
[ENG] Marvel: A Tech Prodigy Making His Own Wife at the beginning

!!!! This is not an original fan-fic, I'm just bringing it to webnovel and making it less... Chinese? -Support the original author- Locke, who obtained the [Big Bang of the World of Science and Technology], traveled to the world of Meiman. Start the game to unlock the world of Nier and get all the technical knowledge of it. As the so-called technology changes life, it is not too much to create an obedient and well-behaved wife for yourself at the beginning! The first rule of robotics: A robot must never harm the Creator, nor disobey any order of the Creator. The second rule of robotics: observe the words, discover the needs of the creator, and actively meet the needs of the creator. The precondition is that the first rule must be followed. 2b: "Master, am I right?" Locke: "That's right!" 2b: "Then you can ask for it now!"

RE_AuRT · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Chapter 17

Although the battle with 2b just now was not a real one.

But Locke has a relatively comprehensive understanding of his current body.

If he had to describe it, it felt like he could be as powerful as a beast.

This was simply training.

Just imagine how strong it is to be able to win 2b, although she was depowered, still.

After all, what he injected was the optimal super soldier serum.

Its effect should be several times stronger than the original serum.

However, Locke is currently limited to the upper reaches of his power.

It requires him to have a strong foundation of fighting ability.

Sora has a strong body and almost zero fighting skills.

"It seems that I have to find some fighting teachers!" Locke muttered to himself.

"Why, I'm not enough?" 2b walked to Locke and hung on his body like a koala.

With a slight smile, he squeezed 2b's soft chin.

"Don't worry, in the future, you will not only be my tutor but also my fighting teacher.

However, I have a lot of fighting skills to learn, not just from you! ' Locke said thoughtfully.

The first thing that comes to mind is the classic villain imitation master of the Marvel world, Taskmaster.

He is a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, who has the photo-reaction ability due to the injection of a special serum.

Locke can learn other people's fighting moves by watching them fight.

The body movements of the target can be perfectly and precisely replicated, and no matter how complex the target's body movements are, they can be accurately copied, with time.

He can even learn fighting skills by watching TV, videotape, DVD, movies, etc.

Therefore, he is proficient in a variety of fighting skills including but not limited to karate, modern fighting, western swordsmanship, martial arts, etc.

Through his learning ability, the master imitator skillfully copies the unarmed combat and various combat skills of countless combat masters.

Combining them in a targeted manner creates a fighting style of its own.

But although they are all photographic reaction abilities, there are also strong and weak points.

The learning ability to mimic the Master is flawed.

Although it has a strong memory and can quickly learn the ability of others.

But his brain capacity has not been strengthened, so every time the new Ability accumulates to a stage, there is a danger that a memory might be removed from his brain.

(Ok, so I can't translate this because... The story is just contradicting itself for the past few lines, I don't understand how it will go so I can't really translate it.)

When you watched all the fighting movies, shows, and other such things. How will your fighting skills improve?

Thinking of this, Locke looked at 2b with a wretched smile on his face.

He is truly looking forward to it!

"Okay, it's time for me to put on my clothes 2b." Gently put down 2b who was hanging around his neck.

Lock dressed himself, but with 2b staring at him, making it quite awkward.

Having said that, he got up and walked into the room along the stairs.

Locke's underground laboratory leads directly to his bedroom.

The reason for this design is also for convenience, but now it seems that this is also convenient for 2b.

There is one more place on the battlefield for herself and her.

Walking out of the underground laboratory, the knock on the door sounded at the same time.

"Master, are you up yet?" It was Edwin's voice.

During this period of time, he forgot to eat and sleep. He didn't sleep last night, how did he get up?

But of course, he couldn't tell Edwin that.

"Yes I'm up, what's the matter?" Locke tidied up his clothes.

But what embarrassed him was that the clothes were too small and parts of him were exposed.

This is also possible. The super soldier serum made him grow more than ten centimeters in such a short time.

He was already tall, but now he looked even taller, and it was a trivial matter that his clothes were too small.

When Edwin sees him like this, I'm afraid it won't be easy to explain.

Anyway, he was thinking of how to explain this to Edwin!

"Yes, there is something I want to tell yo, young master!"

"You can come in!"

Edwin pushed open the door, walked in, and first saw Locke sitting on the sofa.

Immediately, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

But soon, the surprise disappeared, replaced by a smile.
