
[Her Adventure In Game]

Action-Adventure-Fantasy-Game-FMC-OtherWorld -Not Focused on Romance- 'Laying out a foundation.' The story is about but not limited to Sofia and her adventures in game which she played during the last month of her life. A world, which is adopting into a game system to accept players as their heroes to prevent its corruption. In this world, is where your enemies can be your allies, and your closest friends could be your nemesis. Warning: This story may contain scenes that some readers may find disturbing. [blood/violence] Reader's discretion is advised.

JbG02 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Chapter 1- Last Month

Last Month-

Inside an old and lone mansion...exact location undisclosed.

Sofia, age 36, has white hair, slender features, and pale skin. She is the one who adopted me. She loved me so much like her own child. I call her 'Mommy Sofii'. She has an incurable ailment that she has suffered from for almost two decades. She spent more than half of her life undergoing medications and treatments. There were words I often hear from others that she is living a life like a lab rat. Although I do not know what that exactly means, I only think that it is something pitiful.

One time, she told me herself that she won't undergo any more painful operations from this point on. I should have been happy, but I discovered something.

Under the excuse that there aren't enough raw ingredients for production which results to a shortage worldwide for her medicines, her physicians recently urged them to just let her live her life rather than to let her spend the remainder of her time in a hospital bed. She concurred with her grandfather...but I accidentally overheard her grandfather and her physicians' conversation that the real cause is not really shortage of supplies-but someone else is pulling the strings. I don't know the details but even at a young age, I am aware that the situation is more complicated than I can think of.

By that time, her grandfather did the best he can do but because of his age, his influence and what he can do by himself is very limited. He once told me that I should just focus to be with my Mommy Sofii and even abruptly sent a drop out form to the school for me and hired a tutor instead.

I forgot about all of those things as I spent my time with Mommy Sofii and knew her more. That was the first time that we spent together for a hole day.

About Mommy Sofii, a little more I know about her is that she used to play video games a lot. The bedtime stories she told me during my younger days were almost all about her experiences and stories about games. She used to play video games excessively during her free time. Later, as a result of her illness, she was unable to continue to do what she wanted.

Sofia: ("And now that I am free, I can go and play games as much as I want!")

She exclaimed such a thing but, it is not possible. She really is permitted to do so but was under certain restrictions. But that was my first time seeing her being this energetic, so I didn't mention it. I just followed her that time and we searched for a video game to play together. She said she wanted to play an online game where she can play with other gamers worldwide...but it turns out that finding one is hard, most online games are region locked.

Sofia: "Even FSO is now closed..."

Me: "FSO?"

Sofia: "Uh, Fantasy S... Storm Online? I forgot."

Upon browsing for more than an hour we found an advertisement for a new game that is to be launched soon by that time. And aside from raffle entries, it was also accepting VIP players to access the game earlier than others. Mommy Sofii got curious and pressed the fingerprint scanner of her phone and signed up for VIP entry. She urged me to do so as well, and I tried to register as well but it seems like my age of 10 was not allowed to play such games.

---a few days later---

Mommy Sofia, Me and her old grandfather are dining together when suddenly, a butler came in.

Butler: ("Ma'am there is a delivery man waiting outside.") The butler realized that his timing was bad.

The old grandfather is a little annoyed but before he could react, her beloved grandchild, Mommy Sofii, happily spoke.

Sofia: ("Grandfather that seems to be the one that we ordered!")

The old man just sighed. He hates it the most when being disturbed while dining together with us but seeing his grandchild excited, he only felt a mixed emotion of sadness and adoration, to his only remaining blood-related family member acting like a child again.

Old Man: ("Martha, please check it.")

A standby maid named Martha, proceeded as she was ordered.

He saw Mommy Sofii not touching her dinner out of excitement, so he admonished her lightly.

Old Man: ("Sofia, eat first.")

Sofia: ("Yes gramps.")

We continued to eat our dinner. A little later, finding the right timing, Martha, the maid entered and confirmed that there was a package ordered from a gaming company. Sofia wants to check it out right away but just one stern look from her grandfather is enough to stop her.

After eating dinner, the old man noticed Mommy Sofii stealing a glimpse at the package/parcel every now and then.

Old Man: ("Sofia.")

Sofia: ("Y-yes!")

Old Man: ("You have to sleep early.")

Sofia: ("Uhm, yes grandf-father, the game servers are not up yet so it's not like I can play now...")

Old Man: ("When?")

She understood that the question is about when the server will be up--rather when she will start playing.

Sofia: (" Ahm… it's on Monday so it should be five days from now.")

Old Man: ("But you seem excited. Want to check it out already?")

Sofia: ("Can I!?")

The old man just nods. Although he seems strict, Mommy Sofii knows that he cared for her a lot.

Sofia: ("Thank you grandfather!")

I remember that time that Mommy Sofii almost tried to stand up and go to his grandfather to give him a hug, but she stumbled. Fortunately, Martha is on standby and assisted her back to her seat. The old man, who is her granddad extended his hand and gave her a pat on the head.

Old Man: ("Martha, take her to her room after she finished her dinner...and let her check her new stuffs. Help her if she asked to.") … ("And, Sofia, remember to sleep on time, got it?") … ("Martha, look after her.")

Sofia: ("Yes, and, have a good rest later grandpa! Night night my little Sonia, I'll go first.")

("Night night Mommy Sofii") I replied.

Finally, the old man noticed me.

Old Man: ("Sonia, what's that?")

(What? and... Why me!?)

...so, I stayed behind with grandfather explaining.

---According to Martha---

Martha assisted Sofia to her room and gave the parcel. Sofia unboxed it as soon as she got her hands on it. Martha watched her with joy.

Martha: "You only have a little more than an hour before sleep time Sofii-."

Sofia: "I know~ I know~"

What's inside the box are the device, and two booklets.

Sofia: ("This is it? Where's the console?")

What is in her hand is the Login device. It only looks like a flash drive.

Martha: ("Nothing left in the box?")

Sofia: ("None...")

Martha: ("Excuse me Sofii...")

The lady's mood went down, and she felt scammed. Or did they make a mistake in placing orders?

Martha: ("Miss Sofii, that's not just a flash drive... Here..")

The maid checked the booklets and picked the manual. Reads it briefly and gave to Sofia.

Sofia: ("Oh, thanks Martha...let's see. According to the manual there's a cover here.... hmm? Scan the eye for a few seconds without blinking until you see the log in area? What eye?")

Martha: ("Hmm? Let's see, it doesn't matter which eye. Let me help you.")

Sofia closed her left eye and Martha held the device scanning Sofia's right eye. Ten seconds went by with nothing happened.

Sofia: ("... How long does it take?")

Martha: ("Uhm mm, until you see a log in screen?")

They waited for a minute, and nothing happened.

Martha: ("Nothing appeared yet?")

Sofia: ("None...")

2 minutes passed, nothing happened.

Sofia: ("Let's wait a bit more...")

3 minutes passed, nothing happened.

Martha's hand is already shaking and Sofia, who cannot persevere more was forced to blink her eye.

Martha: ("You blinked...does that mean we start again?")

Sofia: ("No way...my eyes...")

Curiously, Martha picked the manual. Sofia looked at the entirety of the device and noticed a small button. Just then they realized...

Both Martha and Sofia: ("It is off...")

The two looked at each other and couldn't stop their laugh. Despite their master-servant relationship they're also good friends and trust each other.

Then, Martha turned on the little device.

Martha: ("Hold still Sofii, let's try again.")

Again, the scanning begins and after 8 seconds... Looks like Sofia successfully logged in and went silent. Martha noticed that Sofia is somewhat confused and amazed at the same time, based on her facial expressions.

---Sofia's PoV---

It's so dark and I felt like I'm falling...I passed out? But I'm still conscious...At first, it's the Login that I'm expecting but it doesn't seem like it. As it took longer, instead of falling it felt like I was being pulled downward by an unknown force. Did I just die? Am I dead? Somehow, I'm not surprised...

A little later I saw a few small wisp-like lights and one came down approaching from above. The light enveloped me and then I felt lighter as if I was floating.

Among the light that enveloped me, an image of a semi-transparent girl appeared, or should be said like a see-through hologram. But it reached her hands into my cheeks and felt it like it was real.

Unknown Voice: ("Greetings Master. I will save you, and I will protect you.")

For unknown reasons, I couldn't stop my tears.

The surroundings are still dark, but I feel a lot calmer now. Also, a few panels appeared.

Unknown Voice: "Master, you can now create your character's avatar and units even before the game starts. I took the initiative and made my own due to emergency....it seems like you didn't read the manual entirely, let me help you explore the character creation."

Sofia: ("Initiative, emergency? Who are you?")

Unknown Voice: ("If I don't create an avatar, I won't meet you like this...so... How do you want to call me?")

Sofia: ("I'm asking your name.")

Unknown Voice: ("You are yet to give me a name, Master.")

The girl's image bowed implying that she is like a servant, asking to be given a name by her master. I noticed her animal-like ears. Is it a cat's or a dog's ears, I wondered.

Sofia: ("Animal ears, cat...dog...animal...Annie? Beasty? No, hmm, fauna.... ok, I'll name you Fiona.")

Fiona: ("It's an honor, I like it. From now on I am Fiona...so shall we start with the character and avatar creation?")

Sofia: ("Wait...hold on, you said earlier...you will save me...how and from what? Answer me. Please...")

Fiona: ("It is as I said, I will save you. But in exchange, you have to help me with my mission.")

Sofia: ("What...mission?")

Fiona: ("We'll talk about that later. For now, let's take the first step.")

So, it was this game's settings huh. I almost thought it was for real.

I looked at her and she just giggled and said: ("Ok, let's start with the avatar creation.")

On the lower left panel there is a button with [Character Creation] written on it. I was about to press it, but Fiona blocked my hands.

Sofia: ("?")

Fiona stared at me for a few seconds then as if she was thinking of something funny, she was obviously trying to hold back her laughter.

Fiona: ("Don't make the same mistake as a certain someone will do.")

Sofia: ("What? I don't understand...who?")

Fiona: ("Hmm it is called "spoiler alert" right...")

Sofia: ("I don't mind, give me spoiler.")

Fiona: ("I'll check the name later. So, let's proceed to character creation, shall we? Look at the left side, you see there "list of characters" and in there, my name is written right?")

Sofia: ("Ah...")

Fiona: ("And you still have two-character cards. In this game, these character cards are your units. You may call it servant or follower...which I, am also one. That button you tried to press earlier will use your character cards to create units. But let's leave it there for now.")

Fiona points up.

Fiona: ("Your avatar creation is up there.".)

Sofia pressed the [Avatar Creation] and there appeared other options. Body Scan, Create Avatar from Scratch. Body Scan is chosen by default. I pressed the latter, [Create Avatar from Scratch] ...many panels appeared but I don't know how to edit it properly. I am overwhelmed and tried my best to create a cute avatar...but no matter how I tried, the designs I created all looked surreal, horrendous, funny or simply abnormal.

Sofia: ("I don't have talent in it.")

Fiona: ("Why don't you just use Body Scan?")

Sofia: ("I don't like to...")

Fiona: ("Do you not like your current appearance? Please don't hate yourself, Master. Also, you can still edit it even after the Body Scan...")

Sofia: ("I'm just...shy. Hehe. Since I can edit it, I'll try.")

I pressed the cancel button. The panel went back to the previous panel, and I pressed [Body Scan]. A copy of myself, an avatar which exactly looked like me appeared. The only difference is that it is wearing something like a rag. Somehow the rags suit her well...oh...yah I forgot it's my splitting image... that's me.

Fiona: ("If you don't like how you look like now, you can edit here the age appearance, race, and other stuff like hair and eye color.")

Sofia: ("Hmm, the [Age] sliding bar doesn't seem to be there earlier.")

Fiona does not respond and acts as if she just heard some nonsense. She ignored it and tried to slide the bar backwards. At reaching 16 years old, I felt nostalgic, it is the last year of my normal life. Though what I remembered was just me playing online games...I miss my friends online. It's been 20 or 21 years.

Sofia: ("...at least I will play again, I wish to meet my friends again...but it's impossible and if ever we did meet, we will not recognize each other...")

Fiona: ("You don't have to worry about that." *Points at the save button then said* "then continue.")

Sofia: ("Once more?")

Fiona: ("Just do it, choose one later. We need it.")

I did so and further slide the [Age] bar backward.

Sofia: ("Wow I never thought that the 12-year-old me was so cute.")

I wanted to slide the bar further, but I felt a tap on my shoulder. It's not Fiona... it's Martha. The moment I realized it was Martha, my consciousness instantly went back to reality. I myself am surprised that technology has reached this far.

Martha: ("Are you OK Sofii? It's bedtime now.")

Sofia: ("Ugh I want to explore more on the avatar creation...")

Martha: ("Tomorrow Sofii.")

I just pouted but I didn't resist Martha as she gave me my medicines (pain killers) to take and helped me into my bed. I turned off the device, spoke a bit with Martha about the experience and fell asleep.

-------a little later------

I examined her surroundings. It is the same dark environment as I tried the device earlier and the light enveloping her body is still there but the hologram like body of Fiona is nowhere to be found although her presence can be felt and is still there.

Sofia: ("Am I excited about gaming this much to the point I started dreaming about it?")

Fiona: ("Yo~")

Sofia: ("Fiona? Is that you? Where are you? Fiona?")

Fiona: ("I'm just here with you.")

Sofia: ("Right, I can hear you and feel that I'm not alone...is this a dream?")

Fiona: ("No... uh, well you're sleeping so maybe ...yes.")

Sofia: ("You can enter my dream?")

Fiona: ("Not really. Consider this as our meeting place.")

Something feels off...

Sofia: ("Fiona, what exactly are you?")

Fiona: ("I am one of your units who will fight alongside you.") *Hesitates a bit to continue what she says next* ("Though...I have to explain to you our situation first.")

Sofia: ("Ok I will listen.")

Fiona: ("Though I am your unit, I must let you know that I do not plan to...let's say I do not plan to materialize in the game yet. I must protect you from this darkness.")

Sofia: ("It's for me, right? Thank you. I think I like you and want to have adventures together, but I understand. So, for what condition are you willing to do this for me.")

Fiona: ("I request your help. Please help me with a mission...")

There's no need to antagonize or reject her for now so I will just passively go along with the flow. It's just a dream anyway...and if not, it's just a game… I hope. I hope nothing ends badly.

Sofia: ("What mission is it?")

Fiona: ("It is about keeping the order.")

Sofia: ("Keeping the order?")

It took a while before Fiona responded.

Fiona: ("Yes. And your role will be...you know a Valkyrie?")

Sofia: ("Something like holy war maiden, right?")

Fiona: ("That's right. And the term Einherjar you know it?")

Sofia: ("Yes. Purified soul of warriors to fight alongside the Valkyrie?") I played a game like that before.

Fiona: ("Yes. So, it's like you're a Valkyrie and I am your Einherjar.")

Sofia: ("Eh? It's not the other way around?")

Fiona: ("What do you mean other way around?")

Sofia: ("Aren't you purifying my soul and now asking me to fight for you? So, you're Valkyrie and I'm Einherjar...")

Fiona seems to be speechless and thinks for a bit before responding...

Fiona: ("It's not like we're actually Valkyrie and Einherjar.")

...Did she forget to rehearse her script?

Fiona: ("Ok let's drop that Valkyrie and Einherjar thing for now and discuss it later. I just tried to explain it to you by relating it to familiar myths and stories you're familiar with, but I guess for now I'll just let you see something...here let me show you then, I will borrow your power. Look and behold.")

Fiona appeared as well but in different appearance, she just looked like a human-shaped white light and touched my shoulder. On her other hand shows something in front of her, like an interconnected circuit or root appeared.

Fiona: ("This is just a tree graph representing one's fate...and this here is yours. You're the center here. According to your feelings earlier, this person, you want to meet this person again, an online friend you knew by name "BerryCute"...yep, that's the person I mentioned earlier.")

Sofia: ("How do you know her! And... you mentioned earlier?")

Oh right, this is a dream...

Fiona: ("Your past, I can read it like an open book through here, some people call it the Book of Life, and some call it the Akashic Records. Simply, it is the record of everyone's past, present and future. Their whole life, their deeds, how they think and their sins. Some people can accidentally access this and get their fortune telling here. But this has its other function...this.")

Fiona fiddled with the tree graph. I saw lines which disconnected and connect it again on a different part. As she does more lines were also connected and disconnected.

Fiona: ("There. I just made it so that you will have a higher probability to meet again with your "BerryCute" much earlier. And to answer your other question too, by what I mean about what I mentioned, it's the one that will commit mistake on character creation, so that person will probably walk around in game with his own unedited appearance.")

It's been more than a decade hasn't it. Meeting her..err..wait, that person will play the game with an unedited appearance...come to think of it that person is usually saying that he's a guy, but I always think that was a lie to throw off those who are admiring 'her'...could it be true?

Fiona: ("Now that we're here, we need this one as well.")

As I am caught up in deep thinking, Fiona moves another line in the tree graph.

Assuming it is real, I think something feels wrong in it, if that's the record of life, touching it like that seems to be manipulating it... so I'll ask...

Sofia: ("Is it really fine to manipulate fate?")

Fiona: ("We got permission to do it if it's just this much, but that permission is limited to just now. Don't worry, this is just a 'FATE SIMULATION' of what could happen. You're destined to meet again but keeping the contact is an option. It depends on how both of you will act and react.")

Sofia: ("It's not about the permission... it's about manipulating one's fate.")

Fiona: ("I'm sorry Master if you feel guilty over this. Remember that this is just a simulation of what could happen, based on current and immediate situations. It is for you and for our mission...and again, no need to worry as it's not like we change anything, you will just have a higher probability of meeting a certain person. The effect of our act here is the same as we just tried to approach them earlier instead of not. Think about it, we are here and checking it is also part of fate and is also recorded, so don't be guilty about side effects, in fact things looks better now and everyone benefits...anyway, they will be a great help for our mission.")

Hearing so, it makes sense, if fate is absolute then someone changing what might happen is also a part of original fate? Even if it is possible, changing the record while that change in record is already recorded even before you change it, yet you still change something, did something change or there is no change? Quite conflicting...a bit interesting, but it somehow kills multiverse theories.

Fiona: ("It looks like you understood things better now Master.")

Sofia: ("Not really. Too complicated for me.")

Fiona: ("Exactly. It is that complicated. By knowing things, you can change something, but nothing really changed but something is changed so there is a change yet not...")

Sofia: ("Enough with that for now. Then let's talk more about the game.")

Fiona: ("Sure. Let's put it like this Master. This isn't just an ordinary game, especially for you, this will be the world where you will be. But as of now, it's better if you think of it as that it is still just a game, with goals and mission.")

Sofia: ("Hmm...so what is our mission and goal in the game...right, that's an important question. What is the mission? What is our goal?")

Fiona: ("Ok. Along with that let me re-introduce myself first. My name is what you gave me, Fiona, and I am your unit. I am one of those whose purpose is to be the keepers of order in this game. This game is a new world. Without an anchor I will never be able to enter this world as a keeper. And I choose you to be my anchor in this world.")

Sofia: ("As an anchor... Sorry but... I might fail you... my life is...ah forget it...but somehow, I do not want someone to rely on me since I won't last long.")

Again, maybe it's just a dream anyway so it's not a big deal.

Fiona: ("Worry not Master, I told you right? I will save you from this darkness. This darkness is your death.")

For some reason she found a slight hope even if it was just a dream.

Sofia: ("Save me...I will...not die?")

Fiona: ("Sorry Master, you will still die.")

Sofia: ("Then it's useless.")

This conversation makes me feel thirsty. I woke up and drank a glass of water and slept again.


It's already morning though it doesn't feel that long. A knock on the door woke me up and Martha entered with breakfast.

Martha: ("Oh you're awake Sofii, good morning.")

Sofia: ("Good morning...Well you knocked...")

Martha: ("Sorry if I disturbed you.")

Sofia: ("You will wake me up anyway...")

After the usual daily routine in the morning, I turned on the device and planned to continue the creation of my avatar.

The place still looks dark.

Fiona: ("Master! You're back!")

Fiona rushed to me. She looks like a pet waiting for her owner.

Sofia: ("Oh, sorry yesterday I was called by Martha, so I logged out.")

Fiona: ("No, Master not that, I hope you let me finish first.")

That's right. We didn't finish creating the character. Did that make her sad...?

Fiona: ("Master I cannot cure your illness. But I will save and protect you.")

Sofia: (".... what?")

That's, that talk...happened in the dream.

Fiona: ("Remember I said the game is a new world and you will live there, right? Although I cannot save your life here on Earth, you will continue your life there with me. With us, Master.")

And so, were the things we talked about earlier in my dreams all true? Is this game world connected to after life? I tried to recall each detail and remembered that Fiona mentioned to treat it as a game for the time being... right she is about to explain about the missions and goal.

Sofia: ("Then let me ask a few things. First. Please explain more about the mission. I want to understand more about it. Stop spouting nonsense like Valkyries or heroes.")

Fiona: ("Uhm. The mission is about keeping order. To be honest, that's my purpose. And my mission, not yours. But listen first. I, like you are foreign to this new world. And you can access it through the game, while I, and the likes of me, will breach some rules if we access it directly. So, it's like how I explained previously in your dream, I need you as an anchor. And all those who are foreign and crossed this world using a different method, are breaking the rules, or the order of this world. And that's where we will have our mission, to stop those occurrences.")

Sofia: ("Ok. You said it is your mission not mine... So, do I really have to help you on your mission? You can just do that by yourself when we're already there right?")

Fiona: ("It's ok if you do not help me, but I'm offering you a deal here. In my stead, you do my mission for a while. And I will protect you from your grim reaper. I will try my best to ensure you will continue living in that world. Come to think of it, if you're going to live in that world, keeping it safe and orderly also benefits you as well.")

...That's true and agreeable, moreover, I can continue living in this new world...if I get my grandfather and Martha to play this game later then I don't really have to bid farewell...

Fiona: ("Then let me explain more, so as I said earlier. The mission is about order keeping or peace keeping. I'm not the only one who has this mission, we are many of us. But there are also those who are on the opposing side. Those who plan to bring chaos upon this new world. And, if you don't know it yet, your world's access to this new world is currently limited to a specific number of people. This first wave of...players...will have a chance to make history and set the rule or law for the citizens on their influenced territories...which is our first goal, and we need to make contact to those who can help us reach our goal, and so I approached you, and next you will look for trustworthy and reliable allies.")

Sofia: ("In short, you want me, or us, to rule over territories and impose rules or laws...that are according... to your missions?")

Fiona: ("Exactly. One of them is that we need to ban acts such as summoning demonic or any other entities from other worlds and dimensions that doesn't go according to the rules of the world.")

Sofia: ("Doesn't go according to the rules. So, is there a way to summon one that does not break any rules?")

Fiona: (" ...There are...") She confirms.

Why does she look guilty? Was that a secret?

Sofia: ("Understood.")

Since she mentioned demonic entities, is it possible? I think it has connections, so I'll ask.

Sofia: ("So what's that thing about Valkyrie earlier?")

Fiona: ("Hehe, obviously we cannot win on our own. We will gather allies. So just like Valkyrie, you will recruit warriors to fight alongside you. I will help you so you can get more than how much others can. We can also purify unclean ones if the conditions are met.")

That last part was almost like the answer that I'm expecting.

Sofia: ("Ok, I'm interested but that's enough about that for now. Tell me about those chaotic guys. How do I know if a person is one of them?")

Fiona: ("I can only assume. There will be like me, who will approach players, so some of them will come as units. And if that happened and the player didn't influence it to change and got influenced instead, it is safe to say that both the player and the unit are enemies. Another, there are those that are not like us who will enter only in approved methods. They may enter through and become an NPC or monsters, or at worst, they might force their way in by themselves and possess one. In short.... anyone can be a chaos bringer. We can only identify them through their action and there are many ways for them to spread chaos...oh one of our missions is also to minimize the impact on NPCs, so anyone who treats the NPCs in a humane way can be one of us, and anyone killing NPCs like nothing is only either a clueless player or a chaos bringer.")

Sofia: ("Ok understood. We'll talk more about that later. You already told me a lot of information. Thank you.")

Fiona: ("You're welcome, Master.")

Sofia: ("Oh right, as I remember... There was a record of one's life, past, present and future... right? How is that possible? Especially about the future.")

Fiona: ("Yes there is, Master. Past and future are just a linear perception of time. If you are outside of the line of time, it is possible to see the past and future at present. I can only see a few hours ahead though.")

Sofia: ("That's still cool. Can we access it now.")

Fiona shook her head and answered ("No. We need permission right now. Our chance earlier has already ended.")

Don't "we" me. You are the only one who fiddles with it. I wanted to ask how to get permission and how to access it but there's a different question that popped into my mind.

Sofia: ("You saw the record, right? So, next question, did you see in the record when will I die?")

Fiona: ("The specific details I can view are only as far as a few hours ahead, beyond that are uncertainties...but there's always the end of the line that cannot be ignored. In just a month. Although some things in the future aren't solid in our perception yet, it is quite certain that you'll last approximately only a month.")

Sofia: ("Just...a month left.")

Fiona: ("Yes. Perhaps, you may spend more of your time with your loved ones and make it so that there will be no more regret and that they won't be very affected by your passing.")

My last month...

long chapter. I even removed the parts where I think many people can get offended. -(political and religious backgrounds)

5k words - lots of talking

sorry my English is not perfect

testing to upload my work here-if it is not allowed here to test publish, please notify me. thanks.



Fixing grammars and some edits on story telling. Nothing changed in the plot.

JbG02creators' thoughts