
Boring Summer [#7]: Gift

Stiles sighed heavily as he grasped the flower he grew from the ground beneath him with [Druidcraft] and casted the new spell he learned from the book he received from choosing his background as a Witch:

[Scent Mask: Lvl 2, Illusion

One creature you touch is rendered scentless and cannot be tracked by smell. This spell can be cast on a creature that attacks through scent, such as a skunk or troglodyte.]

The moment the flower in his hand withered away into ash, he knew he succeeded in turning the scentless flower into a protective aura that hides his scent away from noisy Werewolves who want to get all over his business! Mainly a few Werewolves, known as Scott McCall and Derek Hale, both who asked him to meet them at the loft, which is why he is casting this spell in the first place! He doesn't know a way to hide his heartbeat yet but he knows he can hide his scent and that'll drive the wolves beyond crazy- But if he doesn't want to expose his secret of having magic to them, he better cover himself up with some heavy perfume! Why did he cast the spell? To hide his natural smell, it does not hide the smells added after the spell is cast, which means he can hide his chemosignals and natural scent while also smelling heavily of perfume.

Having a Werepanther little friend helps- Ah, talking about them, the two Guerras left earlier today after spending the night with the Stilinskis talking, Stiles gave his dad the rundown of what happened and what he did while the Guerras told his dad what happened while he stayed with them- Thankfully they didn't comment on the underage drinking! And, of course, the hour after they leave he receives two messages, one from Scott and another one from an unknown number who he thinks is Derek's number (He is not 100% sure it is Derek, you can never be too careful) both saying the same thing-

[Unknown Number: Come to the Loft today, at 2 PM. Please.]

[Scottyboy: Hey Stiles, can you meet me at Derek's loft at 2 PM today? Please?]

He responded to neither, but he knew if he didn't go with them they'd come for him- That sounded ominous as fuck, but that's basically the truth! "Okay Stiles, show time." Getting to his jeep, Stiles quickly took Skoll and Hati with him while getting a babysitter for his kids (Read: Danny), Erebus decided to come with while Nalunod was on the back, still looking like a normal horse thanks to his ability to shapeshift. "Bye Danny!" Calling to the babysitter sitting on the sofa, Stiles went out with two happy wolves who were asking questions with whines and huffs: "Mama, where we going?" "Mama, wanna go hunt?" "Mama, can we play?" And other questions, he chuckled at their enthusiasm but did not tell them much, only: "We're going to another wolf's den, stay close to me and don't growl at no one unless they get too close okay?" The whines he received were both an "Okay…" with sad voices, he would take them hunting later today.

Malia was back at the Preserve hunting something, and Avalon was still sleeping in Stiles' room, so the house was calm. Where was Nalunod? Oh, he went to the Preserve to try to get some action with the horses there, apparently they still live there after Stiles set them free? Including the peacocks and the Calandrius, who got busy making babies according to Erebus.

It took him about 15 minutes to drive to Derek's loft, he would also have to take the stairs because he doubts the elevator works for this building, and he wouldn't let his babies be trapped in a metal box! "C'mon, let's go." He knew the wolves could hear him from down here, so he did not bother to hide the fact that he had company by speaking to his children: "Skoll, Hati- Remember, no growling unless necessary, okay?" There were two barks of "Yes mama." That had him smiling before he went up those devil stairs, it took him a while to get to Derek's door and when he did the door was opened by a rather confused Isaac Lahey who looked down at the puppies by Stiles' feet and growled- Stiles slapped him in his shoulder and pushed him as he said with a bite on his words: "Back off, Isaac." The werewolf in question looked at him in shock before he did back off, running to Derek- In fact, the whole Hale pack was here! He saw Derek, Peter in the corner with Chris there too, Allison the trigger happy murderous little hunter, Scott was there too (Which just was like shoving salt down his bleeding wounded heart- Scott literally betrayed Derek and yet he doesn't care and has him here!?) and Lydia and Jackson.

Well, what good friends they are- Stiles had to resist the urge to scream at them, instead he turned to both Derek and Scott, Scott who went to get closer to Stiles only for both Skoll and Hati to growl at him: "I'd recommend not getting closer, my babies are rather protective of me. Like, you know, a real wolf pack." There was poison in his words and satisfaction in his heart when he heard Scott whine like a kicked puppy and look at him like he just insulted his mother: "So, cut the chase now please- Why did you call me here, exactly? I have things to do, places to be, children to take care of… You know, being a single mom isn't easy, even more so when half of your children are wolves." He chuckled to himself, patting the head of the adorable Skoll who looked really serious, however, Hati looked like a goofy dog since he was panting due to the heat and he was also fatter than Skoll.

Both were equally adorable.

"Being a mom…?" Whispered Jackson a little confused, but Lydia took it all in stride as she spoke: "Well, we called you here because apparently there's been a misunderstanding between Derek and you, and also because we do need your help." Stiles was both curious and almost murderous, instead what he did was to look at her with a pensive expression before saying: "Go on then, what is it?" This time, Derek stepped forward before he looked down at his own feet like a kid who was scolded by his parents, but before he could say anything, Scott spoke: "Erica and Boyd are missing!"

Everything stopped.

Stiles turned around, opened the Loft's door, and walked out with Skoll and Hati: "Let's go boys- We have two Werewolves to find." He ignored the voices who called out to him, mostly because his mind was racing a thousand thoughts a minute and he couldn't stop to listen to their useless words, he was creating plans and failsafes to said plan, focused so hard on bad memories of what Gerard did to him (And the scars he still has) that when a hand touched his shoulder he lashed out- His hand glowed for a moment with a purplish coloration as fear tightly held onto his heart, he turned around and slapped the chest of the one who touched him while his magic acted naturally, pushing the person touching him away from him! 10 Feet away from him, to be exact. "Don't-" He casted the spell again, the one who touched him was someone he knew, he didn't know who it was because he was too lost in his memories to focus right now: "You-" This time, a bolt of said purple energy pushed the werewolf away, he heard a grunt of pain but his mind was louder: "Fucking touch me." He heard a whine and he blinked while reminding himself that he had children to protect, looking down to see his babies he quickly nodded to them- He turned to look at Derek who had his back to the wall, the wall had cracks on them and he looked stunned, looking at Stiles like he couldn't believe his own eyes.

"Well, dear Alpha Werewolf, I'll take my leave now- I have two other Werewolves to find. You and your pack should stay away from me, you saw how I react now." Stiles felt his heartbeat was like a jackrabbit, Erebus? Where is his Erebus? Looking around a little frantically, Stiles saw the bird in question by Skoll's back, looking at Derek and his pack that watched from afar, in fact, they were about 18 to 20 feet from him and he didn't want to be here.

The cat's out of the bag and they'll ask questions.

"Let's go, children." He turned his back on Derek- Maybe it was an insult, but he didn't see the other as a danger to him at all! He checked his status and saw the two new spells he casted on his panick: [Gravity Force] that can push or pull someone by 10 feet while the other was [Push] used to, as the name says, send a bolt of kinetic magical energy to push the target in any direction he wants them to go by 15 feet. He looked at the stairs before sighing- How big is this building? He looked at the window, looked back at the pack of werewolves who didn't know either to get close or stay away, but he didn't give them a choice- He decided to just leave, his hand tapped the stairs behind him as he casted [Earth Barrier] and erected a wall of earth that covered the stairs behind him, stopping anyone from following him.

He just doesn't want to deal with them because he accidentally revealed his magic to them. He'll deal with them after he finds Erica and Boyd.

It takes some time, but Stiles easily has Danny go though video and camera surveillance of the streets of Beacon Hills with a facial recognition algorithm that picks up the face of Erica and Boyd after they leave the Argents home- They ran towards the city, they go through the diner and when they get close to Derek's loft, they just stop and run away, the video plays for about one minute before other people are shown, Danny easily tracks them and finds their identity, or at least the identity of three of them that are registered in documents: Kali, Deucalion, and Ennis, the twins don't have any document with a photo of them in it, so Danny's algorithm can't find who they are.

Now knowing who they are, Stiles can gather information on them, so they go to the supernatural forum and boom! Alpha Pack, a pack of 5 Alphas who kill lesser packs, a pack created by Deucalion who calls himself the Demon Wolf, blind, and a bitch apparently. Stiles easily makes a plan that doesn't involve fighting, only search and rescue, he will find where they took Erica and Boyd and dig a tunnel beneath the place and take them out of there, since he can sense things underground [Tremorsense], he can also shift into an animal too, oh and now? He got access to level 3 spells, he can shift into an animal that can swim, and he got a new class thing! He is officially a [Lvl 4 Druid]:

[Pack Mentality: Starting at 4th Level, you and your pack share a mental bond that allows for telepathic communication, this bond can be used to send messages back and forth between pack members, allows a greater synchronization between pack members in the battlefield since your pack will always know how to work together the best!]

He got to level 4 a few moments ago, seeing as he completed the last requirement by making and drinking a poisonous potion before letting his body fight it off with the power of nature. And like that, his body increased in power, his Constitution stat grew by 2 points, which was great! "So you found 'em buying food in the neighboring town and tracked down their car and mapped where they possibly could be in town?" Danny scoffed loudly as he muttered "As if that was hard." Before he sent Stiles the image of the map, there were a few buildings in town that he could check! He hummed to himself before he thanked Danny and promised him: "I'll get you a boyfriend soon! Maybe I can find a spell to make Jax take his head out of his ass and declare his undying love for you!" Danny almost kicked him, but as the little shit that he was, Stiles escaped laughing.

Time to rescue some Werewolves!

Scott and the Hale Pack couldn't believe their eyes.

"Oh my fucking God- My best friend's a wizard!" Scott McCall screamed out after the whole pack just- Stood there in shock, skinny, defenseless Stiles just pushed Derek to a wall and kept him there with enough strength to break the concrete block behind him! "How? What? When!?" Scott couldn't help the questions that flowed out of his mouth, he made a quick decision by grabbing his phone and calling Deatom- It took about six seconds for the animal doctor and druid to pick up, and when he did Scott immediately asked: "Deaton, did you know Stiles is a wizard!?"


Cue explanation!

Derek? Oh, he was just looking at his own hands, his heart bleeding as he thought of the face of pure terror Stiles looked at him with before it melted into rage before he was blasted to the wall with enough force to hurt and do damage to his body, now there's this dull ache in his chest that was not done by magic, but by emotions. 'Why?' Was the only question in Derek's mind- Why was he so afraid? Why was his heartbeat going nuts like he was having a panic attack (and not smelling like it, well, smelling like nothing but heavy perfume!) the moment he heard that Erica and Boyd were missing? Why did he run away? Why did Derek not say anything and let him leave? Why? "Derek?" Looking at his uncle's worried face as Scott spoke to Deatom and Jackson and Lydia went to check the stairs, Derek felt like- "Uhm, guys?" Jackson's voice cut off his thoughts, he turned to look at him, everyone did, as he said: "I think we're trapped here."

They soon went to see what he was talking about- The only way out, through the stairs, was blocked by a wall of earth. "Huh." Peter hummed before his fingers turned into claws: "Time to dig i guess." And he did that- Slash, and slash, and dig and dig, soon Derek followed suit and so did Isaac and Scott, Jackson just watching for the time being.

The wall kept on crumbling into pieces as they kept digging, after about 30 or so minutes of frantic digging and clawing at it did the wall crumbled to loose dirt and rocks, Derek's claws and fingers were completely sore. In half an hour, with four werewolves, digging through dirt did the wall crumble? This is really magic! "Well, digging out of a grave was easier than this. Way easier. It was like the dirt was actively resisting being removed?" And indeed it felt like that, Lydia had even considered calling someone when the was crumbled into a pile of dirt and rocks before simply melting away back into the concrete of the building and vanishing as if it was never there to begin with.

"So…" Isaac awkwardly coughed: "Stiles' magic."

"Apparently." Was the only thing Derek could mutter as they all went down, they had to find Stiles.

Derek had to.

"Huh, fancy meeting you all, sadly for you, I'll be taking them thank you very much."

"But of course good sir, go right ahead."

"Oh, how charming, thank you."

Stiles absolutely loves charm magic! [Charm Person] was a lvl 1 spell that Stiles casted at level 3, he consumed 3 SP to temporarily charm the three Alphas who had found him when he was scouting the area to see if he could find Erica and Boyd- The abandoned bank was the last on his list and while he was checking it out, he was surprised by the Alpha Pack and reacted quickly, casting [Charm Person] on them all! He could actively feel them trying to break free from his control, but he knew that they wouldn't be able to because if they hadn't resisted the spell at the first opportunity they had (i.e: The moment he casted the spell) they wouldn't be able to break free until he either dropped the spell or 1 hour passed, in which the spell would simply drop by itself. "The twins aren't here?" He asked Deucalion, the blind wolf was peachy and very polite, his British accent was really good too! "Oh, no they aren't- They are buying us some supplies, things Morell needs to help us take out the Hale Pack, talking about them my friend, are you aware that apparently they have a weakness?"

"Oh, really?" Stiles smiled as he walked further into the bank, Ennis and Kali following them happily, chatting amongst themselves: "Indeed, we looked over and over for information on said weakness, and apparently the Omega Scott McCall has the potential to be a True Alpha." Stiles hummed as he passed through the threshold and walked right into where Erica and Boyd were being kept- His eyes bulged, he saw the chained to the wall, Erica, Boyd, and a third person… He didn't know who they were, but they seemed familiar? Indeed, really familiar. "Ah, Deucalion, Kali, Ennis, my friends- Who is that one?" He pointed to the brunette, no chained wolf reacted to his words, in fact, they looked almost catatonic, paralyzed, as if stuck by Kanima Venom. "Ah, she's Cora Hale, sister of Derek Hale." Kali's smug voice answered: "We tracked her down and captured her when she came to see the Hale Alpha- It's easy to spread rumors, even more so when the rumor is about a Hale Alpha who has a strong and stable pack, i bet a lot more Werewolves are going to come to see the Hale Alpha." Stiles hummed as he pulled the mountain ash vial from his pocket, he dropped it on the ground and his magic did the rest as he willed three different circles to surround the three Alphas, soon he dropped the spell as he also casted [Entangle], making roots sprout out of the ground and tightly held onto the bodies of the Alphas.

"And… Easy." Stiles smirked at the Alphas, they were so easy to trap! The roots didn't do much to them but hold them down, what they worked as though was much more sinister than that: "So, Alpha Pack… How does it feel, to be completely outplayed and overpowered by someone who is smarter than you all?" The growls he received were like music to his ears! The seeds of wolfsbane on the ground beneath their feet started tk sprout and spread alongside the vines and roots holding the alphas down, Stiles watched in sadistic glee as they were easily bound and weakened by the purple flower: "Flowers are so beautiful, don't worry, they'll be my gift for you to take to the afterlife." He focused harder as he willed it- He had read it in the book on how to do it, and soon, the seeds sprouted and the flowers started to spread faster and faster, until they were covering the bodies of the Alphas completely, head to toe in purple flowers as Stiles casted [Plant Growth]! "And… There, beautiful bouquets." Now… Looking at the catatonic wolves, what is he going to do about them?


He called his dad. "So, uhm, dad? Can you help me take Erica, Boyd, and a girl that is Derek's long lost sister named Cora to Deaton? I think he might know what happened to them." The answer was his dad's sigh accompanied by a soft "I'll be there." As Stiles told him where he was- It took about 15 minutes for his dad to come and get him, which allowed Stiles time to get the wolves out of their shackles, he used a combination of ingenuity and spellwork to break their shackles, he also made sure to stab through the hearts of the Alphas, just to be sure they were really dead. "Stiles?" Hearing his dad's voice, Stiles turned to look at the man before pointing to his flowers: "Can we put them in a box? I wanna give them as a gift, maybe, to Derek- You know, as a 'Here's the pack of super dangerous werewolves who have been giving you trouble, I dealt with them easily so therefore I'm stronger than you and you are weak' kind of thing."

"Sounds more like you just want to give him flowers."

"They're poisonous to his kind."

"Still- Flowers."

"Shut up dad, I'm not giving flowers to Derek Hale."

"Sure thing kiddo, sure thing."

"...Fuck, I like him."

"Yep. You do."

"What do i do?"

"Well, that's your problem kiddo, but I'm here in case you need my help- Or a gun to shoot him, just in case."

"Thanks dad."


Derek and his pack (Scott isn't part of his pack, and he doesn't want to be) searched through the Preserve and town, they followed his scent but the scent stopped and they couldn't find where he went! It took them two whole hours before they decided to go to Deaton- Stiles might be in danger, although Peter pointed out that he has magic, which is… New.

New as in, very, very weird and worrying.

From what both born wolves understood of magic, (Peter, mostly) it is an art centered around control and manipulating energy- For Stiles to do what he did to Derek, he must be very powerful! The majority of magic users use rituals to guide the energy of the world around them to do their will, like witches who use certain moments of certain dates with certain ingredients mixed in certain ways a certain amount of times to create the necessary materials to cast a spell by chanting and channeling energy. What Stiles did? That was something instantaneous, instantaneous and very difficult to do! And he did so without a channeling device, like a wand or staff, which is essential because air does not conduct magic but rather is manipulated by it. "So you're saying that Stiles is extremely powerful?" The doubt in Jackson's voice was loud and clear to every single person in Derek's camaro (Peter, Lydia, Isaac, and Jackson) could hear it: "Well, he must be because of that type of magic, only really powerful witches or a group of witches can do something similar. That's some advanced shit right there, now I understand why he rejected the bite."

"What?" Derek snarled loudly, almost stopping the camaro to a halt, instead they slowed down a little as Derek turned to look at his uncle who sat in the passenger seat with his eyes burning bright crimson: "Oh, he didn't tell you?" Peter nervously fiddled with his shirt's v-neck collar before looking away: "Well, when I was batshit insane, I kinda kidnapped him and offered him the bite? Yeah, he refused and got on my face about how he'd rather be a pathetic human than a murderous psychotic monster." There was a whine from the Alpha, realizing his mistake, Peter was quick to comfort him: "I'm sure he just used that term as an insult to me, specifically." The rest of the ride to Deaton was rather awkward, they arrived at the same time as Chris, Allison, and Scott who went in Chris' car- They soon found the cruiser there, the Sheriff's car.

Inside the building? There were six heartbeats, 3 were weak while the other 3 were as strong as they could possibly be. The scent of wolfsbane was in the air, heavy and burning his nose- They rushed into the building, only to find a human sized bush of Aconitum flowers in the corner, in fact, three bushes of wolfsbane flowers. "Ah, the Hale Pack's here- We better get going, don't want to interrupt their pack bonding experience, after all, this will be a lot." That voice he recognized, Stiles was sitting there alongside his dad and Deaton, the three of them were sharing tea and some cookies, while both Stiles and the Sheriff looked relaxed, Deaton smelled and look clearly distressed and afraid- And by the way he was looking at Stiles, it was clear who was the source of his fear. "Have a nice evening-" Stiles made to get up when Scott was by his side, which was a bad idea seeing as Stiles clearly did not expect it and reacted like he did with Derek, pushing him away with his magic! Fifteen whole feet Scott was pushed, hitting his back on Jackson, who grumbled as he held the Omega. "Don't fucking startle me, almost fucking shocked you." Deaton was now smelling terrified, which was new and utterly amazing to see, in fact, Stiles was holding a case with what he assumed was things Deaton "gave" him? Probably, seeing how smug and satisfied Stiles smelled and looked.

"Let's go daddio-" Before he left though, Stiles stopped right beside Derek, gave him the side eye, and pointed to the human-shaped and sized bushes of wolfsbane flowers: "-I heard you like flowers." Before leaving without any other explanation, on his way out, however, the Sheriff patted him on the shoulder and gave both Chris and Peter a kiss on their forehead as well as whispering: "Talk later."

Now there was only the Hale Pack (And Scott and Alisson) with a terrified Deaton, who slowly spoke: "Well… Remind me to never, ever make an enemy out of the Stilinskis… They are terrifying." Curiosity got the better of Peter it seemed, because with Chris' help he cut a bit of the wolfsbane to reveal the surprise inside- Deucalion, Kali, and Ennis, three members of the Alpha Pack alongside a small written in a paper that was in their dead faces that read [Here's a little gift, Alpha Hale, next time take better care of your pack.] Right, his pack! "Deaton, Erica and Boyd-" He only pointed to the door that led to the back, Derek did not hesitate to go there- What he didn't expect was to find someone he thought long dead.

His sister, Cora Hale in the flesh.

"Derek?" Her voice was weak, but her heartbeat and scent could not be forgotten by him- It sounded weak, as if it was about to fade at any moment: "Derek." She repeated, this time her voice had a better and stronger sense- She was healing from whatever happened to her, and so were Erica and Boyd- His pack, his pack was alive.

All thanks to the boy he kicked out.