
[HP X DXD] Master of a Universe

[A Harry Potter X Highschool DXD Fanfic] A child beaten, broken, and abused arrives unexpectedly in the Underworld and gets a new chance at life. Death wasn't the end of his Journey. Where will his new life take him? Will he rise from the ashes and conquer these new challenges? How will Harry Potters life turn out after such major Changes? — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — For more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Thank you for your Support — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — Disclaimer: The Wizarding World and the Universe of Highschool DXD are the property of their Creators. I only own my Original Plots and Characters.

Ashmodai · Livros e literatura
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134 Chs

Chapter 20: Every Master of Magic needs a Towe

~Hogwarts Headmaster Office~

An old man very tall and thin, with silver hair and a beard so long that they could be tucked into his belt was sitting in an Office. He had a very long and crooked nose that looked as if it had been broken at least twice and two of the most soul-piercing blue eyes twinkling as he read a letter that he just received from a grey Owl. This man was Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, a man with far too many names and responsibilities.

He was currently sitting in a circular Room with many windows and many portraits of old Headmasters and Headmistresses of Hogwarts, on a shelf rested an old worn-off brown hat. On a number of spindly tables were sets of delicate-looking silver instruments and trinkets that whirred and emitted small puffs of smoke, as well as an incredible collection of books on many shelves, that were part of Dumbledore's private Library.

In a corner stood a glowing basin, while in another stood a golden perch, where a familiar Phoenix was sitting on. The bird watched the aged Wizard as he focused on the Letter.

"He really is alive." Muttered Dumbledore relieved as he set the Letter on the table, "But how did he survive such a powerful Obscurus Transformation?"

His piercing blue eyes took on a distant look, as he remembered the devastation and consequences of one of his greatest mistakes. The moment many of his instruments for monitoring Harry's vital status exploded, he fire traveled with the help of his phoenix to Privet Drive 4. Only to arrive at the Ruins of the formerly orderly house. From the Dursley's only remained splatters of blood and organs were distributed in the Area.

From a contact in the Department of Mysteries, he learned the true status of the boy before his Death. And he began to blame himself, he couldn't believe the family could treat someone in such a way. None of his tools could determine the exact status of the boy just whether he was alive. While others monitored wether the Wards were under attack. None of them focused on an Attack from the inside, since this was never the purpose of that protection formed by purest Love.

But that damned Prophecy, restricting many of his actions, was still active, even if his tools indicated that the boy died there. He wondered many times in the last months if he made a mistake in identifying the subject of the Prophecy, but now he knew that Harry was indeed the Subject.

Taking a deep breath, as Fawkes his loyal Phoenix calmed him down with a beautiful Song, "Where did I go, wrong old Friend? What is the Power he knows not? The piece of Ancient Magic Lily created in her last moments broke mostly, but the Prophecy is still active. So Love wasn't the answer." Muttered the aged Wizard as he thought about many possibilities, "Neither did the Wand choose him. Things were so much easier if it weren't for that damned Prophecy. The war could have gone so different." He sighed.

"What should I do now? And who is that Lord Gremory?" questioned Dumbledore as he stood up walking to one of his many shelves filled with books, pulling a book bound in dark leather titled Ars Goetia, one of his rarer and more exotic books before pulling the book open focusing on its content, while his thoughts raced through the many different possibilities.

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The trip to Diagon Alley made one thing clear for Harry Potter, he needed his private Space, a place where he could relax, enjoy, and also study Magic however he wanted. Hogwarts was a good School for Magic, but at the same time had its disadvantages in Harry's eyes.

From his new books, he learned quite a bit about his new School, especially 'Hogwarts: A History was very informative. Shared Rooms, were troublesome in Harry's eyes since he didn't get along very well with, people of the same age class as him, his past experiences clouded his judgment, especially if everyone would keep their distance from him, to not be targeted by Dudley and his small gang's bullying.

Rias, Akeno, and Koneko were different, they had completely different upbringings and views on the World than normal children, similar experiences like him, and they also were his new family. Another concern was their view and Black and White Magic, especially Black Magic, they vilified anyone publicly if they studied this kind of magic, because of their limited understanding of negative emotions and their residual effect.

They called Black Magic the Dark arts, while not only putting emotion-fuelled magic into that classification but many spells that could have a negative outcome or dire consequences if used wrongly. For example, Ritual Magic was classified as a Dark Art, just because the whole ritual can blow up, if one step is wrong, instead of making sure that people are properly educated and taken care of, the Ministry simply classified all Ritual Magic as Dark Arts.

But Harry understood that Magic was just that Magic and a lot was determined by the User. Even simple spells could kill. He especially bought a Book on Wizarding laws and restrictions just so he could see what kind of Magic they had and forbid so he could look for them in the Future so he could study them.

The rules and laws of the Wizarding World wouldn't stop Harry from studying this kind of Magic, but he didn't want to wait until he was at home in the Underworld. He wanted to be able to practice any kind of magic whenever he wanted.

And the Trunk Shop in Diagon Alley, with its amazing House trunks, made him realize what he was missing in his Universe inside of Innovate Clear. Every Master of Magic needed a Tower. Well, he was still far away from Master, but he still needed some kind of personal Space. Here in the Gremory Mansion, he had his Room where he could retire too and have his Privacy, that's probably the reason he didn't realize what was missing in his Sacred Gear.

He usually put the stuff he stored in his Sacred Gear, in his gardening hut where he also stored all his Tools, but a place with different Rooms for different things sounded amazing. And anytime he needed it he could just go there and do his things undisturbed by other Students.

That's why he invested a large part of August before his first term started, inside of Innovate Clear creating a new Island. Inspired by different Anime, Novels, Video Games and other fictional Works Rias introduced him to, he decided to construct a Wizard Tower with many future ideas in mind he wanted to put there.

For now, he decided to keep it simple, so he could expand it easily in the Future. Rooms that he constructed were a Living Room, a Library, a Bedroom, a nice Kitchen, a Magic Practice Room, a Ritual Chamber that was currently empty since he had no idea what he would need for one, a Potion Lab, and a few more empty Rooms just in case he ever needed them, and finally some Storage Rooms where he stored things like the Potion Ingredients he bought in Diagon Alley.

On the Island around the Tower he created some Greenhouses, inside of them he planted the magical plants he purchased at Diagon Alley. He had to care for them himself since he didn't trust his enhanced Monkeys and Squirrels with that task.

Hedwig also had her own place in the Tower, her perch without the cage stood next to a flap leading to the outside, which allowed her to come and go as she pleased to explore the outside. Next to her perch was a Door to a nice Balcony where Harry could also relax. The Island also got a nice Beach with some sun loungers and other equipment, which he and anyone he brought could use to relax. The Island of Noir and his Garden Island were also close by.

This was pretty much the most he could do right now since it was already energy intensive. But he had plans to expand and enchant the place further once he was more powerful and knowledgeable to turn it into a proper Wizard's lair.

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