
Hunter (#3) [Edited]

Jackson Lumos Tenebris, the 22 years old, 7'3 feet tall (223 Centimeters) young man stood in front of the older, smaller blond man known as John Constantine. Jackson must admit, he's hot, like, very hot. His blue eyes stared at him like he could see his soul- And he probably could, but Jackson did not break eye-contact, this was a challange and he would win! "So..." John's lips curled up into a smirk as he looked at him up and down, John hummed before pointing at the Werewolf that continued to eat the dead horse on the ground, asking: "Your dog?"

"Yeah." Going along with the man's antics, Jackson smirked, revealing his sharp, pointy teeth to the blondie, who only raised an eyebrow at this as Jackson's eyes glowed in a menancingly blue light: "And he bites, just like the owner." John only snorted, making the werewolf growl at the magician, which only resulted on said magic-user to whisper: "Welp, never seen a dog so ugly before..." A few seconds of silence later, he added: "Nope, seen worse." Before turning his eyes back to the tall Hunter in the room. "So- wait, what's your name again?"

"Well, the name's Jackson Lumos Tenebris, nice to meet you John Constantine."

"So you already know my name, don't need to introduce myself then! Let's just go kill a vampire, i don't think i'll like this world very much."

"Well, the witch hunt? Don't worry, it already endeed a while ago. It's, like, 1887 now, i think, between those lines."

"You are the definition of certainty."

"Oh, thank you."

"I was being sarcastic."

"I know."

"Do ya?"

-Scene Cut-

That night was mostly uneventful, after the sun began to rise, the sleeping werewolf beside him began to shiver as his bones cracked, his body changing back to his human form. "Argh!" The man screamed, he was Velkan Valerious, descendant of the Valerious Family, Valerious The Elder was the father of Dracula, who couldn't kill his own son, so after some shenanigans and an allegedly Devil giving Dracula some wings, The Elder Valerious ended up going to the Vatican to make a pact with God to not let his family enter Heaven until Dracula lives or something like that. The man before them was Prince Velkan Valerious, while his sister was Princess Anna Valerious, and they both work for Dracula against their will by killing monsters for him. Panting, the man looked at his Alpha, the man who could stop him from hurting his siter with his words... He turned his eyes to look at the blond man beside his Alpha, he smelled strange and Velkan remembers he came from a glowing circle, magic probably.

"Oh, Velkan was it?" His Alpha, the tall and powerful man asked, making Velkan nod dumbly, he still was tired from the transformation, he felt way better now that Dracula couldn't control him anymore. "Well Velkan, we're gonna kill Dracula... If i'm not wrong he can only be killed by a Werewolf bite, so i got that covered." John scoffed from the side, making Jackson look at him with a questioning gaze, so John only answered the unspoken question as he pointed to himself with a cocky smirk: "Magic. Remember? Burn him and maybe he'll die, but i can also try to use some electricity, or maybe i can simply disintegrate him." Jackson only shook his head, explaining: "Well, first of all, i want to use this as an opportunity to train myself, i want to take on Dracula alone and kill him, you can help the others not die i guess."

"You serious?"


"Mate, you have all this-" He points to himself, his whole body, up and down, before continuing: "And you don't want to use it?"

"Oh, trust me~" Jackson growled, licking his lips as he had seen the most delicious piece of meat in his life. "I want to ~use~ it... A lot."

"Flirty, aren't you?" John leaned in, they were slightly closer, the smile on the man's face was enticing to Jackson's innate urge to dominate- And the man before him was challenging him in a way he wanted to do nothing more than to shut the man up with his co-

"Of course i am. You are in front of me." Jackson was sweating cold, trying hard to remain still but also relaxed at the same time, which was something almost impossible with the growing tension between them.

"I suggest you close your eyes then." John's eyes wandered a little on his body, looking at what he was wearing- Almost nothing, to tell the truth he was only wearing pants and nothing else, not even underwear. And he prayed with everything he had that he wasn't getting a boner right now.

"Or else what?" Jackson pushed back against John's cocky provocation, but this time John only smiled almost innocently to him before whispering:

"You'll lose them."

Huffing annoyed at John's antics, Jackson looked away from the blond and into the brown-haired man that was looking at him from the ground with a confused expression on his face. "You okay, mate?" John asked the important question for Jackson, who only stared at his Beta and waited to hear the confirmation or denial of his well being. "I.... I'm fine." That was all he heard from Velkan, who coughed a little, he still had some bits and pieces of horse in his mouth, and there was no toothbrush in 1887. "Urgh..." He felt rather sick, teh atste of the blood still was on his mouth, he just wanted to wash that all off. Besides, the sexual tension and smell of arousal here was almost impossible to bear!

-Scene Cut-

"So this is my travel companion, John Constantine." Jackson smiled towards the man, Gabriel Van Helsing was someone who shouldn't be underastimated because of his plain, human limitations, because the guy has a fucking crossbow that shoots bolts like a fucking minigun! "Happy to meet ya, Mate." Said John jn a very monotone voice, totally not happy about meeting Van Helsing, mainly because he met a version of this man in his home universe and the guy wasn't so... good to him. I mean, being shot wasn't the worst thing that happened to him, but it still hurt a lot. He needs to be careful, unless he wants to be shot again, all Van Helsings are the same... Probably. "Nice to meet you." Van's answer was rather dry, but his eyes widened for a moment when he saw Valken, because he knew who this guy was and what he did.

A Werewolf that Dracula controls.

Instantly, Van Helsing has his crossbow with silver bolts pointed straight at Valken, who visibly pales in sight of the man he was tasked by Dracula to stalk and report about. He was about to say something when his sister, Anna, came from behind the man poiting a crossbow towards him with a vengeful expression on her face that quickly turned into worry when she saw him and then into fear as she saw the man that knocked her out poiting his crossbow at her brother!

"HEY!" She shouted, making Van Helsing to stop for a moment, she was power walking towards him like a Karen that was ready to speak to the manager and demand stupid shit, she got close rather quickly, there were some villagers who were looking at them strangely since Jackson had to come to the middle of the city to find Van Helsing so they can go and kill Dracula and be done with everything so Jackson can get that sweet ticket- Maybe he'll take Valken with him,, the guy's a good Beta, he helped him find his way to Van Helsing even knowing he would probably be killed by the man if he got the chance, and here we are. "Don't you dare shoot my brother, you brute." Her raging form stood in front of Van Helsing, right between his crossbow and her brother.

'Well, that's gonna be interesting.' Jackson sighed when he heard John's voice on his head, since the guy was able to quickly figure out how to telepathically communicate with him, they spent most of the time bickering with each other and Jackson aggresivelly flirting with John, trying to break the guy's poker face, trying to see him smile or even just blush a little- but even his heartbeat didn't change at all! 'Well, it will be much more interesting later when they discover I'm a werewolf too.' John snorted at that, making Van Helsing just look at him oddily as John answered Jackson with a smirk on his face: 'Well, Tenebris, i think he'll try to shoot you.'

'Oh, but you'll protect me from the big, bad, evil hunter, right?' The teasing on his voice was easily carried by the telepathic message, making John's lips twitch as he tried to keep a poker face. 'Don't worry... I'll let him shoot you, gladly so.'

'Cold, cruel, and ruthless... I like it.' Jackson never knew when or how he got so flirty, he theorized that the confidencce comes from the [Alpha Authority] skill that he got, which would explain his confidence to say those things and not keep them inside his heart. 'Also, where the fuck does this music comes from?' John cursed as music continued to play through their bond, there were innumerous songs that kep playing, but this one was kept repeating itself, it was that song by Panic! At the Disco: Crazy = Genius, and whn John asked where it came from, Jackson realized: 'Oh shit, you can hear that?'

'Yeah. Yeah i can, don't you have better music inside your head?'

'Like what? ColdPlay?'

'Don't you dare. I hate that band.'

'Oh, so if i want to annoy you i just need to play ColdPlay on my head?'

'If you want me to kill you? Yes. If you want to annoy me, you'll have to do much worse.'

'Oh, i know exactly what to play.'

There was this time, on his past life, where he was forced by someone he loved to hear to Baby Shark for exactly 10 hours. Non-stop... Yeah, torture, it's not hard to say that Jackson never loved that person on his mortal and limited life again. 'Baby Shark-' the song started, and John already felt genuinely annoyed, but oh, he made the mistake to challange Jackson on making him annoyed! "Alpha?" Suddenly, his focus was brought back to the situation at hand, Anna was on top of Van Helsing while he was knocked on the ground, Jackson only response was a swift and quick whistle from his lips before he commented: "Damn, she's a top." John focused once again when he heard that, he gave Jackson the sintkinest of stink eyes as he eyed the couple on the ground, in a very... suggestive position. "Damn, she really is a top."

"You'd let her peg you, probably." Jackson joked.

"Definetly." John just smirked, his eyes darting from her to him, not that Jackson would've noticed because his mind was repeating the answer he got from the blondie, even the annoying [Baby Shark] song stopped, making John sigh in relief. HIs plan on making Jackson speechless worked really well it seems. Too well.

"Huh, didn't take you for a peg guy, but i guess my chances just got up by 50%, right?" Jackson was cursing himself for suggesting something like that, his mind searched for solutions in this situation, he even included his skills that he could maybe use to help him on this, but he had few solutions that didn't involve murder, kidnapping, and ritualistic sacrifices to the God of Sex or something like that.

"Yeah... No." John chuckled silently as he watched Jackson enter a small panick, he found this interesting to watch. The way Jackson's mind danced around him whenever he wanted to think about something and not tell him through their connection. It felt like a feather brushing against his skin, soft and teasing, but also really ticklish.

"C'mon baby, don't be like that, i can peg you as well... I have a real big one y'know." Jackson really didn't care about anyone or anything around, John was hot and he was bound to him, he definetly could come with him to other worlds, Jackson didn't know for sure if he could take other people with him, so John was the safest romance he could get- and honestly, he was kinda desperate enough to date him, forever. Because, yeah, John Constantine is boyfriend material! But soon Jackson had to focus on the matter at hand, Anna was now looking at them while Van still had his guard up. "Oh, so you're Anna huh? Anna Valerious? Your dad was someone i knew, and well, knew is the right word since Dracula killed him- plus i came here to kill that bastard so your family can go to heaven or something like that, i found your wolfy brother around and he started following me too." He pointed towards John, who was lost in thought for a moment before turning to look at the buff and tall, brown-haired guy with a stupid adorable smile on his lips. "This hottie blondie here is John Constantine, keep your sight on check, he's mine."

"Yeah, i'm my own."

"For now."

"That sounded way too menancing."

"Well, you're scaroused then."

"No. Not scared, neither aroused."

"Not yet at least."

"You talk like you can arouse or scare me."

"Is that a bet?"

"Yeah. It's a bet. If you can i'll accept going out with you, if you can't in... 1 week, i get something from you."

"i won't give you my soul."

"Why would i want that?"

"You can have my body though."

Valken just awkwardly stood there, watching his Alpha flirt with the other man, the sexual tension could be cut with a knife... "Ergh..." Looking at his sister and Van Helsing, who were watching this a little bit amused, he couldn't help but sigh. Why is he surrounded by so many weird people? Can't he get a break for once...?

Meanwhile, Jackson was planning on how to scare and arouse John Constantine in one week.

And oh...

He was ready for it.