
[HP X DXD] Master of a Universe

[A Harry Potter X Highschool DXD Fanfic] A child beaten, broken, and abused arrives unexpectedly in the Underworld and gets a new chance at life. Death wasn't the end of his Journey. Where will his new life take him? Will he rise from the ashes and conquer these new challenges? How will Harry Potters life turn out after such major Changes? — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — For more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Thank you for your Support — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — Disclaimer: The Wizarding World and the Universe of Highschool DXD are the property of their Creators. I only own my Original Plots and Characters.

Ashmodai · Livros e literatura
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134 Chs

Chapter 51: Dobby

The evening spent in the company of the Delacour family proved to be an enchanting affair, brimming with warmth and genuine camaraderie. Sebastien Delacour, a devoted father to his cherished daughters Gabrielle and Fleur, eagerly awaited the opportunity to meet Rias and her loyal peerage, their valiant protectors in the face of Riser's perverse intentions. The heartfelt gratitude he felt towards them resonated within his every interaction.

Meanwhile, Helene, as the leader of the Parisian Veela Enclave, wasted no time in reaching out to her trusted solicitor. Recognizing the significance of this occasion, she swiftly set in motion the wheels of legality, aiming to formalize a protective agreement between her enclave and the esteemed Gremory family. With diligence and unwavering determination, she prepared everything to solidify their alliance through a binding contract.

Once their dinner was finished, the solicitor completed his work, and both parties signed two copies of the contract: one for Helene and the other for the Gremory family, which Rias would send to her father. After the ink dried on the contract, Rias and her peerage decided it was time to leave as it had grown late, with the darkened sky outside serving as a reminder.

However, before bidding farewell to the Delacours for the night, they made arrangements to meet up with Fleur and Gabrielle again during their stay in Paris. The two blond-haired sisters, being locals, possessed an intimate knowledge of the city and were eager to show Rias and her companions more of its beauty and secrets.

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Their time in Paris proved to be a delightful experience as they embarked on numerous expeditions through the various wizarding and non-magical areas of the city. Fleur and Gabrielle, serving as their knowledgeable guides, revealed hidden gems and shared captivating tales, enriching their explorations.

However, the fateful moment arrived when they had to bid adieu to the enchanting city and return to the Underworld. Lord Gremory desired a conversation with Rias regarding the agreement with the Veela Enclave, and Harry's Hogwarts letter had also arrived, signaling the need for him to complete his shopping and embark on his magical journey. Harry couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment as he hadn't received any responses from his friends, leaving him perplexed by the silence. Regrettably, he had neglected to ask Hermione for her phone number before parting ways on the train, which would have alleviated his confusion.

Nevertheless, amidst the whirlwind of events, Harry made impressive progress in his French language learning endeavors. With the aid of his Gate of Truth and a collection of French-English language books and dictionaries added to his sacred gear's library, he dedicated himself to mastering the language. He consciously suppressed his natural Devil Language Skill, opting to communicate in French with store owners, the Delacour sisters, and the people he encountered. This immersive approach significantly enhanced his French skills, making the process of reading the purchased books much smoother and more enjoyable.

As their final night in Paris approached, anticipation filled the air. Tomorrow morning would mark their return to the Underworld, where Harry planned to reestablish contact with his friends, arranging a date for their shopping trip to Diagon Alley. As they dispersed to their respective rooms within the suite they occupied, Harry was met with an unexpected sight.

As he wearily approached his bed, ready to retire for the night, he discovered an unusual presence. Resting atop his bed was a peculiar creature with large bat-like ears and bulging green eyes. Instantly recognizing it as a house-elf, one of the invisible beings that tended to Hogwarts, Harry's heightened Devil senses allowed him to perceive their magical essence.

Having observed their activities at Hogwarts, Harry knew they performed cleaning duties and witnessed the magic they employed during the daily meals in the Great Hall. After inquiring with Penelope Clearwater, the Ravenclaw prefect responsible for overseeing Hogwarts' daily operations, Harry learned about house-elves—a symbiotic species serving the wizarding world. Now, a house-elf stood before him, prompting his curiosity about its purpose.

"Hello, how can I help you, Mr. House-elf?" greeted Harry, intrigued by the creature's unexpected presence.

"Harry Potter!" exclaimed the elf in a high-pitched voice, overcome with honor. "So long has Dobby wanted to meet you, sir... Such an honor it is..."

"Nice to meet you too, Dobby. Is there a specific reason you are here?" Harry asked, acknowledging the excitable creature's name.

"Oh, yes, sir," said Dobby earnestly. "Dobby has come to tell you, sir... it is difficult, sir... Dobby wonders where to begin..."

Motioning for a chair, Harry offered, "Sit down." However, to his confusion, the tiny creature burst into tears.

"S-sit down!" wailed Dobby, "Never... never ever..."

"Eh, there is no need to cry, Dobby. I simply offered you a seat. Nothing major," Harry attempted to calm the distressed creature. It dawned on him that house-elves were often mistreated by many wizards, explaining Dobby's emotional reaction.

Dobby shook his head and, without warning, began banging his head furiously against the window, exclaiming, "Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!"

"Could you please stop vandalizing this hotel room? I really don't want to damage anything here," Harry firmly requested, causing the small house-elf to cease its self-harm.

"Dobby had to punish himself, sir," said the elf, who had gone slightly cross-eyed. "Dobby almost spoke ill of his family, sir..."

"They aren't here and can't hear you. But back to the topic, what is difficult to explain? What do you need from me?" Harry asked, trying to understand the situation and considering ways to assist Dobby.

"Dobby is here to warn the great Harry Potter!" the elf exclaimed frantically, clutching its ear in sadness. "But Dobby can't tell from what. But the great Harry Potter, sir, is in danger. He can't return to Hogwarts. Bad things will happen there!"

Based on the limited information Dobby shared, Harry deduced that there would be a danger at Hogwarts related to Dobby's family, although the elf couldn't disclose their identity. Harry wondered aloud, "But what about the other students? Wouldn't they also be in danger?"

"Yes, but Dobby needs to protect the great Harry Potter. He is too important!" Dobby declared with determination.

"So, if I understand correctly, you've been exerting effort to protect me for a while?" Harry inquired, observing Dobby's nod. "Could it be that you've been intercepting my letters, making me believe my friends forgot me?"

Once again, Dobby awkwardly nodded, prompting a sigh from Harry. "Could you please return my letters? Thank you," he requested as Dobby handed him the stack of letters.

"How about we make a deal? A bet, if you will. House-elves possess powerful magic, enabling them to teleport and locate people. Let's play a game: you have ten minutes to catch me. If you find me, you win, and I'll stay away from Hogwarts this year. If you can't, I win, and I'll return to the castle. What do you think?" proposed Harry.

Dobby, extremely confident in his ability to track Harry, responded, "Okay, you have a deal. If I catch the great Harry Potter, he will stay safely away from Hogwarts."

"On my signal! 1, 2, 3... Go!" With the final word, Harry disappeared from sight.

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