
Chapter 348 – Purple Hyena VS Feathered dragon – Part 9.

"Shit!" – said GreyHunt as he dodged the spear that almost hit him right in the face before then hitting the monster spear away with his sword blade and then using his other hand to shot at the antman with his gun, hitting him right in the chest with the explosive burst of the demonic energy, but not killing the monster.

GreyHunt tried aiming with his second gun quickly at the monster, but GreyHunt was forced to quickly raise up his guard with his two extendable sword blades to block an incoming axe that hit him and pushed him away.

"Damn!" – said GreyHunt as he quickly stooped himself from being pushed before then leaping away as the new antman variant with a great axe came towards him and swung it at him.

(Okay. Those guys are definitely strong.) – though GreyHunt as he saw 3 new variant of the antmans in front of him that stood over 3 or maybe even 4 meters tall.

[Crumbling Earth - Brown Antman Prince]

[Level 580]

(Prince, huh?)