

•THE REVENGE• Theme: Crossing paths with a murderer TAGS»•» Secrets, Death, Betrayal, Revenge, Romance and Envy. ★★★★ Imagine being birthed in a cruel world where killing is your daily food. You don't want to imagine right? Well that's where Damon Salvatore is. A handsome and cold hearted person. He kills with no mercy and he does it only because his father ask him to do it. He was made this way because of his ruthless father. Little Brianna & her twin, wealthy, happy and fulfilled life, taken away by Damon and the ruthless mafia clan grows up and seeks REVENGE but does the merciless behaviors turn upside down? DOES THE MERCILESS BEHAVIORS TURN INTO LOVE? Will she melt his cold heart? EXCERPT: She felt a presence in the room and she looked back to see Damon standing behind her with his hands behind his back. "Sexy devil." Damon walked towards her and she stood up so they were inches away from each other. "How do you do? Mouse?" She said with a smirk Damon punched her, and she retaliated immediately. They fought hard till Brianna was on the ground and Damon was on top of her. "How dare you! Have you lost it!" Brianna snarled. "One day, we'll be in this same position, and you know what? I'll kiss you." He said with a smirk and she pushed him away before standing. Follow this book for further details... I hope you'll enjoy it.

Vera_odigie_20 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 4


Theme: Crossing paths with a murderer

✧ Chapter 4 ✧


"We're sorry Sir" The maids muttered with their heads bowed. The area fell silent as the Don entered abruptly.

"Damon...my boy..." He grinned as he walked towards his son and stroked his hair.

"Yea..." Damon replied as he moved away from his father.

"You know, you always please me Damon. First you brought me the money I've always been dreaming about, and then you had Jake and Blaire gone. What more can I ask? You're already the don around here." He said with a wide smile.

"Yea." He kept answering.

"I need your assistance again my handsome boy." He said and Damon nodded.

"There are new girls in the castle, who are twins, and guess who they are, the children of Jake and Blaire." He said and Damon looked focused on the Jake and Blaire's story.

"They should be your age, and firstly, I want you to try to accommodate them." Don said and Damon rolled his eyes.

"You know very well I wasn't trained like that, Dad." Damon said coldly.

"Try. You can do it. Just be their friend, do things together, but the rule is, don't go deep on the friendship. Else, you and the children, will die." Don said and Damon looked at him.

"You'll kill me?" Damon asked with a smile.

"Then when you guys grow up, you're free to marry them, or make them one of your sex workers." Don said avoiding his question with a shrug.

"I see." Damon said and held tight on his gun.

"I know you'll do it for me my son." Don said and smiled devilishly.

"Sure thing. Good day." Damon said and with that, he walked out of the room. He saw a girl passing and he furrowed his brows.

Arianna turned and saw him standing there. She felt her heart beat as she stared at him.

'He's cute!!' She thought as she kept staring.

Damon continued his walk and he was about to pass her by when she held his arm making him halt.


"Do you want to die?" He asked coldly and Arianna frowned a bit.

"Die?! What do you mean?" She asked.

"Let go of my arm" he snapped.

Arianna got scared immediately and she let go of his arm. He turned to her and stood in front of her.

"You don't want to die right?!" He asked and she shook her head.

"Then stay the hell away from me" he said menacingly and walked away.

Arianna's heart who was beating really fast breathe out.

"I wonder why he's like this" she said before walking to a door. She knocked on the door and after hearing Brianna's voice she walked in.

It was Brianna's room!

"Brianna!!" Arianna called and hugged her sister tight which Brianna reciprocated.

"I don't like this place Brianna, everyone's so cruel!" Arianna said and wept.

"Am sorry. I got you into all this mess by fighting back at home." Brianna said as tears formed into her eyes.

"I know you just had to do it." Arianna said and held her hands.

"Are you hungry?" Brianna asked her twin.

"Yes!" Arianna muttered and wiped her tears. Brianna gave her the stale bread on the table and they both sat down on the bed.

'I miss you mummy!!' Arianna thought as she ate the bread.


Eric was seen sitting down on his bed and he sighed for the uptenth time.

'When will I leave this place?' He thought.

"Brianna!! I hope you and your sister are okay" he said and sighed.

He looked around the place and surprisingly, he wasn't scared. He was only nervous cos he hasn't seen the twins since they were kidnapped.

"I hope you guys are safe" he muttered and the door flew open.

Irene came in and he stood up.

"Come with me! No questions asked cos that'll be the end of you" she said and he rolled his eyes. She walked out of the room and he followed suite.

They arrived in one place and he saw some children of his age crying, some playing and some sleeping.

"Join them!" She said and walked away.

Guards were everywhere holding gun and Eric gulped before going to sit beside someone there.

The girl looked at him and smiled.

"Hi!" She muttered.

"What are we doing here?" Eric asked instead.

"I don't know!" She muttered and he sighed as he stared at the ceiling.


"Don." A guy called.

It was the Don's personal assistant, who he treated differently from the rest of the employees.

"What are we doing about the twins? Are we killing them? Also, what about the boy?" His personal assistant (Ray) asked.

"If you're not dumb, you'll realize that they're gonna be useful. Especially Brianna. She's full of energy, and if she's trained a little bit more, she'll be better than all the trash we have here" Don said with a smirk.

"What about Arianna and Eric?" Ray asked.

"They all will be trained" he muttered and ray nodded.

"Irene!" He called and a tall pretty lady came in.

"Good day Don!!" She greeted with a bow.

"Have you taken the boy to the main room?" He asked.

"Yes boss!" She muttered and he smiled.

"Good now transfer the twins from their room to the main room. Especially Brianna. I want her to be comfortable." Don requested.

"It will be done sir." Irene said and bowed before leaving. She went to the twins and knocked on their door.


"The only memory I have is this tiny picture, I stole it from home." Arianna said as she showed her sister, who was looking sad.

A knock was heard on the door and Arianna hid behind Brianna.

The door opened and a pretty young and tall lady came in.

"Girls! Follow me!" She said but they didn't reply. She started leaving and they hesitated, but followed Irene.

They got to a large room, filled with many kids their age. Some were crying, some fainted, some were still chatting and laughing.

"Where are we?" Brianna asked Irene.

"This is where y'all will be trained." Irene said and Brianna arched a brow.

"Trained for what freaking reason? Ballet? Boxing or what?" Brianna asked and folded her arms.

"Your tongue is a little faster than your age. And it will be cut off in no time. Here, you'll be trained to use what you have, to get what you want." Irene explained briefly.

Arianna could already sense what they were there to do.

"There'll be blood everywhere, but you as a person will get what you want, and be happy." Irene said.

"And won't we be imprisoned?" Arianna asked.

"Something like that will come up, and that's why here we'll be teaching you how to defend yourselves." Irene muttered.

"I don't wanna learn!" Arianna cried out.

"Listen Ari, it'll be better for us, if we listen to her." Brianna said.


"I know you're only trying to honor mum and dad, but we have no other choice now. Look around, is there anywhere we can go?" Brianna said trying to convince Arianna.

"We can run off to Grandma's." Arianna said.

"There's no way I'll live in that old witch's house. We might as well put her in danger by going there. Ari, listen to me." Brianna said.

"I know. I know you're my older sister. I'll listen" Arianna said with a smile.

"No matter what, even if we're separated, know I love you." Arianna said and hugged Brianna as more tears poured her eyes.

"I love you more." Brianna said as she reciprocated the hug.

She allowed the tears to flow freely. They broke the hug and Eric who sighted them got up and rushed to them.

"Brianna!!" He called and she turned around.

A smile lit up her face as she saw him and she hugged him tightly.

"Eric!" She called as tears kept pouring. Eric smiled and hugged her back.

"We're going to kill Eric!! I don't want to do it but I have to" she said on his shoulder and he patted her back.

"It's okay!! I'm supposed to be a doctor who saves lives but I guess I'll be part of those who kills them" he said and they broke the hug.

"It's okay!! We'll be fine as long as we're together" Brianna said and held cupped his cheek.

"You're right!!" Eric said.

"Group hug!!" Brianna said and Arianna joined in the hug.


"Brianna! Brianna!" Rihanna yelled impatiently. She saw her on a mat, doing her morning yoga, with orange juice near her. With her curvy shape, she knelt bending and doing all sorts of flexible exercises.

"Brianna! I've been looking everywhere for you! Your sister is at it again." Rihanna sat tired.

"What was her offense" Brianna sounded rude.

"She killed one of the maids because they spilled juice on her mistakenly." She said and Brianna felt pained a bit but she didn't show it.

"There's no offense." Brianna muttered and Rihanna's eyes widened.

"NO OFFENSE??!" Rihanna yelled.

"Please Rihanna!! I don't want to say anything or do anything that'll hurt you. Let me be please." She said as she let her hair down her shoulders and wore a purple hoodie.

"Your sister killed someone's mother!!! Someone's sister!!! Someone's friend!!!!!" Rihanna yelled again and Brianna was at the point of slapping her but she restrained herself.

"I don't care! I warned you Rihanna. That's strike 2 the next one, I won't hesitate to beat you up" She said and rolled her eyes at her as she left the room in anger.

She bumped into Damon on her way out. He looked at her with so much hatred.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Brianna asked coldly.

Damon didn't even give a reply as he walked away.

"FUCK YOUR MOTHER! SHE'S A BITCH!" Brianna yelled.

"Oops. Am sorry,you don't even have a mother." Damon laughed in mockery without turning back.

Brianna bit her lips in anger, looking enraged. She charged at him but he was quick to turn and a punch to her stomach made her fall to the ground heavily.

"Brianna...." Don who was behind her called.

She bravely got up.

"Yes." She replied coldly.

"Let him be. I have an assignment for you. I have a friend. His name is Charlie. This man, and his wife Dolores, owe me a huge sum of Money. I want you to go to their house by midnight, and kill them both. Kill their three kids, and bring the money" He said and she just stared coldly at him.