
Solo Leveling: Infinity (#2)

Red- Fire, burning and raging flames that destroyed the entire west coast of the United States, a gargantuan dragon flew above the city, destroyig everything in it's way- This was the third time she dreamed of this, and she was certain it would come to being! But then she saw something different, normally as the dream would go, she would watch most S-Ranks from America dying before they could kill this dragon, but this time she saw something amazing- A large mountain of ice appeared in front of the S-Ranks, blocking the flames of the dragon, saving the lives of the severely injured S-Ranks. "Huh..." She turned her eyes to stare at the man who was floatig above the battlefield, his body thin and skinny, his eyes glowing with a white color as he turned his eyes to also stare at her, saying: "A seer?" And at that moment she woke up.

It was extremely scary- Because no one before had ever seen her in the future, or looked at her while in her visions.

And that was more than enoguh for her, getting up from her rather luxurious bed, she dialed the number of the man she knew would listen to her: "Mr. Michael... We need to talk." The seriousness of the situation was clear, she had a lot to say.

-Scene Cut-

Meanwhile, Akyathon D'Cophon held out his hand towards the intricate and beautifully carved target dummy that was isolated, since the nearest human settlement was kilometers and kilometers away. "So i can just go all out?" Akyathon chuckled as the Director Hasabuya nodded slightly nervous, remembering the results of his mana reading, where he broke the machine completely. "Yes..." He answered a little uncertain, there was something about that tone or voice that he did not like very much, but he answered nonetheless. "Very well..." From his wheelchair, Akyathon pointed his finger towards the dummy as a giant red magical circle appeared under the dummy, followed by a brown magic circle of the same size appeared on top of the red one, followed by yet another magic circle, this one was blue, and the last one of the same size was a light green.

The entire avaluation team stared in shock as the four circles met it the middle, their mana readers were blasting off signals of a portal opening closely, but they all saw what it was! A single white dot gathered on the dummy, and everything was peaceful- "Destruction." He chanted, and it was like a gate to hell was opened! A giant pillar of magical energy shot to the skies, every single person in the world could see it if they looked up, it was both amazing and very, very scary to look at.

[You Created a New Spell!]

[Please name your spell]

["Destruction"... Spell named successfully registered]

[New Spell Category Created!]


Name: Akyathon D'Cophon

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: Human


[HP: 20/20]

[MP: ???/???]

[SP: 10/10]

Strength: 5 (Body Strength, Weight Carrying)

Endurance: 5 (Pain resistance, physical damage resistance)

Vitality: 6 (Body's resistance to diseases and poisons)

Dexterity: 5 (Flexibility, Nimbleness)

Intelligence: 50 (Memorization, increased mana capacity)

Wisdom: 50 (Experience, Mana Absorption Speed)

Charisma: 25 (Presence, Charm)

Willpower: 30 (Desire, Focus, Resistance to Mental Effects)

Luck: 0 (Luck)

Status Effect: Slightly Severe Congenital Muscle Atrophy & Limb-Girdle gives: [Weak Body]

[Weak Body: Your physical body is severely weak so weak in fact, your heart shouldn't possibly beat without some sort of help- You feel pain constantly from your muscles, bones, lungs, heart, head, stomach, and pelvis.]


[Unique Skills:


Grants infinite MP to the owner of this skill as well as the ability to keep a spell active for as long as you wish- Cooldown or time limit to spell no longer exist for you.]

[Eyes of Mana:

You can see magic itself, magic is but a natural energy from the universe that is neutral in nature, being changed by outside or rarely internal sources. You can see such changes in mana.]

-Passive Skills-

[Internal Mana Control: You can control the flow of mana within you almost perfectly.]


[Mana Spells:

[Mana Arrow], [Mana Lance], [Mana Thread], [Mana Explosion], [Mana Barrier], [Mana Circle], [Mana Living Weapons]

[Summoning Spell:

[Summon Minor Elemental]

[Support Spells]

[Heal], [Strength Up], [Haste], [Power Up], [Burn Booster], [Holy Shield]

[Fire Spells]

[Fireball], [Firebolt], [Fire Storm], [Destroy Flames], [Explosion]

[Water/Ice Spells]

[Water Sphere], [Ice Sphere], [Water Lance], [Ice Lance], [Water Shield], [Ice Shield], [Water Arrow], [Ice Arrow], [Water Walk], [Ice Walk]

[Wind Spells]

[Wind Slash], [Wind Walk], [Tornado], [Vortex], [Wind Arrow], [Wind Shield]

[Earth Spells]

[Stone Bullet], [Earth Spike], [Sandtomb], [Sandstorm], [Quicksand], [Stone Wall], [Magma], [Eruption]

[(New!) Ultimate Spells]


Akyathon smiled at the director that looked at him like he was a monster, and while smiling, he moved his mana internally and focused on the intent of making himself fall asleep- Which happened pretty quickly.

So, what the Director Hasabuya saw was the following- The new S-Ranker absolutely destroy a Magic-Resistant Target Dummy after asking if it was okay for him to go all out, and then pass out. He seemingly used all his mana on that one attack at least! He looked back at where the dummy was, and there wasn't even ashes from it behind, no, there was nothing there at all... Everyone there was silently watching the man who was passed out on his wheelchair, he looked like he was having sweet dreams, because there was a shadow of a smile on his face.

-Scene Cut-

The world was in an uproar, everyone was curious about what that white light pillar was, some said it was an S-Rank Gate that opened in Japan, while others said it was someone- But that option was immediately shut down, no one could do something like that, right? As it turns out, two days after, it was revealed by the World's Hunter Association that the white pillar they all saw was a powerful spell that was cast by the new S-Rank: Akyathon D'Cophon, who had a rather unique name. Everyone was curious about him, everyone wanted to know more about him, and it was easy to find about his appearence and history! He was the heir of a multi-million dollars company after all, the man was handsome, charismatic, and powerful!

So, like the internet usually does, there were people simping for him. Men and women alike, which was really flattering- then his medical condition was brought up, which wasn't something rare exactly, but rather uncommon. Like there were people who went into a coma after mana was introduced into the world, there were some people who suddenly got severely sick, and such thing was due to Magic awakening or accelerating the disease in their body, which is what happened to Mr. D'Cophon. Then came the polemics and powerplays from the USA, where everyone found out that Akyathon D'Cophon registered in the Japanese Branch of the Hunter's Association, which didn't make much sense to people...

Meanwhile, Akyathon himself was scrolling through the internet, seeing how he was now the hot topic of the world, after all, many wanted to know more about him in every possible way that they could. He chuckled at a few posts of people wanting to get impregnated by him, or where some were criticizing him for leaving America and siding with Japan, like this was some kind of competition... And if it was, he would definitely support Japan, after all, they had a better Healthcare system! "Sir?" His nurse once agajn came into the room, he just smiled gently at the older woman who slowly approached him, her grandmother vibes were really strong! "Dinner is ready." She grabbed his hand as a powerful blast of mana entered his body, this was a spell he recently copied: [Greater Heal], it may not look like much, but this old woman was a A-Rank Healer!

"Thank you, dear Kishima." She chuckled as she began pushing his wheelchair, he had to keep up the appearences of course, but he was indeed still too weak to get up from this wheelchair. He of course goes throguh daily sessions of physiotherapy, but he's slowly recovering with his method of healing and making his cells self-destruct with essessive mana. This allowed him to channel more energy now, which brought his spells to a whole new level! He was developing a way to change a spells direction if he misses his target, which is why he recently developed the spell [Telekinesis] that could easily help him with that, even though he could only control about 50 objects at the same time, which he sought to improve to at least 500 objects till the end of this year.

Dinner was delicious, and later that night he received a phone call from an unknown number- Which he simply did not answer, like, who the fuck would? If he doesn't know who called him, then he won't answer it, simple yet effective.

He went to sleep calm, knowing that tomorrow he would have an interview where he would have to talk about his life... Which will be boring.

-Scene Cut-

"Did he just... Not accept the call?" Michael looked down at his phone, his eyes twitching as Norma Solner sighed from beside him, as if she expected this. "This was expected..." She said, confirming his suspicion, which she ignored as she kept talking: "Mr. D'Cophon is a man who doesn't care about much things, other than cute things and hot men... Well, at least is what he said." She chuckled as if remembering a conversation that never happened, or did happen in the future. "But we could catch a fly to Japan right now and be on time to tomorrow's interview

-" Michael quickly got up from his seat as Norma chuckled and followed after him, because after she told him her dream, he became very... Very paranoid.

So he theorized- Only another seer could feel if a seer had a vision of them, so therefore, if his theory was right, Akyathon D'Cophon is also a Seer.

And even though this was only a theory, the US Government took it as being true and gently pushed Michael to try and get Akyathon D'Cophon to come back to the US, but that might not be an easy thing to do... According to his medical recordings, he sought medical help in America, was charged 5,000 dollars for a consultation, results of which he already had, and was then given a price for medical healing and magical healing, the both being the same price even though the magical one was given by an C-Rank Healer, which wouldn't be enough.

Meanwhile, in Japan, Akyathon received better results paying less-

So maybe their healthcare system is the one at fault...

-Scene Cut-

The place of the interview was a simple place really, a skyscraper hundreds of feet from the ground and with glass for the floor, which Akyathon did not care since he could fly using the [Telekinesis] spell after all...

It was almost here, his debut as a hunter.


Name: Akyathon D'Cophon

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: Human


[HP: 20/20]

[MP: ???/???]

[SP: 10/10]

Strength: 5 (Body Strength, Weight Carrying)

Endurance: 5b(Pain resistance, physical damage resistance)

Vitality: 6 (Body's resistance to diseases and poisons)

Dexterity: 5 (Flexibility, Nimbleness)

Intelligence: 50 (Memorization, increased mana capacity)

Wisdom: 50 (Experience, Mana Absorption Speed)

Charisma: 25 (Presence, Charm)

Willpower: 30 (Desire, Focus, Resistance to Mental Effects)

Luck: 0 (Luck)

Status Effect: Slightly Severe Congenital Muscle Atrophy & Limb-Girdle gives: [Weak Body]

[Weak Body: Your physical body is severely weak so weak in fact, your heart shouldn't possibly beat without some sort of help- You feel pain constantly from your muscles, bones, lungs, heart, head, stomach, and pelvis.]


[Unique Skills:


Grants infinite MP to the owner of this skill as well as the ability to keep a spell active for as long as you wish- Cooldown or time limit to spell no longer exist for you.]

[Eyes of Mana:

You can see magic itself, magic is but a natural energy from the universe that is neutral in nature, being changed by outside or rarely internal sources. You can see such changes in mana.]

-Passive Skills-

[Internal Mana Control: You can control the flow of mana within you almost perfectly.]


[Mana Spells:

[Mana Arrow], [Mana Lance], [Mana Thread], [Mana Explosion], [Mana Barrier], [Mana Circle], [Mana Living Weapons], [Telekinesis],

[Summoning Spell:

[Summon Minor Elemental]

[Support Spells]

[Heal], [Strength Up], [Haste], [Power Up], [Burn Booster], [Holy Shield], [Greater Heal], [Remove Poisons], [Light]

[Fire Spells]

[Fireball], [Firebolt], [Fire Storm], [Destroy Flames], [Explosion], [Fire Dragon]

[Water/Ice Spells]

[Water Sphere], [Ice Sphere], [Water Lance], [Ice Lance], [Water Shield], [Ice Shield], [Water Arrow], [Ice Arrow], [Water Walk], [Ice Walk], [Water Dragon], [Ice Dragon]

[Wind Spells]

[Wind Slash], [Wind Walk], [Tornado], [Vortex], [Wind Arrow], [Wind Shield], [Wind Dragon]

[Earth Spells]

[Stone Bullet], [Earth Spike], [Sandtomb], [Sandstorm], [Quicksand], [Stone Wall], [Magma], [Eruption], [Magma Dragon]

[(New!) Ultimate Spells]

[Destruction], [Thor's Call], [Meteor], [Blizzard], [Perfect Barrier]