
[Heaven’s Truth: End of Lies] [Fate/Stay Night x That time I got reincarnated as a slime x High-school DxD x Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy]

He didn't know where he was, or how long he's been there. All he knows is that he feels at peace, as if some great burden has been removed from his shoulders and he can finally breath. But even this void which seems to bring him a sense freedom seems to constrict him for some reason, as if to protect him from the madness that lurks in its depths. But he will not be constricted by this emptiness from seeing what awaits him. [Fate/Stay Night x That time I got reincarnated as a slime x High-school DxD x Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy] [Pairing: Shirou x Medusa x Yasaka] [Tropes: Adventurer, Comedy, Romance]


[Magus Status Sheet]

Name: Shirou

Origin: Wisdom-Void

Element: Curses|Holy

Magic circuit quality: D-

Magic circuit quantity: 27

–[Post Reincarnation/ Pre-Big Bang]

[Magus Status Sheet]

Name: Shirou

Origin: Wisdom-Void

Element: ???

Magic circuit quality: ???

Magic circuit quantity: ???

[Tensura Status Sheet]

Name: Shirou


Rank: ???

Race: [???]

Blessing: [Voids Blessing]

Title: (None)

Age: 0 (12 Mentally)

Unique skills: [Creation]|[Destruction]|[Evolution]

Extra skills: [Sage]|[Archivist]|[Magic Eater]|[Magic Core]

Common skills: (None)

Enchantments: (None)

Magic: (None)

Intrinsic skills: Error

Ultimate skills: (None)

Origin skills: Error

Manas: (None)

–[Post Evolution/Post Big Bang]

[Magus Status Sheet]

Name: Shirou

Origin: Akashic Records

Element: Akashic Records

Magic circuit quality: ???

Magic circuit quantity: ???

[Tensura Status Sheet]

Name: Shirou|Yggdrasil|Voice of The World|Yahweh|Brahmah|Shiva|ect...


Rank: ???

Race: [Voice of The World]

Blessing: [Voids Blessing]

Title: [Yggdrasil]|[The Eternal One]|[Embodiment of Legends]|[Voice of The World]

Age: ♾ (12 mentally)

Divinities: [Wisdom]|[Void]|[Creation]|[Destruction]

Unique skills: Error

Extra skills: Error

Common skills: Error

Enchantments: (None)

Magic: [???]

Intrinsic skills: Error

Ultimate skills: Error

Origin skills: [Voice of The World]

Manas: [Medusa]

[Creation God: Brahma] + [Destruction God: Shiva] + [King of Evolution: Darwin] + [Void God: Azathoth] = [Voice of The World]

[Wisdom King: Raphael] + [Information King: Akashic Records] + [Magicule Breeder Reactor] = [Goddess of Wisdom: Athena]

[Goddess of Wisdom: Athena] = [Medusa]

Name: Medusa


Rank: ???

Race: [Codex/Akashic Serpent]

Blessing: [Void Blessing]

Title: (None)

Age: ♾

Unique skills: Error

Extra skills: Error

Common skills: Error

Enchantments: (None)

Magic: Error

Intrinsic skills: Error

Ultimate skills: Error

Origin skills: [True Akashic Records]


[The Void: A twelve–year–old Shirō wakes up in a void with knowledge slowly engraving itself into his soul.]

[First Steps: An innumerable amount of time has past since Shirō has awakened within the void and he has gained a greater understanding of existence.]

[Origin: Shirō begins to understand more about his soul and what his origin is.]

[Skills: Shirō learns to crystallize his wisdom into {Skills}. Shirō creates {Sage} to boost his thoughts, and {Archivist} to sort information.]

[Magic: Shirō realizes his Soul is drawing in Void energy passively, and begins to experiment with it resulting in {Magic Eater} and {Magic Core}.]

[A Craftsmen's Tools: Shirō delves into his growing knowledge concerning creation with the use of {Sage} and {Archivist} with the outcome being {Creation} to help streamline the process of making {Skills}, and {Destruction} to remove redundancies and possible imperfections.]

[Understanding: Shirō begins to understand the limits of his {Skills}. Shirō uses {Creation} and {Sage} to break his {Skills} limits. Some time has passed and Shirō begins to understand the concept of evolution from his growing wisdom. Shirō uses {Magic Eater} with {Creation} to make {Evolution} to make his {Skills} evolve.]

[Great Sage: Shirō uses {Evolution} on {Sage} resulting in {Great Sage}. {Great Sage} Suggest integrating {Skills} into one another to improve performance, Shirō agrees. {Great Sage} integrates {Archivist} into it's self to improve processing and memory capacity, and uses {Creation} to make {Deviant} to increase {Skill} efficiency.]

[Emotions: Shirō begins to refer to {Great Sage} with female pronouns. {Great Sage} begins to study her masters ever growing knowledge with {Archivist}. {Great Sage} uses {Evolution} to grant itself the ability to experience emotions to better assist her master. {Great Sage} Uses {Evolution}, {Creation} and {Destruction} on {Magic Eater} resulting in {Void Eater}.]

[Rapheal: {Great Sage} uses {Void Eater} to provide energy to {Evolution}. {Great Sage} request permission to use {Evolution} on itself, Shirō approves. {Great Sage} uses {Evolution} on itself, resulting in {Wisdom King: Raphael}.]

[Akashic Records: {Wisdom King: Raphael} request permission to evolve the rest of Shirō's {Skills}, Shirō allows it. {Void Eater} evolved into {Void God: Azatoroth}. {Magic Core} evolved into {Magicule Breeder Reactor}. {Archivist} evolved into {Information King: Akashic Records}.]

[Athena: {Wisdom King: Raphael} pause's {Skill} evolution to inform Shirō of {Information King: Akashic Records}. Shirō suggest to integrate {Information King: Akashic Records} into {Wisdom King: Raphael} to enhance performance. {Wisdom King: Raphael} uses {Deviant} on {Information King: Akashic Records} to fuse it into itself, but with no results. {Wisdom King: Raphael} attempt again using {Evolution} and {Deviant} on both {Magicule Breeder Reactor} and {Information King: Akashic Records} resulting in {Goddess of Wisdom: Athena}.]

[Naming: {Goddess of Wisdom: Athena} informs her master of her successful evolution. Shirō is surprised by the amount of emotion in his long time companions voice. {Goddess of Wisdom: Athena} informs him that it was the result of both the evolution and his desire for companionship causing her to gain a stronger sense of self. Shirō ask her if he should simply refer to her as Athena now, but is instead requested to provide her with a name to improve her abilities. Shirō ask how a name would improve her abilities, with {Goddess of Wisdom: Athena} then explaining the power of names. Shirō now understanding the significant of names, begins to go through the knowledge of legend's that {Goddess of Wisdom: Athena} provided him, and decide to name her {Medusa}. After being named {Goddess of Wisdom: Athena} evolved past a {Skill} and became {Codex: Medusa}. {Medusa} greets her master and swears her eternal love and loyalty to him.]

[Evolution: Having been a innumerable amount of time since {Medusa's} naming, Shirō has begun to question if he can leave this void, to which {Medusa} says that's the only way to leave would be to evolve himself. Shirō ask how, to which {Medusa} states that he would have to evolve and assimilate all of his {Skills} into one.]

[Next Step: Shirō request {Medusa} to begin, {Medusa} complies. {Evolution} evolves into {King of Evolution: Darwin}. {Creation} evolves into {Creation God: Brahma}. {Destruction} evolves into {Destruction God: Shiva}. {Medusa} having finished her task, began the final steps to her masters freedom.]

[Voice of The World: {Medusa} begins fusing all of Shirō's {Skills} resulting in the creation of the {Voice of The World}. Shirō begins his evolution. The evolution cause's the void to start to condense around him.]

[Big–Bang: Shirō is beginning to reach the final stage of his evolution. Shirō evolves into the {Voice of The World} resulting in the void to implode onto itself. The resulting explosion resulted with the creation of the multiverse.]

[New Role: Shirō gets used to the idea of being God. {Medusa} gives him a pep talk. Shirō start's to study the {Akashic Records} to create a planet.]

[Cardinal World: Shirō uses {Voice of The World} to create the Cardinal World as his base of operations.]

[True Dragon's: Shirō creates the first {True Dragon} to help govern the Cardinal World in his place.]

[Humans and Monsters: Shirō creates the human species. {Medusa} creates the monster species. A hundred–years later the first human evolves into a {Saint} after slaying a {Lesser Dragon}.]

[The Afterlife: Shirō start's to realize the need for a afterlife. He creates {The Good Place} for those who have been good, {The Bad Place} for those who have been bad, {The Medium Place} for those who were neither good nor bad, and {The Points System} to decide who goes where.]

[The Test: Shirō uses ask {Medusa} to create a test to let people in {The Bad Place} and {The Medium Place} into {The Good Place}. {Medusa} creates the test to allow people to improve themselves.]

[The Judge: Shirō creates {(True)Angels} to operate {The Good Place}, {(True)Demons} to operate {The Bad Place}, {(True)Spirits} to operate {The Point System}. {The Good Place} and {The Bad Place} get into a disagreement over certain soul. Shirō creates {The Judge} to act as a neutral party.]

[A Quick Look: Shirō checks in on the Cardinal World. He sees that one of the {True Dragon} he made died. He learns he had a daughter named Milim. He gives her {Magicule Breeder Reactor} as a gift. He introduces Veldora to Manga. {Medusa} has a bad feeling.]

[A Little Nap: Shirō decides to take a nap to pass the time. {Medusa} creates a world of her own while he's asleep.]

[Earth?: Shirō wakes up after a few million years. {Medusa} informs Shirō that she created a world for him to have fun in. Shirō decides to check it out. {Medusa} informs him it's a version of Earth with all wear all the mythology's are real.]

[Kyoto: Shirō appears outside of Kyoto, Japan. He has {Medusa} create a identity for him to use. Shirō meets kunou who is distressed about her mother's disappearance.]

[Yasaka: Shirō saves Yasaka from the hero faction. Yasaka ask if he is a God? Shirō explains that he can be considered one, but is much more then a God.]

[Time Goes On: Shirō has lived in Kyoto for over a years. Shirō and Yasaka have been growing closer as time goes on. {Medusa} is worried that Yasaka is stealing her master from her.]

[Travel: Shirō leaves to travel the world. Yasaka starts to realize that she grew to enjoy his presence. Shirō arrives in America, but is a little lonely without Yasaka and Kunou around.]

[Huntress: Shirō has spent over a month in America. Shirō run's into Artemis hunting a chimera. Shirō decides to interfere after he sees her get hurt. Artemis act's arrogantly thinking he's only a Demi–God. Shirō doesn't care and just leaves.]

[Report: Artemis reports to Zeus about Shirō. Zeus doesn't think it's anything worth caring about. {Medusa} was monitoring their conversation while thinking of the best way to show them the greatness of her master. Back in Kyoto, Yasaka is thinking about the time she and Shirō spent together, until Kunou comes into the room with a letter from Shirō.]

[Just Passing Through: Rumors start spreading in the supernatural world of a mysterious God passing through America. Many don't believe them because of their pride and arrogance. Odin decides to check them out believing it to be the God who helped the Youkia faction.]

[Odd Friendship: Shirō is currently in Washington DC touring the presidential monuments. Their he meets Odin who ask him to join him for a drink. Shirō and Odin have conversation about their respective philosophies on life and become good friends. Odin ask Shirō why he's not able to see him, with Shirō stating it's because he's a higher plane of existence then a God. Odin is just happy that Shirō is a alright guy and offers him Rossweisse as a subordinate. Shirō ask if it's alright with her. With Odin stating that it will do her good, and that it's a sign of trust between them. Shirō sees this as true and grants Odin {Clairvoyance} as a sign of friendship.]

[Youkia Faction: Yasaka has grown lonely without Shirō's company and begins to realize that she sees him as more then a friend. Kunou ask her mother if she should call Shirō papa. Yasaka thinks it's to early for that.]