
[Not Current! Click other version!] The Summoner and Contractor System

This version isn’t updated anymore! There’s an identical version of this webnovel—same title and author—with more chapters posted! That is the current version and the one which will continue to be updated! Hope to see those of you reading this over there. Sincerely, Shotgun9494 Rentaro Eccel, an eighteen-year old orphan, lived a rather ordinary life. Since young, he had decided to live his life by his own ideals, living a life of solitude with his few hobbies of enjoyment, while not harming those around him. As fate would have it, Rentaro finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Caught in a bank robbery, he makes the choice to sacrifice himself to protect a child from suffering the same fate of losing his parents and living a life of sorrow. Opening his eyes, Rentaro finds rebirth after death. He is transported into a world of cultivation with a system that will ensure he never lives days of solitude again, living with the Summoner and Contractor System and his new companions. Release Rate: Unstable Special thanks to silentscarlettt who created the cover.

Shotgun9494 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Notes Before You Read

This novel is centered around the main character fighting alongside his companions. As for companions, most will consist of elementals, beasts, and creatures from legends, myths, and urban legends. I might throw in a Pokémon or two, maybe something from an anime, for all I know... (most likely not though) :P

Aside from summons, the main character will have friends that accompany him, albeit not all the time.

As for romance, the main character won't have a harem - it will be monogamy.

Forgot to mention, the system is going to be rather interactive with the main character. As the story develops, I plan on having the main character develop the abilities that he uses from the system on his own.