
a hopless degenerate she is

He wasn't awake... ... ...she... ... ...found out the hard way.

While stroking it with her right hand, she wispered somthing dirty in his ear, kissed his neck and nibbled his ear making him moan with all sensations.

She played with him for a while before it blasted off on her hand/meaning he came.

She was overjoyed he liked it so much and she was even masterbating while doing him like this and she came herself as her "brother kink" had gone a long way.

But as she teased him some more by grabbing his cheeks and going in for a kiss, that's when she finally realized....he was a heavy sleeper.

No joke my guy outlasted the holocaust, he slept and came, but he ain't got no gain, she felt so embarrassed after doing somthing so shameless like that.

But she bared no regrets, she was in it for the kill, it was like it's life or death in these parts and if she had to, she'd do it again and again, that thick hot peace of flesh was equivalent to crack,


Your good with it...but without it. . .then that's when shit goes downnnnnnnn!




But she didn't stop there, no no no my friends, she nodded to get rid of the evidence and make it seem like it was inconvenient if he woke up like this or sum.

She went down and as it was dark but lit by a flame as their only souce of light, she put his piping hot rod In her mouth and she thanked the chief by licking the plate,

She went overboard as this was her first ever oral...or in general this was her first ever cock, and she played a little game with her mouth,

Coiling her tounge around the gland/head and then trying her best to get that fattie deeper in her, her lips kissed his shaft before she gagged on the cum exploding down her throat.

She couldn't do anything too as he reflexively grabbed her head pressing down and making her swallow every last drop of that thick load.

As his grip loosened she was able to free herself and cough as she could litterally taste it...and it didn't tate bad?

It wasn't like dat dog barf ass shit, dummy stuff, it tasted sweet? like nectar?

'Why dose it taste sweet? and why do I want more?' going into a thirsty bitch phase happens to all of us, lets just hope you don't do anything you regret.

It ended with somthing inside her body...and it wasn't semen.

Her body was overwealmed by whatever was in that semen and it flowed throught her body from in her stomach and immediately turned her on and made her crave sex.

But it was too much for her to handle and she ended up passing out with her boobs hanging out, she was laying infront of him and as she fell unconscious she grabbed his head burying his face in them titys.

He felt like Issei Hyoudou and that was his nock off Asia Argento...background music please!








Waking up she sat up, it all felt like a dream, but then her face turned crimson-red and she put her hands out "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" but then her words came to a shop as she didn't feel anyone there.

She looked and he was gone, but it was still snowing and the fire was raging, new fire wood was added also there were fished already flayed on a large rock next to the flames and it was getting cooked too.

She then looked down at herself and her boobs weren't out and her clothing was all on, even her panties were back to they were and so was her shorts.

'Was it all a dream,... a wet dream?' yep.... she's 100% a pervert, if it was a dream or not, it is to be left unknown.

Down right drenched it her own love juices she thoght about last night and her nose bleed so hard she passed out "my- my brothers hot and thick dong was in my mouth" why...just why do you say the things you do?

5 bucks I bet the author got wet when writing this, what a thirsty bitch.

(Go fuck yourself)

If truck-kun wasn't on my side then I so would...BITCH!

***after a epic fight between the author and [blank] she woke up again***

She got up and yawned as she had another good nap, not as good as the last one but it was enogh to make her all sweaty.

She got out of the tent to see it stoped snowing and she put on her coat and then walked out into the snow, completely forgetting about her fucking shoes or anything to cover her lower body from the cold.

She getting cold feet for sure.

She walked throught the woods to a little path she made and got to the lake where she washed her face, it was cold...no shit, It was God awful cold.

But then she saw tracks...it must of been asmodeus.

She was cold...mostly her fucking feet, but she desided to journey off away from the safety of the warn tent and follow his track.

As she walked for a few minutes she heard running walker not from the sream and then she ran to it as he must of heard it too...but then she cought a dead end.

But that was only from afar, she saw a flat earthy surface but then she looked over to her left to see.


He was butt naked and her face burned crimson-red as she couldn't look away from such a once and a life time view.

She hid behind a tree and as she watched him bathe and let the water hit his newly cut short purple hair, she saw that dong and it was exactly like she remembered it...'no my dude what the absolute fuck, for a shorty, why you gotta be bigger than the author's ego' ayy let's go! she's also throwing shots at the author!

(Hey...that hurt)

Then write a better novel or do one about a ghoul, oh wait you already did that and it got dropped 8 months ago muhahah.

(Fuck you, just for that imma make another ghoul MC in the next novel, and this time I'll make it so good you'll be drooling, you asshead)

And this is how I trick the author into writing good stuff, their so gullible I find it entertaining, also the story's are also really good, for a no good musican who can barly even play the guitar,

( Leave me alone )


(Just read the novel, or narrate, just go away, narrator!!!)

* * * * *

As he finished bathing she ran off, little did she know, he was just clearing his head after waking up, gathering fire wood, fishing, and using a dagger to cut his hair.

He needed to purify himself of the filth in his mind, body, and soul, it was a myth that the assassin's guild taught him about meditation, and it said if you ever find yourself under running water,


You use that flow of the water to calm your mind, relax your body and let go of everything around you cleansing your soul, it was a ancient assassin cleansing technique that cleans the body of filth and the blood from their hands,


With all that they've killed, somthing like this was good for moral.




Finding himself back home he was freezing cold and then he saw her laying down on her back and he grabbed a thing of snow making it into a snowball.

He thew it at her.

"Gwaaaahhhhhhhh" finally, it happened, the first throw of the day, she sat up and she was shivering as he laughed "hey! stop bulling me it's supper cold out here!" she yelled at him grabbing some snow and just like everyone who plays COD, she got da head shot.

He couldn't help but keep laughing as he walked over to her and then he jumped, pouncing on her "hey get off me, you big....little dummy" but then he as got on her and grabbed her wrist.

"Wanna go home~" he said with a cheeky bastard expression "no!" but as he said that she felt her body get warmer and her heart raced as she could just feel "it" press in her belly along with Dat ass.

"Oh, well that's too bad, I forgot my coat and I could get sick" he said in a innocent manner before haveing a smirk as he looked at her.

"I guess I have no chose, to stay warm well have to do it" but as he said that her heart jumped "do... "it"... " her eyes widened as he suddenly leaned in.

She closed her eyes as she felt his breath against her face but then as she puffed her lips,, out, nothing happened, he got off her and layed next to her "well have to share body heat, mine isn't enough" he said as he layed his head on her and was super closed to her.

If she wanted to, she could pressed her boobs into his face and make him suck her titys, but she was a decent person. . .

That was a big lie.

But she wasn't going to do that,

"Your right, from now on its just us asmodeus, we'll share body heat everyday from now on" his body was so warm, he might not of felt it, but her skin was icey, so she was going to need to cuddle him anyways.

She wrapped her arms around him and opened her coat, before she knew it, they were snuggling.




But what she failed to realize, was this entire time he wasn't doing it for himself, he did to for her,


The reason he fell asleep was to preserve energy, and he was blowing energy left and right lately, her body was very cold and to make sure she didn't catch a cold or get sick in such weather,


His body agusted to her desired body temperature, meaning the body heat she needed to keep going he became, but at a cost,


This burned so much energy that he needed to recover it as quick as possible, so sleeping, it was the bast way to recover energy and also life force, that was another sleep beneficial healing thing.

Asmodeus was still only a level 1, he had a limited amount of energy to use despite being at max stats for everything except INT and CHA, so untill he got to stage 1, he was going to be low on everything.




***Several Hours Later***




Waking up with dark circles under his eyes he saw her sleeping and he gave her the coat back, he felt extremely tired and he just wanted to pass out.

Without any choice he needed to feed on her life force, he was near collapsing and he only needed a little bit.

He crawled up close and he pressed his lips against hers [kiss of erin] he siphoned just a bit of energy untill he recovered a portion of his energy back, it was like his fatigue was at 99% but now it was at 78%.

He got up and as he did, he desided to eat one of the untouched fishes he cought and cooked on a piece of stone.

It was still hot as it was right at the fire, but it wasn't so soft and tender anymore, now it was rough, but still good.


Warming up to the fire is goon and all at this time of the year, but don't forget, the forest is fulled with monsters and beast who hate you from the bottom of their hearts and the sight of you is willing to make them kill no matter the case.

[ Bronze hooded snake has appeared ]

As a creature slithered in the camp it was like a thunder stike hit asmodeus.

He smelled the serpents scent and his eye twitched.

Without hesitation he leaped and got to the center of base site and he looked to his right to see the large snake that could devour a person whole.

His eyes glew red "¿serpenthh¿" the slithering bastard hissed at him and without even thinking he hissed back and not one, but all of his features appeared.

He looked like a full blown Demon and his nails grew and sharpened into small claws.

He kicked the snow running at the snake and the snake jumoed at him opening its mouth and unleashing its fangs at him.

But as it was going to swallow him whole, he kicked the ground and his wings flaped with a strong flang and he fliped over the snakes.

But as that happened he landed on the snake stabbing his claws into its scales and deep into it's flesh, his tailed then moved faster than a stingray desperate to survive and it stabbed the snake pricing it deep.

"Shkaaaaaa!" it hissed and the he took a hand out and striated it like a blade.

Just like how you'd do it in prison he started repeatedly shaking the the giant snake as it violently tried shaking and hitting him off.

It slammed him against the ground and he flung off, and it then tried butting him, but they were too slow as he moved and grabbed one of its upper ans lower fangs, he stopped it from biting or swallowing him and then his tail moved striking it inside its mouth and out.

He stabbed its eyes and it's mouth was bloody inside, it rolled around and tried closing its mouth.

But it was to no avail as his tail moved and striked it in the forehead, his tail logged deep into its head breaking through bone and hitting its brain.

It died and as it flailed like a snake rag doll, he got put of its mouth and stomping his foot down on its lower Jae he started ripping put the four fangs one by one.

After he did that he moved onto its back where he ripped off a few large scaled and too a bite into its flesh.

He began eating it for a bit untill he got a large chuck and his belly was full, but after he did that he started clawing at it just a bit before noticing someone's presence.

"hisses!!!" he bared fanged of his own and his bloody red eyes looked at who it was with all intents of killing them.

He saw it was just miss spider and he leaped off the snake while his tail swayed around with immense hostility.

The spider froze as this stange creature bared its fangs, claws and even tail at her, it walked at her with snake blood all over it and it looked enraged.

'Holy shit Holy shit Holy spider God damn it!!!' - spider

The spider gulped as it was stucken with a strange feeling which made her shake down to her spider core.

'Scary, not human, it's scary, it's higher monster, super scary' - spider

He walked up to her and as he reaked of snake, he sniffed the air and he roared at her.

'No it's very angry - spider

She took a step back as he raised his hand and his bloody claws and it looked as if this was going to be her end.

'I'm so dead!' - spider

But them as she closed her eyes, nothing happened.

It might of been John Cenia pulling a, if you can't see me I can't see you trick, becuase it sure as hell worked.

She opened a single eye and his claws were a few centimeters away from her.

'I'm not dead!?' - spider

But then he lowered his hand "¿not... serpent...¿" he mumbled and then he looked to the corpse and then to the spider and he took a step back.

His red eyes faded and then he returned to that tired expression of him with bags under his eyes "spider friend... serpent enemy" his tailed swayed low but then he yawned.

"yep yep, spider friend! Nara the spider is your friend...so don't do me like you did harbari the hooded copper snake" spider wanted life not death from the Demon.

His necklace glew and then his demonic features started dissapearing, he looked to the spider and then just walked away.

"y-you alri-alright b-boy?" spider followed him to close to the fire where he then sat down.

But as he did, he instantly fell asleep.

"The ducking fuck?" - spider

don't forget after this week I'm doing a uploading scedual, but. . .for every 10 power stones, I will upload another chapter that week. deal~♡

P.S. monarch6319 I wasn't throwing shots at you! it was all ment for just jokes since I used to work with you, thanks for undertanding

TurtleMaster6319creators' thoughts