
[One shot Novel] Valentine Day Special

A special One shot novel for Valentine Day. I'm sorry for not being able to continue writing Cosmic Champion. I have some debt to clear first so CC would be later, but still, I want to celebrate special day with my characters and gods. Hope you enjoy, happy and smile for this novel!

PalmDSG · Fantasia
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1 Chs

[One shot Novel] Valentine Day Special

At a certain time, after the great wars that trembled the whole universe...

Somewhere in our universe, on a random planet.

A random planet with living things peacefully doing what they simply desire.

There was 5 living things on that planet, performing a ritual which us, human, would condemn such an act "Blasphemy".

The five living things, of course, have a similar shape to us…or speaking truthfully, a shape of which any living things on the universe wear, mocking the great being of the time before the first dawn.

In the group, there are two females and three males. They are chanting weird, somewhat gibberish, and "looking sacred" words.

They seem to try to summon something out of the circle full of strange symbols in front of them.

"Please…heed our humble call…", one of them, a female calmly says in modest tone.


After what seems to be 5 minutes on our planet passed, all of them starts to feel restless.

"Are you sure this is the right ritual?", the other girl asks out with a doubt.

"Let us stop. This is stupid.", a lean boy says with his annoyed face after let out a big sigh.

"…..You did not show sincerity enough. Try again.", a grim looking big man says with a serious face in monotone to the first girl.

"…..", the last one, a boy, keeps silent not saying anything. His face does not deny that he also thinks the same way the others do.


After silence falls for a while in some dark corner of some random building, the first girl picks up her morale again.

This dark corner is surrounded by many buildings making difficult to be noticed by some certain "Old heads"

"…Please, heed our voices…o god of death…please grant us beautiful deaths…", the first girl pleads once again.



Nothing happened. It was a long silence and empty moment.

"Ah! Fuck it! I shouldn't have believed you!", the lean boy finally lost his cool and yells at the grim looking man.

"So no beautiful death huh? Well, stick to the oil then.", the quiet boy speaks up.

The area around the group was encircled by oil. At first the girl suggested that since the group is going to commit suicide anyway, she would like to experience a beautiful death before she dies.

"Ha….yeah, you light it then. Let the fire slowly embrace us…", the first girl finally gives up with a disappointed sigh and slowly sits down near the others.


After everyone comes close together and sat down. The quiet boy lit the surrounding oil.

"What broke you? Mister?", the girl with concerns asks the grim looking guy.


The man does not answer her, instead he stands up and looks around. The girl sees that and do the same.

She found that the surrounding fire is now replaced with beautiful fireflies which they then fly away freely to the sky.

"Y'all'd better stop calling.", a voice ring out behind the group while they are busy watching the beautiful fireflies.

"A girl?", the first girl is surprised that the owner of the voice is actually a little girl much younger than her.

The little girl they see has unimaginable body features.

A long black hair that almost touched the ground, with sparkles, shiny particles, and somewhat space pattern…..no.

Her hair is the space! They could clearly see a space is in her hair!

Her face….good god! It's normal…just a delicate fair skin girl…..HER EYES!!!!!

The little girl's eyes are much more astounding!

One is shining, One is…..definitely does not look like a normal eye!

"!!!! A planet!", the lean man saw one of her eye and looks at it carefully. He found that the eye looks really like a planet!

"One eye is a star, One eye is a planet! So beautiful…..", the first girl is in awe with how gorgeous the little girl's eyes are.

"Hey! Do you guys hear me? I said 'STOP CALLING!' ", feeling uneasy with the stares, the little girl shouted at the group making them wake up to reality.

"You….you must be the god of death! Woooooow!", the concerned girl is burstly with bliss.

She quickly walks to the little girl without second thoughts.

"God of death?! What are you all been doing?", the little girl startles at the words. Her face quickly changed from carefree to annoyed with the stares to really concerned and surprised.

"Please, kind lord. Grant us a beautiful death", the grim looking man kneels down which then leads the others to follow.

"No.", the little girl refuses without hesitation or any slight delay.

"Th-then… why did you come!", the lean man who is easily annoyed, asks while frowning.

"Fuck sake. Do you even hear what I said?"

"I came here because you all snoop heads keep calling for some stupid god of death or something. And I just now said, STOP IT!", the little girl sees how ill-mannered the man was, she too is getting annoyed and slightly angry from their stubbornness.

"What?! You are not the god of death? Then who are you? I mean, what are you, really?", the first girl acknowledges that the little girl is not what she wanted, she quickly changes her attitude.

"Can't you see my shirt? Also why y'all want to die tho?"

The black shirt the little girl is wearing reads "Best Dad of the universe". It is just a simple black shirt with short sleeves covered all the way down to the knees and texts on the chest.

"What language is this?!", the first girl is slightly annoyed and starts to treat the little girl like she's a trouble.

"Ah…I forgot.", after that the little girl wiggles one of her index fingers and the group seems to understand the texts despite the letters do not change.

"…what…I can understand now?!", the quiet boy once again acts not cool like he was trying to.

"….we…could you please kill us beautifully, little miss?", the concerned girl asks kindly.

Despite being confused with the shirt and fully of concerned all the time, she is the first one and possibly the only one who is kind out of the rest.

"Little miss? Haha. Aren't you a pretty and kind girl? Please do tell me, why are you guys want to die?", the little girl is pleased with how kindly the concerned girl was, so she reflected her actions.

Kindness to kindness. Rude to rude.

Somehow her eyes despite being a star and a planet, one could feel love from her eyes like a human to his beloved child or dog.

"I….I was…I…"

"I get it. You can do it. Believe in yourself even if no one believes you."

The concerned girl was stuttering until the little girl interrupts.

"H-How did you know?", the concerned girl is really surprised how the little girl guesses her problem correctly.

"No one is born perfect. Like these guys. But whatever would come, never forget what your heart truly desire. I am proud of you, girl.", the little girl smiles but not answers the question, instead she cheers and reminds the concerned girl with passion and love.

"Thank…Thank you…..", the concerned girl is now certain. She almost cried with a word that no one has never said to her before. "I am proud of you"

"What?! Bullshit! You can't just changed your attitude and resolve just because some weird ass little girl said something nice to you!", the first girl saw everything and immediately burning up her hatred.

"And what about you? Why do you want to die?", the little girl turns around and ask the first girl making her quickly frowns.


"Trust issue? Anger management? Pessimistic? Or…. A broken….love?"

Before the first girl could vent her anger, the little girl interrupted making her shock then starts to red in the face again with the word "love"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!", the first girl shouted at the top of her lungs as her eyes start to moisten.

"What is love, sweety? Tell me-"


Before the little girl could finish her sentence, a bullet pierce into her chest.

"She is dangerous! Everyone, run!", the grim looking man holding a gun in his hands shouts as his body seems to be shaky.

"Nah. You are!"



Before anyone could react or run, the little girl swiftly raised her arm making the gun in the grim looking man's hand flies up and falls to the ground.

"Down!", The little girl point her finger down and the grim looking man magically prostrate to the ground.

The scene shocks everyone making none of them dare to move.

"You did a good job changing your life. Why bother destroying it again?", the little girl then turned to the first girl and asks.

"Don-Don't speaking like you know everything of me!!", despite being fearful of the little girl, the first girl switches back to her previous attitude after recalling that she wants to die.

"WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT LIFE? LIFE IS SHIT! WHY WAS I EVEN BORN? I DID NOT CHOOSE TO BE BORN, I DID NOT! WANT TO COME OUT AND FUCKING AGONIZE EVERTHING THAT THEY FUCKING SAY TO ME?!", the first girl somehow snapped and keeps shouting and yelling to the little girl. She reached her limit and starts crying pitifully as she falls to the ground.

The little girl is somehow shocked a little and goes silent for a while.

"Mis-", the confident girl tries to comfort the first girl but getting stopped by the little girl's hand right away.

"Tell me what you see."

The little girl also kneels down and points her finger at the little pond from the first girl's tears.

It seems….that the living things in this planet could create a lot of tears without problems.

The pond from the first girl's tears reflects her body.

She sees a young slim woman whose cheeks are covered in waterfalls of tears.

The first girl does not answer anything.

"I see, A hard-working girl. A strong-will woman. A lady that refused to give up.", the little girl speaks making the first girl slowly raises her head to look at the girl.

"Just because, your heart is broken, does not mean, it cannot be rebuilt."

The first girl looks into the little girl's starry eyes, the little girl slowly pulls out the bullet that was stuck at her heart with her left hand and raises it to show the broken-heart girl.

The bullet slowly changes into a plant and the broken tears in the pond slowly disperse up into the air and nourish the plant making it gradually grows into a beautiful red-white flower, all while she slowly speaks to the woman.

"Beautiful…..", the heart-broken girl is astonished as she looking at the wonder in front of her very own eyes. None could have imagined such a beauty of life.

"This is life….Everything gradually grows and always comes to an end. This flower has fought for its life to grow and to become a beautiful flower. It does not know why it was born, was created, or where will its life will end, but It still fights for its life knowing that despite one day it will die and the beautiful flower in the past would wither in the present, yet…..it knows…that it was once a beautiful flower….", the little girl slowly says as her eyes looking at the beautiful flower in her left palm with wonder and proud.

"Thank you...Thank you so much…..", the first girl finally realizes and she thanks the little girl as she tries to stop her weeping.

"I believe you will be better than this flower.", the little girl hands the flower in her palm to the hopeful girl and she accepted with gratitude.

"Wh—what?! Isn't that too easy?!", the next victim, the lean man is disbelieved.

"Ah! You were so quiet I almost forgot about you."

"What about you? You seem not so miserable to me?", the little girl turns to the lean man and slowly walks toward him.


At that moment, the grim looking man groans as he tries hard to break free from the pressure above him.

"Ah you…hmmm…", the little girl stops her march and turned to the grim looking man. She watches him struggles and ponder something as she observes him carefully.

"Hey you. How many of you are here?", the little girl turns to the lean man again and asks him strangely.

"Wha…..fa-five, s- sir!", the lean man has a goosebumps from how bizarre the little girl's question is.

"Five? Hmm..", the little girl seems to be a little surprised then she seems to focus something.

"Ah! You! How did you get here?! Go back or I'll have to use some force!"

After a few seconds, the little girl looks around and seems to startle at the quiet boy. She points her finger at him and says seriously.

"Damn! I did not expect you to see me!", the quiet boy quickly rushes behind the lean man.

"Arggghh! Wh---what?!"

The two girls gasp and the lean man was surprised. The quiet boy levitates up into the air and grabs the lean man's neck from behind.

"Sneaky ass, aren't ya? I thought close all the wounds up, how did you get in here?!", the little girl asks the boy carefreely despite someone is being held hostage.

"The barrier was still quite a pain in my back! I thought I'll stay here and regain my power for a while, didn't think some weird creature would find me this quick!", the boy says.

"Weird creature? HOW DARE YOU?", the little girl seems to be offended.

"Uh…what's going on here?! Someone care to explain?", the lean man tries his best to speak because the confusion is too annoying.

"Shut up!", the boy squeezed his neck tighter.

"Hey, boy! You haven't told me why you want to die yet!", the little girl looked at the hostage.

"Ah….die….that's right…", the lean man heard the word die and remembers that he came here to suicide.

No one suspects the strange thing yet. Not even the outer one.

"Aw come on man!", seeing the hostage wants to die again, the little girl disappointed.

"He is an addict, little lady! He lost everything, money, house, his pants just for the drugs! Please help him!", the confident girl quickly tells the little girl.

"Ah! That's it?!", the little girl is somewhat relieved.


"Stop saying like everything is so easy, will you?!", the lean man sees the little girl's relieved face and gets angry.

"I mean, you can just quit it!", the little girl responds.

"Shut the fuck up!", the lean man is snapped.

"Little lady! Addiction is not something that can be cured easily! Please don't say something that might arouse his anger!", the confident girl warns the little girl seriously and a frown on her face.

"Well, I mean it! Just quit it!", the little girl still says the same.

"YOU DO NOT KNOW SHIT!!! IF IT'S THAT EASY I WOULD'VE LOST EVERYTHING!!!", the lean man seems to be broken, he keeps shouting while squirming in the hand of death behind him.

"Just quit it!", she still insists.

"Please!", the confident girl is getting more anxious.



The lean man gets interrupted by the alien behind him.

"You all do not seem to understand the situation here, huh? HEH?! Especially you! You weird female!", the alien points his finger at the little girl.

"Nah, you are the one who does not understand the situation.", the little girl responds.

"If you're insist to help these miserable life forms that much then I'll crush one of it right before you!"

"GYAAAAJHAAJHAH FINALLY DIEEE!! DEDE!!! DeD!!!!", the lean man seems to be crazy already.


The alien behind the lean man uses all of its might to crush his neck.

"!!! What?!"

It feels the neck of the lean man is dense, very dense. Like it's touching a wall of air.

"What? Can't crush it? I think I won't leave a jar to you then", the little girl mocks the alien.

"I'm pretty sure I still got some good strength in me! Just a simple life form's organ! I can easily break it! BUT WHY?!", the outer one thought as its mind getting more anxious.

"I warned you. You chose to kill my kid. I won't let you go!", the little girl says with a little anger.

"Ka-Kid?! WAIT?! IT CAN'T BE!", the outer one in the planet's life forms shape startles and releases his hand.

It then starts to turn away and flee.

"IT CAN'T BE!! IT CAN'T BE! IT CAN'T BE!!", the alien says in panic as it's flying away from the group.

"Don't talk to me or my kids ever again!", the little girl says with a light cheeky smile on her face then closes her planet eye and points her finger out to the direction of the alien.


In a blink of an eye, something that looks like a thin flash…or a thin light is fired from the tip of her index finger pierced through the alien's body making it disappear instantly like someone hits the delete button.

The thin light was passed through the lean man's ear making him snapped back to reality.

The two girls on the other hands, the little girl thinks they are gonna go wild after seeing her uses 0.0000000000001% of her power but to her surprise, the two girls are opening their mouth in awe (We call it Pog) with sparkly eyes.

"I thought you two gonna go insane..", the little girl says when she turns around and sees their faces.

"Eek!!! Please! I don't want to die worthless like that!!!", the lean man falls to the ground and all his craziness just now are gone.

"What? How did you- … huh? Was it because my pew pew or you guys are just good at mental?", the little girl sees how the lean man gets back to able to talk normal so fast, she once again gets a surprise of the day aside from these kids wanting to commit suicide.

"Ah! Time's up! I have to return now y'all. See ya! …. I guess?", the little girl says.

Everyone on the scene is speechless. Everything happens so fast their non-human brains can't process in time.

"You, remember what I said? This is your first real job now! I trust them to you!", the little girl says to the confident girl which was a concerned girl earlier.

"Yes! I will try my best!", she replies.

"Who are you really?", the other girl asks her friend.

"I am a special psychiatric operator! My duty and responsibility are taking care of people like you guys.", the confident girl answers confidently.

"What? so you're just undercover into our group?", the girl with flower asks in surprise.

"Well, sorry! It's a long story so-"

"Ey yo, don't forget that man lying down there though. That alien controlled his mind all the time, so I think you'd better take good care of his brains", the little girl interrupts and points at the unconscious grim looking man.

"What is all of these?! Am I taking a good meth?! HAHAH!?", the lean man starts to break up again.

"Bruh should I delete all the addiction thingys? Anyway, just quit it bro!"

The little girl says jokingly then waves her hand to the lean man making him angry once again.

She then turns around and raises one of her hand and swipes it across the thin air making the fabrics of reality tear down like curtains. When the flower girl peeks inside, she sees a somewhat dark hall decorated with dim lights.

"I am going insane….", the girl with flower finally admits it.

"Haha! Maybe? But don't forget what I said! Bye for real!", the little girl turns around and chats with the flower girl a few words before walking pass the curtains and smiles at her before it fuses back up and leaves everything like nothing happens before.

"Yes…I will..love myself..", the flower girl smiles as she hugs the flower to her chest.

After that, the psychiatric team comes from the call of the confident girl with ambulances. She is like an undercover agent to help ease mental issue people's pain.




"Where have you been?", a woman voice rings out

"Ah sorry, Mehl-Xha. Some kids were being naughty calling for gods.", the little girl answers.

"Must you go there yourself?", She asks with a bit of concern.

"Mmm, well, today is a special day..besides some outer ones might hear them, so I just took a walk.", the little girl replies.

"There was an outer one there, by the way.", the little girl continues.

"Huh?! How did it get in?! Are you alright?! Should I call little one?", she is shocked and getting a bit panic.

"Maybe before we closed your wounds? I already erased it anyway~ No need to be worry!", the little girl says carefreely.

"Also.", the little girl continues.

The little girl comes closer to her dearest and gives a very big hug to her despite her hands won't completely embrace.

"?", the woman shows a confused sign.

"Today is a love day for human."

"Thank you again for everything…", the little girl rests his head on the woman's abdomen.

The woman does not say anything, but she stretches her hands out and embraces the little girl while smiling happily.
