


If Magus Xion had indeed firmed up on his decision, with the power that the man had, he could take off with the crystalized stone and no one on Earth, even Emery himself, would be able to stop him. Even so, the man still let Emery be the one who decided what to do with the stone.

Emery knew that even if he chose to give the stone following Magus Xion's plan to keep him from harm's way, there was actually no guarantee that Grand Magus Zenoia won't seek Khaos on Earth, or worse, harm him as soon as he arrived in the academy.

But even though the outcome for him was very uncertain, Emery agreed to follow his master's plan anyway.

The main reason he accepted the plan was actually not because he was afraid of the future. He was more worried that his master would be in trouble if he returned empty handed.

Therefore he let Magus Xion take the stone with him, somewhat accomplishing what Grand Magus Zenoia task him to do.

Due to the restrictions, Magus Xion had no plan to stay any longer and decided to leave right away. Before leaving, he told Emery that there were many changes within the academy since their departure. That there was too much uncertainty involved for the future of the academy.

"Get strong Emery. That's the only way to survive." said Magus Xion before he flew to the air, traversed through the clouds, and left the planet.

Emery felt countless feelings brew in his heart as he watched his master left. It was unfortunate that he lost the chance to receive a significant raise to his strength from the witch's power; he couldn't help but feel sad about it.

After all, he knew that with how his luck went so far, Hades wouldn't be the first and last magus level opponent he needed to face. There would be many more in the near future, and this didn't even include a grand magus level figure like Zenoia into the equation.

Hence he was eager to continue his training in the khaos space, and continue on his endeavor to reach the 1000 points spirit force milestone. But before he completely engrossed himself into such activity and forgot about the flow of time as he always did, Emery made his way back to Gaia Shrine.

A spatial tear was immediately created by his [Spatial Gate], which Emery quickly entered. When he stepped out, he had arrived in front of the shrine and swiftly entered it.

Seeing him arrive alone, Klea immediately knew that the magus had left.

"From your face.. I can tell it's more bad news, isn't it?" asked Klea with a wry smile when she saw the complicated expression on Emery's face.

Emery took a deep breath before releasing a long sigh as he nodded. When he saw the High Priestess staring at him, he smiled and spoke with a reassuring smile, "At least the threat that Gaia showed to me is basically solved. Brittania is saved and the Sword of Destiny has already been pulled."

Emery was about to enjoy the little accomplishment he managed to achieve when he realized the

High Priestess apparently didn't share his sentiment.

"Am… I wrong?" asked Emery doubtfully, finally realizing that the atmosphere wasn't right.

The expression the High Priestess currently had on her face certainly gave him more concern than necessary. He couldn't help but think of the worst.

She once again spoke to his mind, consolidating him that the threat was not over. In an instant, a shocked look graced Emery's face.

He immediately touched the fabled tree to be sure, and immediately, saw the same vision of destruction and blazing flames burning the Gaia tree.

"What does it mean?" asked Emery in disbelief.

The High Priestess could only dejectedly shake her head at that question. "I don't know, Emery. Even now, Gaia is still silent."

Emery took another deep breath when he heard that. It was true that the vision never explicitly told them that the invasion of the barbarians nor Meave was the 'threat'.

Therefore, he now was once again in a dilemma, thinking about these problems that are haunting the future.

Emery, however, quickly put those complicated matters away for later as his most current concern was the girl that was currently lying in the pond. He approached the pond and his eyes once again looked upon Morgana's body who was submerged in the water.

His heart ached when he saw the pale complexion on her face and her overall pitiful state.

Turning to the side where the High Priestess was standing, Emery asked, "High Priestess, is there really no other way?"

He had heard that Morgana just needed enough time to recover, but it really pained him to see the girl unmoving in the pond as if only her time had stopped.

Emery's mind couldn't hold itself from wandering to the last time they were together, at the three claw island. Remembering everything that had happened there, he couldn't help but think that he had done something wrong that led her to be hurt like this.

Noticing his deep sorrow, Klea opened her mouth.

"May-.. Maybe the Abbot or King Fjolnir has a way to cure her."

Emery's face lit up when he heard Klea's words. But only for a moment as he immediately rejected the idea.

"No.." He said with a helpless sigh. "Removing her from the shrine could be dangerous.. You've heard what Master Xion said before, she just needs time. We should let her heal for a while and not take unnecessary risks."

But then, he sighed. It's just.."

"..It's just my impatience." added Emery.

Hearing Emery's words, Klea approached and entered the pond.

Seeing that, Emery immediately responded by asking, "Klea what are you doing?"

Klea didn't immediately answer Emery. She raised her hand and soon a gentle light appeared on it. She was casting her strongest healing spell [Restoration].

"You heard the magus, a decent academy healer could save her." said Klea without turning her head. "I should try my best."

The spell was able to incorporate itself with the healing properties of the pond as it channeled its effect into Morgana's wounded body. As a result, a bright yet mellow light gradually enveloped her body starting from the place where Klea's hand was.

Klea kept channeling her healing spell on Morgana's body for almost an hour until she finally removed her hand from the latter. When she got out of the pond, Emery could still clearly see the intense perspiration on her face in spite of her drenched body.

Emery could tell that she had been trying her best, but it seemed to have no apparent result. However, he still believed this could be the right alternative way. Hence he looked at Klea and said, "Klea, thank you for coming and helping… I…-"

Klea interrupted Emery before he could say what she thought he would say. "You wanted to return to train in that weird space of yours, didn't you?"

A guilty look could be seen on Emery's face when he heard that. Luckily, he didn't have to feel such emotion for long.

"Don't you worry about me. Go ahead with your training." said Klea with a smile.

Even though she didn't object to his decision, Emery still felt quite uncomfortable.

"What about you..? What will you do while I'm gone?"

"Actually, the High Priestess has offered to help me on improving my water element spells. So I will stay here for a while… if that's alright with you."

A smile bloomed on Emery's face. "Of course! Why wouldn't I?"

After settling the matter here, Emery decided to immediately return to the khaos space because for him at this moment, nothing was more important than becoming even stronger

To be continued