
[HP] Hogwarts Bloodline Enchanter

As if the gods themselves were playing a prank, poor Evan was catapulted straight into the Sorting Ceremony at Hogwarts, his mind a blank slate, his limbs flailing for purchase. What's this now? I've dabbled in the Dark Arts before? My abode is nestled in a Dark Magic shop down Knockturn Alley? And my mother, a vile dark sorceress? Just as Evan fretted over his future homecomings potentially ending in skinning and boning, he stumbled upon an ability to assimilate the bloodlines of magical creatures. Why has the Dumbledore clan been perennially aided by phoenixes? Why does the portly dwarf star, Peter, shed tears as he flees into the night? And what is the actual truth behind Voldemort's snakelike countenance? Shadows of unicorns that flicker between reality and illusion, the petrifying stare of the basilisk's eye, the fiery might wielded by a phoenix... As Evan gathers these bloodlines, a different magical world begins to unfold before him.

Xia_0745 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
74 Chs

Everyone Has Their Own Way of Learning

During the recent experiment, Evan noticed a hidden factor: the accumulation of knowledge also affected the efficiency and speed of learning.

This was why it took about twenty minutes of the Study Prodigy Experience Card time to quickly go through "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration," but much longer to read "Fundamentals of Basic Spell Principles Detailed Analysis," with only half the book read in over thirty minutes.

The rapid reading of "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" was partly because Evan already had some basic understanding of Transfiguration spells, and also because he had just read through the book once, familiarizing himself with its contents.

"Fundamentals of Basic Spell Principles Detailed Analysis," on the other hand, covered a broader range of knowledge that Evan hadn't previewed, which is why it took much longer to read.

Having analyzed the pros and cons of the Study Prodigy Experience Card, Evan quickly realized that to make the most of that one hour, the optimal strategy was to read through the books first and then use the card to enhance understanding and thinking abilities for a review. This would maximize the use of time.

Moreover, fully comprehending each magical book yielded Academic Points as a reward, and leveling up spells would accumulate more points to exchange for the Study Prodigy Experience Card. With such a cycle, wouldn't one's abilities improve by leaps and bounds?

Evan had only read half of "Fundamentals of Basic Spell Principles Detailed Analysis," but all the spells he knew had gained a significant boost in proficiency. The Levitation Charm and the Disarming Charm, like the Transfiguration spell, had reached level one, rewarding him with ten more Academic Points.

This replenished Evan's previously depleted points by twenty, significantly reducing the time to accumulate enough points for the next exchange.

Realizing this, Evan glanced at the sea of magical books in the library and suddenly understood... these were all potential Academic Points!

If he could read through them all, Evan could hardly imagine the extent to which his powers would grow.

With renewed determination, Evan was ready to dive into his studies when he was informed that the library's closing time had arrived.

Only then did he realize he had spent over three hours there.

"Children, while it's important to study, you must also balance work with rest. And now... it's time for you all to return to your dormitories!" Madam Pince herded the students who intended to stay in the library.

As the librarian of Hogwarts, she certainly didn't dislike knowledge-thirsty young wizards, as long as they didn't cause a ruckus in the library. However, the Headmaster had established the library's operating hours, and Madam Pince couldn't extend them.

It was then that Evan stepped forward, holding the half-read "Fundamentals of Basic Spell Principles Detailed Analysis," and asked, "Madam, may I check out this book, please?"

"Of course, as long as you return it on time," Madam Pince glanced at the title and nodded indifferently.

Afterward, she turned to scour the library. There were always a few who tried to hide among the shelves, hoping to sneak into the Restricted Section after lights out.

And then there were those who were simply too engrossed and lost track of time...

"Thank you..." Evan politely nodded in gratitude, then left the library with the book, eager to try out the improved spells.

"Excuse me... excuse me... oof!"

Evan had taken only a few steps when he heard a clear female voice behind him, followed by a collision that sent his forehead into intimate contact with the wall. He landed on the floor with a thud, and the "Fundamentals of Basic Spell Principles Detailed Analysis" fell from his grasp.

Thankfully, the impact wasn't severe, and Evan, rubbing his slightly reddened forehead, got up.

First, he picked up the book, then turned his attention to the clumsy girl who had bumped into him.

The first thing he noticed was her thick, brown hair, messily untamed, indicating a lack of attention from its owner. Her standard wizard's robe looked a tad too large on her, and several magical books lay scattered at her side.

"Hermione?" Evan was momentarily stunned, but quickly grasped the situation.

It must have been our know-it-all Miss Granger who, in her haste to leave the library as ushered by Madam Pince, had collided with him from behind.

"Evan?" Hermione was also rattled by the collision, but after Evan helped her up, she regained her footing. "Oh, sorry, I might have been a bit distracted earlier, I didn't mean to run into you..."

"It's okay, just be more careful next time," Evan replied, handing back the books he had picked up for Hermione, and shook his head to show he didn't mind.

However, upon seeing the book in Evan's hand, Hermione's conversation floodgates burst open.

"I've borrowed 'Fundamentals of Basic Spell Principles Detailed Analysis' before as well; I learned a lot of new magical techniques from it.

Can you believe I never knew that a strong will could significantly enhance the power of some spells? But of course, this requires a high level of magical control from the wizard; otherwise, the magic might become uncontrollable..."

As she spoke, Hermione seemed to recall something, and her voice grew more animated. "Right, studying requires understanding and memorization, not just flipping through a book from start to finish.

Instead of reading books like 'Fundamentals of Basic Spell Principles Detailed Analysis,' I think you should start by memorizing all the textbooks!"

Hermione rattled off her thoughts and experiences, perhaps feeling she was helping Evan, with a slight air of superiority.

Evan understood Hermione must have witnessed the latter part of his study session with the Study Prodigy Experience Card and meant well by offering her advice. Yet Hermione's haughty tone made Evan's brow furrow ever so slightly.

"Thanks for the advice, but I think everyone has their own way of studying that suits them best," Evan said calmly, beginning to understand why Harry, Ron, and the other young wizards didn't take to the bright Hermione.

It was no secret that Miss Granger's personality wasn't exactly endearing before Halloween...

"How could that be?"

Hermione was ready to continue her lecture, but Evan interrupted her with an action.

"Quick Transfiguration~" Evan waved his wand and lightly tapped the parchment Hermione used for notes. The paper vibrated slightly, then inflated and changed shape, its rough surface slowly becoming smooth and flawless.

In just a second or two, in front of Hermione, Evan performed the spell from incantation to wand movement in one fluid motion, as flawless as Professor McGonagall's demonstrations in class. By then, the parchment had turned into a thin slab of jade.

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