
[In The Palace Of Gods]

Dark_Ages · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Ch. 10 Permission

[In The Palace Of Gods]

Chapter 10


(Woah! I completely smashed several dolls without touching them.) It's so satisfying. They had beaten me up soo much.

(Don't make it sound like a big deal. You're far from being strong.) You've just learned the basics. Never get overconfident.

(At least praise me a little, Naku.) Not that it makes me happy or anything. But still, you gotta praise my efforts.

(Tch whatever, good job. Well bye, I gotta go. And you've got swordsmanship class now.)



(Yo, let's start immediately, kid.)

(Hmm, okay, so where do we start?)

(Take this sword and swing it a million times vertically, and a million times horizontally. Then run 300 laps of this palace and tell me when you're done. I'll try defeating the next boss until then.) I don't get much time to play.

Tony handed him a real sword instead of a fake one.

(Why don't you just die old man! You should atleast teach me dammit.!) Not much time? How many hours do you think you play that thing daily!


(Huff… Huff… Huff, there you go old man, I'm done.)

(Very good, now try cutting that chair in 2.) The one you sit on.

(Huh? That's an easy job.) Here I go–

Neon held his sword in his both hands and swung it at the chair. But instead of cutting the chair, the sword bounced back up. Neon was startled. He tried it again but failed.

(Hahahahaha! You're not even able to cut a chair.) That's kinda pathetic.

(Why did this happen?) I'm sure that I hit it right.

Neon was confused. He had a little experience with the sword as he was an adventurer.

(Now try pouring your mana in the sword.)

He did as he was told. The sword pierced the chair though it was only a shallow cut.

(It did cut. I never thought that I could use my mana in such a way!)

(Now keep practising until you completely cut it with a single strike. The chair will keep restoring. And a little bit of advice– try coating your whole blade in mana, but keep it thin and dense. That way, it will be more effective. After you finish that, then practice cutting the target without touching it. It works with the same principle as that of the martial arts. Good luck and don't come to me unless you finish.)

Even as Tony played games, he kept an eye on him to observe his growth.



(So today we'll be learning 'mana breathing' and 'mana sense'.)

(Roger that, Hana.)

According to what Hana explained to him, mana breathing is a technique where you intake mana from outside and divert it towards your heart. It then pumps the mana through your whole body making it tons of times stronger. Mana sense is a different technique where you feel the vibrations in the air via mana to detect and feel the structure of your surroundings. It will also help you to dodge anything at an insane speed.

(It's not that hard, just don't think of anything, keep your mind blank and just try to feel your surroundings. If you can't keep your mind blank, then I may help with mind control magic and memory manipulation.)

(Ugh. No thanks.)



(Sensei, I got the technique but can't cut the chair without touching it!)

(It's simple. Just try keeping the layer of mana as thin as possible. And it should be dense, like atleast a hundred times more dense than it's in the air.)

(Can you show me a demonstration?)


Tony walked forward, told him to sit down, and held his own hand like a sword. He didn't have any actual sword. The mana beside his palm began to get denser. It became so dense that it was visible. He then swung his arm horizontally like a sword. For the first three seconds, nothing happened. Neon was just looking everywhere trying to notice what happened. He thought that maybe his sensei cut a target that was far from him. But after three seconds it was revealed that the whole palace was cut in half.

(Woah! That's amazing!)

(Keep practising and you'll achieve something near that in just a few days.)

(Ah! I wanted to ask you something, how many months should have passed in my world from when I came here?)

(Three months, 5 days. Why did you want to know?) Is your birthday today?

(Actually in the next month, the admissions for attending the Royal Academy of Enlogia will be open. So I wanted to ask if I could attend it. Please… )

(Why do you want to attend it? You can get anything you want here.) Have I said no to anything that you wanted?

(It's not like that, just, my fiance will be there too. Soo… I wanna go there too. Please sensei.)

(Nope.) Not gonna agree.

(Please, please, pretty please!)

(Sigh, fine but only if you learn this technique along with mana sensing, mana breathing, medium tier magic, sword magic, martial arts - low tier, and a little bit of nuclear magic.)

(Huh? But it's only a few days away.)

(You know that time runs slower here!)

(Ya but still, I have to study for the written exam too.) I can't get in just by being practical.

(If you wanna go there, then you can't give me any excuses. You study however you want, but all the things I mentioned should be completed as well. Otherwise I won't allow you to go.)

(Ok, I'll manage somehow.)



(Is it really okay for him to go like that?)

(I feel like you should stop him. What if 'it' suddenly goes berserk in the middle of nowhere?)

(Don't worry both of you, I've got everything under control.)

(Well, good for me, I'll get to enjoy my holidays.)

(Same. Now I can work peacefully.)

(Oh really? Don't lie, I know you'll miss him.)


(You old mann!)

Both Naku and Hana got embarrassed.



(Finally, it's time. I'm too excited for it, sensei.)

(Well, I'll miss you.)

(Truth to be told, I'll miss you too sensei. Now shall we go to the academy?) Don't directly teleport or it'll freak others out.


(What?????) What do you mean no?

(Let's meet the king and your God, Algaya first… )

Next: academy arc.