
[JJK] Chronicles

JJK:CHRONICLES. A soul is reborn inside the body of Yuji Itadori, however, this soul is from our earth, in the year 2023, this guy is caught up with all the recent manga chapters and then some. Even being familiar with some of the wiki.

pinto · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs



It was a strange day for me to say the least. Everything happened so fast I didn't know what was actually real and what was just a figment of my imagination. I was walking across the street, hand in hand with my girlfriend of almost four years when suddenly, I had every single one of my senses bombarded.

First came a loud, obnoxious sound. It seemed like… A horn? I don't know but I know that it basically burst my eardrums. Next followed an overwhelming sense of pain that caused my body to cease; My taste buds told me I was tasting blood, a lot of it too.

My ears were ringing, my mind was failing, my nerves were shocked, and I couldn't smell a thing.

Then, it went black.

Now I'm here.

I don't know how long it's been in this dark void of a "domain." If I had to guess, I probably died, most likely ran over by a huge 18-wheeler or something. It adds up to say the least. The loud horn, the pain…

Yeah, I definitely got run over. My girlfriend too. She always said she wanted to die together, so I guess that's just a lucky coincidence. 'Heh, if you can even call that "lucky."' Sighing for had to be the billionth time, I groaned.

I was so BORED. There was nothing to do except float here and inspect the same old stars that have probably been here for centuries on top of centuries. Eventually it got old.

Sleeping doesn't help either cause I'm never tired. I end up closing my eyes for a long ass time under the false preconception that I'm actually sleep. I always wake up in the same place, in the same position, in front of the same old damn stars.

"FUCK!" I yelled, half hoping something would happen but expecting nothing to occur… You can only imagine my surprise when the entire domain began to rumble and roar back at me.

This scared the shit out of me. I quickly tried my best to get into an upright position as I took in every bit of the domain I could possibly manage. The rumbling never stopped, in fact, it got louder…

Then it happened. A giant space-time crack occurred right in front of me; If I was alive and had a biological body, my eardrums would've popped for the second time and my brain probably would've exploded.


A loud bang finalized the event in front of me and a giant man stepped out, bathed in divine light with no distinguishable features other than his form of being resembling that of a human, greeted me with a slight wave.

"Apologies! That was a lot more dramatic than I had intended… Anyway, I'm here though, so I guess everything is alright." His voice was the biggest misconception of it all!

He sounded like a little kid! But I couldn't focus on that alone, he was my way out of here, or- He was the one that would give me clues on finding my way out of here.

So, steeling my nerves and pushing all the nonsense I could to the back of my brain, I spoke up. "Hello… Um, I have a couple questions if you don't mind…" To say it was awkward was certainly an understatement.

The new cosmic-being just hummed understandingly with a nod. "Where am I exactly…? And why have I been trapped in here for so long instead of being sent to heaven or hell?" The being opened its mouth wide as if it just realized something.

"Ah! That's my bad! You weren't supposed to be in here for as long as you've stayed, BUT! It didn't come without benefits so in a sense it's a win-win because you still get to reincarnate or transmigrate- really whatever you choose- "

"Wait wait, reincarnate? Transmigrate? You mean like those mangas and fanfictions and stuff?" The being nodded, "Yep, you even get the wishes too!" A smile cracked on my face.

'Amazing… I guess it wasn't all that bad in the end.' Now I was excited.

"Do I get to choose my world? - Wait, you still didn't tell me where I was and why I was stuck here." I quickly got back on track, was any of that stuff really all that important to me now? Not really, but I'd still like to know.

I couldn't even really be irritated or mad at the guy now. I still get my wishes and a new life in any world I choose, PLUS I have an additional boon!

"Right. Well, we're currently at the cross-connection to both what you humans perceive as 'Heaven and Hell.' We're basically in limbo. Here is where the judgement happens, however for you! You get to reincarnate or transmigrate because I was late. So, the one in charge basically wanted to apologize and this is his way of doing that! Let's get to it!" 

I wasn't all that satisfied with that answer, but who am I to dwell on the past?

Nodding my head, I clapped my hands together and rubbed them. "Okay, so do I get to choose my world?" The being shook his head, "Nope, it's already chosen for you." I sighed.

"Of course, it is…" I muttered, "So, do I at least get to choose my own wishes?" The being nodded, "Of course you can. You have three because you stayed here for so long." I just hummed.

"Okay, so where am I going first of all?" Before I make any wishes I need to know my possible environment. If I don't have a single recollection of my chosen universe, then I'm royally fucked.

"Uh… I believe it was a Universe named Jujutsu Kaisen. I'm sure you're familiar with it." My eyes widened. This could be a blessing and a curse, but of course I'm familiar with it.

"Okay… I know that universe pretty well. Can I get some time so I can think up my wishes?" 

"Yeah, take all the time you need- Oh! Before I forget, the boon for being in here for so long is that your soul is practically full of this domains energy… So, you're more so akin to a battery of negative and positive divine energy. Your soul was basically rewritten." 

'Ah… T-that sounds really important.' "Are there any drawbacks?" I ask, to which the being just shakes his head. "Well, if you think having an overwhelmingly powerful mixture of energy inside of you is a drawback, then I guess so." He said with a shrug.

I just shrugged alongside him and got to thinking.

'What do I want, what do I want…' 

'Oh, I got it.' "I want Absolute Immortality." The being paused then hummed, conjuring a piece of paper and pen before writing it down. I paused but soon resumed. "Um… I'd also like absolute cursed energy manipulation." 

"Ah! That's a good one! The energy you absorbed is basically the same as cursed energy in that universe since this place is full of impure thoughts as well as some positive ones.

The people that have been judged and are sent on their respective ways leave behind either their impure, evil thoughts or their good and holy thoughts and emotions well… respectively. So, you basically absorbed billions of people's energy. There's no telling what you're capable of when you get to your new world."

That boon just keeps getting better and better. "Heh, now I don't really regret being in here for so long… It does suck that I had to be in here by myself." That thought brought back memories I tried to forget…

"Say… Is my girlfriend alright?" The being tilted his head. "You mean Samantha? Yeah, she's in heaven." I let out a sigh of relief.

"That's good… Anyway, for my last request, I'd like Sukuna' cursed technique with the same mastery over everything like he does." The being paused.

"Well… I can make that happen, but it wouldn't be much of a challenge for you in your new life. Are you sure?" I hummed. He had a point… Sukuna was now the strongest in the verse, it would be boring if I could essentially one shot everything.

"I mean yeah but-"I was cut off.

"How about I just put you in the same vessel he's in and you just figure out a way for him to teach you everything he knows? You'll be soaking up his cursed energy and alongside, you soul will learn his technique." The being paused, tapping his chin.

"Oh! And since your soul is billions of times stronger than both of theirs combined, you can take control over the vessel and then incarnate your physical body whenever you're ready. You'd become Yuji and Yuji'd become you… Same for Sukuna."

My eyes widened. 'That's… Not a bad idea. With Absolute Immortality my soul can never be destroyed. I can be sealed though… So, I'd have to play it cautiously until Gojo gets sealed. Otherwise, once Kenjaku learns of my existence he'll figure out a way to seal me.

He's no doubt smarter than me…' With a subtle frown on my face, I begin to nod my head. "Yeah, I like that. Let's do that as my final wish." The being happily nodded, clapping his hands together as he did a little jump.

"Great! Now you can be on your way! Whenever you incarnate inside of Yuji, Sukuna will most likely be hostile so be careful! Even though you can't die, you can still feel pain!" And with that-

He snapped his fingers and my vision blackened for the first time in millenniums.