
[In The Palace Of Gods]

Dark_Ages · Fantasia
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11 Chs

Ch. 7 Ways To Use Magic

[In The Palace Of Gods]

Chapter 7

Ways to use Magic

(Well done brat. Now you would be able to use high tier spells without running out of mana.)

(So that means that I have an infinite amount of mana??) That way I can cast spells forever!

(Yeah, basically you have unlimited mana. But you won't be able to cast spells once your stamina runs out. And having more mana doesn't mean you can cast all spells. Greater spells would take a greater toll on your body. Morever you need many complex calculations to cast those spells.) Human brain can't do those calculations no matter how much they try.

(Still, to be able to cast simple spells without limit is convenient too.)

(Today, we're starting our first lesson. We'll start with simple spells.)

(Ah.. No need to start with simple spells. I already know them. I was an adventurer after all.)

(Not those lousy spells, idiot. Our standard is completely different from that of your world. The first thing that we are going to learn is to cast basic spells without chanting.)

(Huh? But how?) Chant is necessary to cast spells right?

(Chants are fake. Your brain does most of the calculations unconsciously to do magic. Because you think that it will cast the required spell, your brain unconsciously does the magic formation for you, and you think that it was done by the chant. If you understand the basics of mana and magic, you don't have to chant. Chants are just a psychological factor. Come here, what do you think this is?)

Hana showed him a weird image of something that looked like a disfigured box.

(What is this??) It looks creepy!

(This is the structure of a single positively charged particle of mana. This one here is a negatively charged particle of mana. And the one at the end is a neutral one. It imitates different elements and energies when arranged in different structures and patterns. This arranged structure is called magic circles. A mana compound is made up of 1 positive, 1 negative and 1 neutral particle of mana. When you make mana compounds pass through the completed magic circle, they immediately start behaving like the required element. That completes your spell. Here, take this.)

She threw a book at him which he failed to catch followed by a 'tch'.

(Are these the structures required to create different elements?) They look kinda cool.

(That's right, you have to learn the fire, water, air and tremor ones.)

(But how do I create the structures??)

(You can sense the flow of mana right? You just have to take it to the next level.)

(What might you mean?)

(You have to concentrate enough to feel each and every mana particle around you. You should then be able to control them using the mana in your own body. Then you can arrange them accordingly. Once you learn to sense mana particles, you can easily tell the difference between them.)

(But that would require time, I'm not disturbing you right?)

(Nope. I came here cause I have holidays. And you're doing the sensing work alone so bye.. And don't come out until you learn to do it.)

(Yes ma'am!!)



(Yo Hana, how's training?)

(It's going well, but that brat is soo dumb. Would you mind telling me the reason you chose him?)

(He is not alone. An ancient being lies within him. A being that existed long before I was born. He was sealed by the Flame Monarch inside the Orb of Holocaust. It went missing some 370 million years ago.)

(Ah! Now I remember that I once heard from the higher ups about an ancient deity who went missing after being sealed.) I heard it many years ago.

(Even the other monarchs are showing interest in him.)

(That will probably be discussed in the upcoming event.) He's gonna be snatched away from you.

(I know, it's going to be troublesome. The Ruler complains almost about everything we do.) I feel like playing games during the meeting.




Neon flung the door open as he jumped off the railing and crash landed on the floor.

(I managed to do it! I even casted a fire spell.) It would be at least advanced level magic in my world.

(That's good. But I expected you to be faster.)

Hana gave him a cold look.

(Hey kid, why don't you try blasting that wall over there?)

(Huh? He has not reached that level yet!) He started today.

(Don't worry, I've removed all the barriers.)

(Ok, I'll try sensei.)

He closed his eyes. A magic circle began forming in front of him. He then opened his eyes, gave a smile to Hana who didn't react at all and then fired the spell. A huge ball of fire went forth and crashed on the wall. The wall began to break. But the fire soon ran out.

(Not bad. You almost broke it.)

(Hehe, Hana you should praise me too, ya kno-)

(I'll PUNCH you.)

(Sorry. Um, Hana, can you show me what a complex circle looks like?) I didn't find any in the book.

(Sure) That book only consists of simple spells.

She raised her hand. A colourful magic circle formed in front of her. It was very big and complex. Neon couldn't look away. It was BEAUTIFUL. She dispelled it immediately.

(Wow!! That was pretty! Was it a spell to make things beautiful? Or maybe create a rainbow?)

(No, it was a nuclear spell called magnetic field : fusion blast.) Nothing beautiful.

(Hehe hehehe… I see. A blast spell.)

Neon looked at her dumbfounded. At that moment, she gave a little smile.


(What? Why are you laughing?) Do I look weird?

(You looked like a little GIRL while you were looking at the magic circle, but then looked like a complete idiot when you heard the name of the spell.)

(So are we done with today's lesson?)

(Yeah we're done. But did you know that magic is not only about casting to hit others. It can be used in a variety of ways. Like you can apply wind magic below your feet and fly in air. You can also use the fire magic you used just now to increase or decrease your speed.)

(Woah! I'll try that later. Bye~)





(I can't believe that he's back. It would be fun to fight him again. Buhahahaha..)

(Will I be able to join as well sensei?)

(Huh? You can't even scratch him. Or do you think that I can't handle him alone???)

(Of course not sensei, after all you are the Monarch of Flames.)

… … … … … … … … …

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