
Howl For Me [#4]

[Day 22]

After their... Little fun, Yoichi started to be more touchy and teasy than before, even more so when some rituals required Akira to touch him. 

Like right now, how the simple and easy ritual of having to touch Yoichi's body turned sexual because the horny dog that is Yoichi wanted to fuck. And that's how Akira ended up on his knees, mouth wide, as he listened to Yoichi's voice as he praised him: "Shit, open you mouth wider, princess." Akira's cheeks were puffed and red thanks to his embarrassment and the large cock head inside his mouth that he was catering to. His tongue licked the underside of it as he opened his mouth wider to follow Yoichi's command: "Now take a breath it-" He did not expecting for the cock to push further inside, touching the back of his throat as his jaw paifully pushed down to accomodate the thick cock. Thanks to the rituals they were making, Yoichi's body was producing more testosterone, which amped up his sex drive by a notch and made him go through a second puberty that made his body grow. 

He was starting to get more muscles, his cock was getting bigger, and Akira was enjoying this too much. 

"Fuck-" Pulling back, Akira had a second to collect himself and breathe before the cock pushed back inside- It went easier this time too: "Careful with the teeth-" Yoichi snapped his hips again, hand caressing Akira's black hair softly for a moment before he started to fuck Akira's face. It was slow because this was Akira's first time having his face fucked, it felt weirdly amazing- He closee his eyes as he tried to breathe in and out of his nose, the snot wasn't really helping but hey- Yoichi was really enjoying, if the way he drooled from his mouth was a sign. "Fuck, such a good bitch- My good bitch aren't you Kitty?" The nickname kitty has been more prominent in their sex life, Yoichi seemed to like to call him that for some reason, and Akira wasn't entirely against it.

However, he had to finish the ritual! As his throat was being fucked, Akira's hands were touching Yoichi's legs- The last places he had to touch- as he mentally chanted the spell. 

Coincidentally, he finished the spell right when Yoichi was ready to cum, so he pulled his cock out of his throat and cummed right onto Akira's open mouth and face, bathing him in white. At the same time, there was this soft purple glow around Yoichi's eyes as Akira finished the ritual with the spell, panting he blinked, he hadn't even noticed it yet but Yoichi did; "Heh, you're such a good whore- To cum from me fucking your throat? That's good bitch material right there." Akira closed his eyes, there were tears in the corner of his eyes as Yoichi caressed his hair. 

That was just the first time Yoichi fucked Akira in the throat. Of course this wasn't the first time Yoichi got off with Akira's help, he was rather very assertive about that, every day after Akira helped him get off he'd get off with Akira's help once again! 

He didn't know why- He could guess that getting off with someone's help was amazing, it felt really good when Akira's small and softer hand would hold his large cock and play with his balls, but it also felt weirdly intimate how Akira would look into his eyes as Yoichi would praise him for being a good bitch, a good whore, or something along the lines of being good or paising him. Akira had a major praise kink, specially coming from Yoichi! He pretty much obeyed each and every thing Yoichi told him to do whenever they were fucking, which made Yoichi a little more attentive towards Akira's needs whenever they were fucking.

Which so happens to be whenever Yoichi wants to- Because Akira is very much willing to just bend whenever and wherever Yoichi wants. 'Fuck-' That messed face covered in white was more adorable than he thought it'd be, Akira's half closed eyes carried a hint of tears that Yoichi wanted to lick- He was adorable! Fuck, Yoichi couldn't deal with howl swollen his heart would feel whenever he looked at Akira every day, was he going sick or something? Is this an aftereffect of the whole werewolf transformation? Feel like his heart is going to explode just by being in his presence? He tried cutting off their time together to see if that feeling would go away, but it got worse actually, so he got back to always spending time with the catboy who was more and more under his control every day. 

He was starting to just willingly submit whenever Yoichi tells him to- He even had him suck his cock behind the mess hall where anyone could come at any time and catch them in the act! Yoichi felt even more responsible for him every time they fucked, it was an endless cicle, so much so that he started considering that maybe Akira cursed him somehow and made him addicted to his presence? 

Later that day they had to go and help the Scoutmasters since the camp is re-opening in the summer that is fast approaching. "Greetings Aki, Yoichi!" Ah, Sheriff Brokeback had the same stupid smile on his face as he looked towards them, Jigglypuff was also inside the Scoutmaster Cabin helping Yoshinori with the things. The guy is a total himbo, last year he fucked up a bunch of things but he wasn't all that bad, Yoichi is honestly surprised the camp hasn't burned to the ground with how clumsy Yoshinori is. "Hi." One more thing about Akira was that he wasn't comfortable speaking more than five words at a time with someone who wasn't Yoichi, which makes Yoichi feels weirdly happy about it. "It's good that you both are here, me and Yoshinori would like your help with some tasks today." Yuri smiled softly as she always did, but there was this glint in her eyes when she saw how close Yoichi and Akira were to one another- What? It's not his fault his body feels weird whenever he's away from Akira for more than 10 minutes! "As Yuri said, we have some tasks that your help would be good- Yoichi, i have some boxes i need help carrying, while Yuri has some papers that Akira can help her organize." 

Yoichi clicked his tongue, his hand quickly rubbed against Akira's neck for a moment before he went towards Yoshinori, not seeing the way Yuri froze: "C'mon Sheriff Brokeback, show me where the boxes at." 

Yoichi would later regret leaving Akira alone with Yuri.

But for now he followed Yoshinori into the storage room to get some boxes! "Here, help me with this!" The boxes weren't as heavy as he thought they would be, in fact, they were even lighter than the last time he actively carried them around! "You're having trouble with these light boxes?" Yoichi snorted- What can he do really, someome as strong as he is has to help others who are weaker than him! "Woah, when did you get so strong Yoichi?" Yoshinori had this stupid smile on his lips as he struggled a little with a box, Yoichi soon recognized that his strength came from within that Akira gave him- Another reason he has started to get more and more attached to him. "Well, working out makes you stronger, Sheriff Brokeback." 

"Well, its good that you are getting stronger!" 

A few moments later, Yoichi and Yoshinori had moved a bunch of boxes, and now that they were alone Yoichi felt like maybe- Maybe he may be ask him? "Hey, Yoshi?" Yoichi's voice conveyed his confusion- he asked him, he asked him what it meant when he felt his heart swelling around Akira and felt even worse when he wasn't around him, which had Yoshinori drop the box he was holding.



"I- It sounds like you're in love."

Yoichi.exe stopped working.


After half an hour of working in silence, Yuri broke that silence as she couldn't hold it back any longer.

"So..." The pink haired lady smiled softly, her eyes, however, carried this predatory glow.

"Uhm?" Akira, the innocent lamb before the hungry pink wolf, ignorant to the danger he was in, softly waited for Miss Yuri to speak. 

"Are you two... more than friends?" Her head was lowered as she focused on the papers she was organizing, Akira too focused on his own papers as he organized them.

"How so?" Akire titled his head for a moment- Is she asking if he and Yoichi are a thing? Well, not really, Yoichi just sees him as a piece of meat to get his sexual desires dealt with. There is no love between them because Yoichi doesn't love him, he is sure of that. "Ah-" Before she could finish her sentence when the scent of smoke came into his nose, Akira turned his head to look where the scent of smoke came from, and from the mess hall he saw the orange glow of flames. He started panicking, panicking because his mind made him think that, the soft orange glow of the sunset mixed with thes scent of smoke of the cigarette that Yuri was smoking a few minutes, was the mess hall set aflame. "Akira?" Her voice sounded so far away- 

Akira flinched when he felt her hand touch his shoulder, he lashed out Instinctively, in his mind he saw the faces of the many faces of the hunters who set his home ablaze. Yuri pulled back her hand when her arm was slapped away, the face of panick coming over Akira's face as he started hyperventilating? 'Oh no.' She recognized it as it was- A panick attack.

She tried to help, but her only experience with Panick Attacks was of her own, and she knew better than to touch someone who was having a panick attack: "Sorry, I'm sorry." And he was apologizing for having a panick attack too! "I'll just go-" She wanted to stop him because it was a bad idea to leave, but she was too late and he had run already, so she went after him- Somehow they ended up running into Yoshinori and Yoichi, both who looked taken aback by them both.

Akira dragged himself up towards Yoichi, pulling his head on Yoichi's chest.


"Aki?" Yoichi, confused, held him.

With tears in his eyes, Akira held onto Yoichi: "Please-" He gasped for air: "Please- Please-" 

"I'm here... I'm here." He felt protective? Yeah, protective. He felt really protective of him for some reason. "I'm not leaving- Not leaving you." 

Akira kept hyperventilating, his breathing only started to even out after he came to unconsciousness. 

Yoichi held onto Akira as something inside him snapped- he felt the need to protect him.

Protect Aki.

"What happened-" Yoichi pulled Akira back as Yoshinori approached them, he had to stop himself from growling: "I don't know Yoshi- He looked over at the mess hall before he started hyperventilating and had a panick attack." Yuri spoke softly and as low as she could, Yoichi held Akira and whispered to him: "Listen to my heartbeat, listen to it and focus." He only knew what to do in this situation because Akira told him a few days ago what he should do, and now he was doing it! Yoichi looked over at Yuri and Yoshinori, his nose easily caught the scent of smoke and when he looked at the mess half bathed in the orange light of the sunset, he knew what Akira's mind made the scenario to be. 

He waited until Akira was calm enough to bring him to their cabin, on the way he gave Yoshinori the look. 

He wanted to cuddle a little with Akira- After the shocking revelation that he had somehow fallen in love with him, Yoichi wanted to just take care of him. Yeah, take care of him... As they laid in the bed together, Yuki joined them, as did Mr. Riffles.

Love huh? Mushy feelings... He could get used to that.