scope of the conflict became clear to him. More than a hundred human combatants clashed fiercely with over three hundred elves, an overwhelming numerical advantage in favor of the elves.

In the heart of the immense chamber stood a colossal crystal, its once pristine surface now marred by ominous cracks. Amidst the fray, Emery's keen eyes caught sight of familiar faces, most notably Loriel Starwind, the high priestess of the Eldamar clan. She led a large assembly of her kin, approximately two dozen high elves worked together in a formation channeling their spirit energy to the crystals while continuously chanting.

The exact nature of the formation eluded Emery's comprehension, but it appear as their goal was to protect the central crystal. The three hundred elves fought valiantly to halt the relentless advance of the human magus forces, who were evidently intent on reaching the crystal. The battle raged on, each side struggling to gain the upper hand in this monumental clash of forces.

Despite their numerical disadvantage, the human forces, predominantly composed of Oculus dark magus, displayed a surprising ability to apply pressure on the elven ranks. This unexpected success was attributed to five dark magus who exhibited powers that far exceeded those of a typical full moon magus.

Emery watched in awe as these five dark magus, clad in armor similar to the one he had previously encountered but in a more advanced state, dominated the battlefield. Their armor resembled dark bone, adorned with menacing, razor-sharp horns that jutted out at intimidating angles.

His earlier probes into the knowledge of the dark magus had yielded valuable information. The power they wielded was known as the [Demonic Transformation], a technique that only the most gifted among Oculus faction could master. What he witnessed now supposedly the third stage of the transformation, a level believed to be impossible to attain without the guidance and assistance of their elder magus. Emery remained patient, perched in the shadows, observing the deadly clash between the elves and the enigmatic group of human magus with whom he had no prior connection. To him, the chaos and destruction of this battle were a form of entertainment, and the more casualties incurred by both sides, the better. He preferred to continue his surveillance until he had gathered more information to piece together the intricate puzzle before him.

It was only when he noticed a small group of elves managing to push one of the formidable dark magus toward a pillar near his concealed position that an idea struck him. Emery seized the opportunity and, with lightning speed, snatched the unfortunate dark magus into the void, leaving the pursuing elves baffled and disoriented as they turned back to focus on the remaining human magus.

A few moments later, Emery reemerged from the void, now dressed in the distinctive attire of the Oculus Magus. A hood shrouded half of his face, concealing his true identity. The allure of their style was too tempting for him to resist as it provided him with an effective disguise.

Concealing himself as one of the Oculus Magus, Emery cautiously advanced toward the battlefield. His proficiency in darkness spells and the formidable [8 Elements Transmutation Technique] at his disposal allowed him to create any formidable combination spell. As Emery drew closer to the battlefield, he witnessed the dire predicament the elves were facing. Many of the high elves had banded together, relying on intricate combined spells to fend off the relentless assault of the dark magus. Their efforts were valiant, but it was evident that they were struggling to hold their ground against the overwhelming power of the enemy.

Among the dark magus, the one who seemed to be in charge raised his voice, his proclamation echoing through the tumultuous battlefield.

"There is no point in resisting, the era of magus is over."

With his command, all five of them unleashed devastating spells that bombarded the elven formations. One of these spells manage to struck the central crystal, sending shockwaves rippling through the entire structure. This time, the tremors were far more intense, threatening to shatter the very foundations of the place.

To be continued