
Chapter 29

(A/N : This is a chapter which can be termed as a turning point. I know I might lose readers but I don't regret writing this chapter. Even with all the plot holes, poor dialogue, lack of a genuine plot, cringey chapters, numerous inconsistencies, lack of planning and the myriad of flaws I know this book has, I still want to finish this.)

It was the day Sirius and Amelia were going to arrive. I had barely 4 or 5 hours left to formulate a plan to deal with Amelia because I was too busy regulating my powers to avoid murdering someone and getting shocked (or as shocked as someone who has almost Max Lvl Occlumency can be) at my utterly ridiculous abilities once I stopped to contemplate my power levels. I wasn't complaining, but it still made me cautious regarding my overpowered capabilities since I didn't do much to earn them. Whoever gave them to me certainly did so for a reason and I hoped for the umpteenth time I got these 'gifts' simply because some god was bored and not because a godly being actually wanted something from me.

Well, I would cross that bridge when I came to it. Shaking my head a little to clear my head, I resumed my walk to the Hogwarts Library like I was doing for the past few days. I was also inadvertently terrifying myself by creating a mental list of my capabilities mainly because the consequences of such easy power refused to leave my mind. Huh, I guess that topic would remain at the forefront of my mind until I managed to find a reasonable reason for it to not interfere with my daily life. Which was kinda hard when I had no idea why I was so powerful, let alone why I was chosen (fingers crossed for the 'random guy' reason) and those said abilities were being documented like a pro by my mega-chad brain.

I was 11 (around 29, if you count my mental age as well) and I was more powerful than Voldemort and Dumbledore combined in terms of sheer power, both physically and magically. (Though I would still lose almost every time if I were to battle them, they weren't hailed as the greatest Dark and Light Lords respectively for nothing)

Magic was my bitc-, I mean it was basically my servant. I could manipulate any spell like I wanted to and create new spells in seconds. The rules of magic did not apply to me. To me magic was truly the epitome of wish-fulfillment, I could simply wish what I wanted to do! My very existence made the presence of any form of skill in the possession of any wizard non-existent.

The fact that I had a plot armour thicker than Harry Bloody Potter and that was saying something, considering the amount of shit that dude survived, was simply mind-boggling. My life before I entered Hogwarts was way too convenient. Once again, I wasn't complaining I was just listing things to add to my growing horror.

My brain was way too advanced in terms of taking in magic and knowledge in general to the point it felt freaky. On the other hand, regarding planning or thinking or general human tasks I wasn't as much of a genius, more of a somewhat above average guy.

The Integrator Spell was too overpowered and too convenient. I mean, there were no 'side-effects' because a part of the spell did that for me! Instead of getting 100% of the traits of my target along with a (probably) nasty side effect, I would get 50% of the traits with no side effects and the remaining 50% would be considered as a sacrifice to 'balance' things! The fact that I had a black box with the same spell that I was 'developing' since I was young suggested more mind-tampering and the fact that I once again felt nothing regarding that information could be attributed to some more mind-tampering. Seriously, with the amount of mind-tampering I had faced it was a miracle I was still sane..or was I? Looking back on it, I don't suppose I would be considered perfectly..normal..but then again magic is the definition of abnormal and so whether or not I was normal was irrelevant.

Now, I was happy that I was a very OP guy who would be able to rule the world in about 2 years time if I wanted to (gotta get that experience and gear y'know) but once again, the price of these ridiculous abilities terrified me. Hmm, I suppose I could just enjoy my power while creating contingency plans for my inevitable encounter with the being responsible for putting me into this world with god-like (relatively speaking) abilities. Yeah, I guess I would do that. No, I will do that. Even if Dumbledore could beat me, he couldn't kill me or turn me into a mindless drone so why was I so afraid? Was it due to another instance of mind-tampering or was this something that I had to attribute to my actual self? I didn't know and I didn't care.

Removing my pitiful mental self-restrictions (if they could even be called that) I walked to the library with a spring in my step to absorb more knowledge. Sure, I could learn, manipulate and create spells in the blink of an eye but still I needed to know what exactly I wanted the spell to do and for all my knowledge and imagination, I wasn't omniscient so it would be prudent to gather as much knowledge as possible from the treasure trove that is Hogwarts. For some reason, I felt as if my brain was operating even better and my second Mind was positively racing. My mana circulation had never been better and I was feeling peachy.

For the first time since I came to this world, I took a break (figuratively speaking, since I was still going to the library) and just did what I wanted to. I no longer had any qualms regarding the acquisition of my power, or the messing of the timeline or the consequences of me not holding back. Politics and such things would have hindered me if I actually had something that the foolish purebloods could take advantage of. But unfortunately for them, they had no hold or information over me. All my money was in Gringotts which was neutral, those goblins wouldn't interfere in the politics of wizards, or in the muggle world, which was 'beneath' the 'noble' purebloods. I had no relatives and any friends I make I won't try to save until I was sure whatever the trap was I could get out unscathed. I suppose public opinion was one thing they could manipulate but I never really cared about what people would think of me, only my childish pact-addled self had those ridiculous notions.

Feeling utterly free, I spent a few hours in the Library, using my book-reading spell liberally to add more to my databank which was almost running out, considering my second Mind was working non-stop on the knowledge. By now, I had no doubt I could pass the theoretical part of most of my N.E.W.T.s with ease. But I wasn't simply aiming for Os, I was aiming for a grade so high no one could come even close. By the time I sat my O.W.L.s I wanted to publish enough papers to make me a heavyweight in the field of academics, and by the time of my graduation, who knows what else I would be able to accomplish?

I had turned on my detection radar to the max, which could have encompassed the entirety of Hogwarts had it not been for the wards and spells around the ancient school. No matter, I just had to spend a little more mana to subvert those impressive spells and wards and since I wasn't actually casting a spell, just spreading my mana around, it was easy. Linking the work of processing all that data to a part of my second Mind, I marveled at the fact just how much I had been inadvertently holding back, because it cost barely a fraction of my second Mind's computing power to deal with the making of my radar as a passive ability. I was surprised when my GPS spell sort of merged with the radar (I had no idea how it happened, for all I know it might as well be magic) and thus I had a Marauder's Map permanently linked to my brain. Pretty cool.

I now had a new goal, see just how much more I could grow. I wanted to see what my limits were (if I even had them was another matter) and as a side note, investigating my situation as a reincarnator (it could be the brain in a jar scenario but for the sake of my innermost wishes, I was going with the transmigration route) and creating contingency plans for my inevitable encounter with a godly being seemed interesting enough.

But first, I had to go shock the pants off a dogfather and his companion, the Fierce Aunt.