
Chapter 12

My exhaustion almost completely disappeared when I found a book on Gringotts Laws and it said that the 'restriction' of conversion of currency (100,000 pounds per year) only applied to muggleborn kids under the age of 17. The gall of a bunch of goblins to create that discriminating rule almost made me happy they themselves were discriminated against and considered creatures on the same level as hippogriffs or any other creature Hagrid liked, the keyword being 'almost'.

I then decided to forego rest and rely on magic to stop me from passing out and continued to scan the books, especially ones with transfiguration and healing charms and information. I did find a few handy spells, especially the one I would rely a lot from now on, a restoration spell that worked like the potion on a somewhat lesser level.

I didn't know if my Integrator spell would work like I hoped it would and if my knowledge of transfiguration and healing was enough to take care of any mishaps. However, I remained undaunted and just ignored those thoughts, instead focusing on my new projects, namely my version of the Marauder's Map which would be a spell and occlumency.

I had decided to strengthen my occlumency shields and so I started working on that. I created a dense fort around my Mind made of layers of stones, diamonds, graphenes, granites and other stuff I knew, believed, to be durable, and had set up a veritable army of superheroes that I believed to be strong, namely the 'JAstice LeEgue' and the 'AvengArs', along with machine gun turrets and grenade launchers with unlimited ammunition. Of course, this elaborate setup took quite a lot of time, almost around the time it took me to finish the experimental Integrator spell.

By now I had a massive headache, one which likely wouldn't go away with just my restoration spell, so I decided to rest for a while. After taking a short nap, if you could call a 2 hours sleep as short, I once again felt revitalized.

I resumed my book scanning and that's when I realised, my split Mind part was working even when I was asleep and this blew my mind! This would mean I was actually learning while sleeping and if I didn't literally possess the evidence in the form of a bunch of stuff that I distinctly remembered not having in my brain before I dozed off, I would have never have believed it. The implications of this were enough to let my considerably strong hold on emotions to evaporate and I laughed like a madman for a while. Now that I knew this, I resumed my book scanning with an increased fervor and proceeded to create a spell that would work as a sort of an extremely simplified A.I. which could connect to the warding schemes of an establishment and send me all the information it was getting along with a few it wasn't. My current version of the spell would only work if the warding schemes allowed me access to them as I was nowhere near proficient to force my way through something like that, at least right now.

Thankfully, the Room of Requirements allowed me a more closer access to Hogwarts ward schemes and while I was a total noob in this particular field of magic, that didn't stop me from casting my spell on it and hoping it didn't backfire in some horrible way.

To my utter relief and surprise, the spell worked like a charm. I decided to call it GPS for obvious reasons and decided to test it later, as I wasn't willing to leave the Room of Requirements just yet.

Finding no pressing projects for now, I decided to brush up on my combat skills, while still scanning books, though now I used 'tentacles' to scan multiple books at a go which allowed me full freedom of movement while not letting my practice hinder my devouring of knowledge.

After using my entire repertoire of hand to hand combat backed with the maximum amount of mana I could channel in my limbs before they explode, I found myself exhausted physically but refreshed mentally. Truly, beating up people, even if they are dummies, is cathartic. I practised trying to keep mana channeling active even during combat but it was a lot harder than I imagined it would be. Though I suppose without practice I couldn't magically become the best now could I? Hmm..

Anyways, after suffering a bit under the constant attacks from the dummies, I managed to utilise mana channeling actively, though not at the level I hoped I'd be. My passive mana channeling though was uninterrupted even when sleeping, and by now it seemed to be an involuntary action like the beating of a heart.

When it came to the magical side of combat though, I was very good. Not to brag, but I doubt there were many students who could contest with me, even ones from the different schools like Fleur or Krum.

I even made a game out of destroying the dummies by evaluating my time and then trying to beat my own record. My favourite combat scenario was where the dummies fired spells indiscriminately from all around me and there was no cover anywhere.

I used a lot of different ways to conquer that scenario, and in each of them my detection radar and increased perception of time played a key role.

I used those two to dodge most spells and the ones I couldn't avoid, I blocked, either using my pure magical shield, which was sort of an invisible Protego or tanking it with my body. Yeah, apparently covering yourself with a pure layer of magic makes it hard for the non-lethal spells to affect you much. I wasn't invincible using that though, there was still a limit.

I even tried integrating both styles of combat and the results were...interesting, to say the least. Since I wasn't as depended on my wand as most magicals, I could fight with my fist while casting magic, at least theoretically.

The first time I tried shooting a Stupefy through a punch, I was glad that I was alone because nothing happened. If someone had seen it, they would have become my top priority targets for elimination. Anyways, after a bit of practice, I could cast the Stunning and the Disarming Charm through my punches but they were incredibly weak and wouldn't really help in a fight. The sheer possibility of me performing cool martial arts moves while launching magic though made me increase my intensity of practice.

After my intense training session, I could shoot a normal Stupefy once in 5 chances and an Expelliarmus once in 7. I vowed to become proficient in this new style of combat, that I had tentatively dubbed "Magic Warrior." Yeah, I admit I didn't have a really good naming sense.

Anyways by now I had been in the room for about 25 hours which would mean it was a bit around 3pm for the rest of Hogwarts. 23 hours of straight working though, was enough to put even the best into a deep slumber and that is exactly what I did, because now I knew sleeping was also beneficial to me.

I slept for 10 straight hours and now I felt reborn. My sleep had apparently accelerated my second Mind, and now I had around 30% of the books in my mind fully comprehended. My level in Charms, Transfiguration, Defense Against The Dark Arts, Herbology and Potions had jumped from fourth year level to sixth year, the latter two were even close to the seventh as they had more need of memorization than the others. One book I'd found was on the concept known as magical maturity. Apparently, when a witch or wizard turns 11, their Body, Mind and Soul are in a state of almost complete harmony, which improves their magic capabilities. I hadn't felt anything like that which made me think of it would happen the next year. After all, I'd been in this world for 10 years not 11.

After resuming my book scanning operation, I started to think of things I could do. I wasn't in the mood to create new spells or practice my wandless and non-verbal magic.

Hmm, perhaps I too should build an occlumency memory palace? I didn't need it, actually, but I supposed it would be better than just sitting around scanning books left and right.

So for the rest of time, apart from occasionally taking a break to experiment on some interesting spells, I built a memory palace like structure in the form of a massive library, with a raised dais that had a catalogue and search function for accessing my memory-books, which were carefully sorted and placed. One interesting tidbit that I found was that I could add new memories while building it, and if I practised enough, maybe I'll be able to scan books even in my sleep! That would be amazing now wouldn't it?

By the time I finished it, it was around 6pm for the rest of Hogwarts. But I still had around 5 hours to kill inside the RoR and after a bit of pondering, I started to decide to focus on just mindlessly scanning books, with the entirety of my Mind.

5 hours later, I heaved a sigh of relief and made my way out the RoR, while setting my second Mind back to its earlier function.

'It's kinda magical that this is the exact point where my dream ended now isn't it?' I pondered when I woke up on Sunday....