
Ōetsu Nimaiya - The Crafter

The classic set-up. Death -> Wishes -> Reincarnation -> Lots of drip and cool crafts and the like. The plot follows Ōetsu Nimaiya who has the two Meta Essences: the Crafter, for obvious reasons and the Mad Doctor, to spice things up. He will craft and show the world what it truly means to be the Number One Zanpakuto Creator!!

Cedric_7512 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Master's Hammer

Surprise Chapter and it is a good one ... in my opinion.


(Oetsu POV)

So let me think about what changes I want to implement to my version of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

The Layout:

I don't have anything against the layout of the HTC. I could care less how it looks anyway and as long as the door or any other facilities don't break, I am happy. 

The size of the HTC is another matter. I am also interested in making it infinite but the question is ... is that necessary? I mean it is certainly nice to have but how will I achieve this?

The best way to go about it would probably be to have space-time be created slowly and then just let it increase forever. That way I could make it appear as if it was infinite. 

But more on that later. For now, let us talk about the next topic.

Time inside:

I have no interest in having any form of limit when it comes to the duration I can stay inside the HTC. If I want to I should be able to stay in there for a century.

The weird limitation of only being allowed to stay in the Chamber for two years and then the door being sealed is stupid. I will test out my creations in there so I will want to have as much time as I wish and not stress due to time limitations.

And then we have the maximum amount of times that the Chamber can be used. First, it was two times, then it seemingly increased and we're now at least five. 

I don't want to think about this. I will use it when I want, how long I want and that is that. 


I am thinking of not putting anything in the HTC really. If I want to eat, I can go outside to have Kikimaru give me something. I am now immortal ... there is no longer a need for sustenance. 

As for sleeping, it is the same. I am now immortal. My vitality is so high that I can hardly get tired anymore. I can still sleep if I wish, but it is technically not necessary.

Anything else I might need, such as tools or ingredients or things of the sort, I can just modify Tsumo to be able to teleport inside the HTC or create an entirely new Zanpakuto that can summon things from my storage. 

Or ... I do something else entirely and move all of the things in my storage inside the HTC. I could have the door sealed so that not even Ichibe can get in ... food for thought.

Time difference:

What I want for a minimum time difference is the 365.24 version. I will try to increase this as much as possible if I can. And I know that I can. It is all a question of time. 

I used a lot of time to research and create all the things that are needed for the Eight-Handled Wheel (or EHW). Now we are already at the 1000 year before canon mark and I still have so many things to do. 

So the more time I can cram into the HTC, the better. 


Let us talk about the conditions in the HTC. The gravity should be increased. I want to have the gravity constantly increase the further away from the centre you go. 

I don't care for 10g. That's nothing in the grand scheme of things. After I fuse with the EHW, I will adapt to those meagre 10g in a flash and then need higher g's. 

So that is definitely something I will change. Gravity will gradually increase the further away you go.

Now for temperature. In the original the temperature in the training area fluctuates rapidly, ranging between a freezing -40 °F (-40 °C) and a scorching 122 °F (50 °C).

That is nice and all but I want this to be controlled at first. I will want to have something that can control this and set the temperature to 1 million °C or 0 Kelvin. 

The chaotic part can come later and I welcome the rapid changes in temperature. It will add to the overall maddening effect. 

The air pressure is low and grows increasingly thinner the farther away you go from the centre. That is what I have in mind. This will continue until there is no air left and I have created a form of vacuum.



So what will my finished Hyperbolic Time Chamber look like? 

The look will be similar to the original. I will have a small central station right next to the door where I will install a computer. I will be able to remote control this computer with my mind when I have the Nanomachines after the fusion.

This computer will be able to control all the phenomena in the Chamber, such as temperature, air pressure, gravity and anything else. 

When I have fused with the EHW, I will be able to gradually walk farther and farther away from the centre. Gravity will increase, the temperature will become more and more chaotic and the air pressure will decrease.

The durability will be immeasurable because it will be a separate dimension. I will be able to do all sorts of tests in there. 



(3rd Person POV)

Time passed after that. The first Quincy war happened and just like in canon, Yhwach and most of the rest of the Quincy died. The fierce Shigekuni Yamamoto with the band of killers that called themselves the Gotei 13 defeated the invaders without the Zero Divison having to step in.

But that didn't mean that Oetsu didn't use this chance to feed his Hogyoku with powerful Quincy souls. He was still feeding the Hogyoku over the years and was close to finishing up with everything. 

So before finishing up with the last pieces that he wanted to feed the Hogyoku, he began another project. 

He is in the process of crafting ... the Bow and Arrow from JoJo. When a living creature is pierced by one of the Arrows, it will catalyze and awaken the individual's dormant Stand. 

Now what is a Stand? 

A Stand is a visual manifestation of life energy or in other words, the manifestation of the soul of the user. Since a Stand is the form of its User's psych, they share an intimate psychic bond. Stands are also shown to protect their users in certain instances.

This is a power that Oetsu can only profit from. BUT ... he will not allow his Stand to become sentient in the form of going against his wishes. 

It was the same when he created Kikimaru. Oetsu wanted a powerful Zanpakuto that had been combined with a Hollow. But he didn't want the Zanpakuto to behave like a Hollow or disobey him. 

So Oetsu had to once again make sure that the stand, even if it was sentient, would obey him, no matter what he told it. Stands protected the users and Oetsu liked that about Stands. 

Of course, there are always exceptions but having a Stand protect you, was something Oetsu was interested in. He also felt that his Stand would help him in all of his endeavours. Like fighting and crafting or forging.

The reason the Arrows can awaken Stand abilities is because the meteorite the Arrows were made from was host to an alien virus. The virus is a merciless one, with most people who contract it dying. 

However, a small number of people possess an abstract trait that allows them to survive, and as if to reward this trait, the individual's Stand is manifested. 

Oetsu had of course no interest in infecting himself with a virus of unknown origin and abilities. He was all for the controlled environment. And he already had viruses that he was going to bond with after he fused with the Eight-Handled Wheel.



So what Oetsu did was first craft the Bow and Arrow out of the meteorite, which he could just conjure through his Essence. 

After he made the Bow and Arrows, Oetsu began to experiment on the meteorite and the effects the virus had. He was very thorough in his work. The virus would be destroyed after he found out what it did. 


This took Oetsu a few days. He was so far ahead in biochemistry that this virus could never hope to challenge him. 

Oetsu found that the virus modified the DNA of its victims to produce an amino acid that emitted a lot of spirit energy. This spirit energy served as a spark that either got absorbed by the human and then formed its own Stand ... or it killed them because the energy had nowhere to go.

For Oetsu this works a bit differently. The Bow and Arrow would not even have worked for him. The amount of spirit energy the amino acids produced was far too little to create a stand for him because his own Spirit energy would drown it out and destroy all of these amino acids.

So Oetsu simulated the process by cultivating the virus and collecting the amino acids in large quantities. He used his new favourite tool the Duplic-8-inator and then quickly got to humongous amounts of them.

He used another device called the Reishi sealing device that Mayuri Kurotsuchi would create in the future and set the timer to 24 hours. 

This would now collect the specific type of spirit energy from the amino acids for an entire day and then explode. 


So the next day Oetsu got ready and set the Reishi sealing device in the designated slot in his Chamber and then got in once again. Just like he did when he injected the Immortality potion.

The moment the 24 hours were up, a massive spirit energy wave exploded out of the device and was directed into Oetsu. 

He could feel it filling him up and then ... a spark ignited and he felt a new sensation. It was like his head seemed to clear up and he felt something new had been added. 



(Oetsu POV)

I got out of the Chamber and once again checked myself out under the Med-Scan. 

|| Status

- Abnormality found -> Soul has been massively strengthened and has gained simple sentience. 

- More tests are required.

- No mutations found

- Health: prime condition ||

It would seem that my Stand has awakened. Well then let me have a look at it. 

I willed my Stand to appear and I am ... surprised at what I see. 

The temperature spikes and rises to multiple hundreds if not thousands of °C.

The materials begin to heat up and the automatic cooling that acts as a fire extinguisher activates and cools the room down. 


I stare at a monstrous humanoid. I know its name instinctively and I must say ... it fits. 

[Master's Hammer]

"Master's Hammer" is a Stand that takes the form of a towering, humanoid figure adorned with blacksmithing tools and a blazing forge for a head. Its appearance is imposing and ripped, with fiery magma constantly emanating from its body and dripping on the ground.

I can feel the sheer power that it holds in those muscles and the magma. 


What a beast this is. And Master's Hammer's power is also ... seriously impressive. Master's Hammer has the power of 'Creation'!!

This power has many similarities to the Giant Clan from 7 Deadly Sins. 

This power enables me to control and shape the earth or anything I stand on as I please, which includes raising the ground in the form of towers, and bending and creating all metals that I have 'consumed'.

What does 'consumed' mean? Well, Master's Hammer is like a blank piece of paper. He has indeed power right now, but this is his original state. The forge that is his head, is there to consume things. 

This can be all sorts of metals or other materials to build things. Whatever Master's Hammer has consumed, he can create ... infinitely!! That's right, my Stand has the creation hax.

Do I want to make a prison that is nigh unbreakable? Well don't worry I feed him Adamantium and depleted Prometheum ONCE ... and he can create it for me. The sheer versatility of this is ... beyond broken. And I LOVE it!!

Master's Hammer is also able to turn his body into any metal he has consumed, thus increasing his mass and enabling him to use the resulting increased gravitational force in attacks...


But that's not all!!

Master's Hammer is a blacksmith at heart and that means that similar to my Zanpakuto, "Master's Hammer" can refine and enhance its own and others abilities. With each refinement, it gains increased density, power, and durability or whatever I wish to upgrade.

It is also able to gain new powers whenever I wish, due to the Essence of the Crafter. And you can believe that I am going to give my Stand the abilities of other powerful Stands ...