
Insanity Part 3

You found yourself in a large room. There were bookshelves on both sides of the walls and large tables with lamps in them in the middle of the room.

    You looked to your left and sae gabriel and two other men, all hovering over your small form. You looked up and noticed that one of the men had long brown hair, and the other had bright green eyes.

"Sam, Dean? Wow, puberty did a lot on you guys, haha."

"Ok y/n, uh you know hoe to use a gun right?"

"Of course! Why?"

"Well, we might take you on a hunt."

"Oh, thats cool, ive been on many hunts, my parents dont know but I sneak out at night and take down demons and sometimes leftover leviathans."

"By yourself!?"

"Yeah, im pretty badass."

"Ok then..."

You smiled as Sam and Dean led you to a room with a small bed, a tv, and a bunch of porn magazines. You looked at Dean and he just shrugged. You decided to look through the magazines, and you cut out whatever flowers of jewelry you could find that the busty asian beuties were modeling with, you taped them up on your wall, and smiled to yourself, together it looked like a large boque of flowers and pearls and stuff, no naked women.

     You then searched around your closet, and found some white paint and paintbrushes. You headed to the kitchen, which was thankfully down the hall, and grabbed some blue food coloring and added it to the paint, making a baby blue color.

     After about three hours of painting your room, Dean came in and seemed impressed. You were on top of your bed, which had a dark blue cover, and were reading a book you had found on wendigos.

"So, you already moved in."

"Yep, I am staying just so you know."

"Well, we will see. Sams got a hunt, its vampires, you wanna come?"

"Yes!!! Dont worry I know about vampires!"

"Ok then, get ready."

You pulled up at a old house and you scanned it. Based on the fact that there were several rooms poorly lit, there were about 3-4 vamps, and based on the missing reports sign you had seen on the way there, about three victums, maybe being turned.

"At the most there are 4 vamps, exactly 3 victums, maybe being turned."

"Uh, ok, how do you know?"

"Really want me to explain that or are we gonna gank these sons of bitches."

You walked up to the house behind the boys, and came out bloody, while the boys were beaten up pretty badly. You decided you would drive home, even though you never had, you did a pretty good job, even Dean seemed impressed.

4 years later...

"Alright y/n, we got another hunt, wanna take this one?"


You smiled. Ever since you had joined the boys in this dimension, you had become one of the best hunters in the universe, even the King of Hell was scared of you.

     You had enjoyed your time there, and hoped you would never leave, this was where you were meant to be all your life, and you knee it.