

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

The Lead Up

By the time it was afternoon and a few hours after school is done for the day Kali rushed to the girls house.

"SYYDD!!" Kali yelled out inside the house.

The girls house were clean and always smelled flowery fresh, unlike the boys house, where it has different smells every once in a while.

Kali tried to keep them in control and keep the house clean and smell good but gave up as even he doesn't follow the complete cleanliness the girls do.

"Up here!" Sydney yelled out.

Kali walked up the stairs and passed a few rooms before turning right and saw Sydney standing staring at Kera who was on the floor going through a small box.

"Uh? Whatcha doin?" Kali asked.

"It's an ink kit." Kera said.

They were the tools along with black ink that tattoo artists use for... well tattooing people.

"Cool, so you wanna be a tattoo artist, with your talent in drawing and such you could nail it." Kali encouraged as he crouched down next to her also looking through them.

"Where did you get them anyways?" Kali asked.

"Oh uh... I got th- a friend gave them to m-"

"She stole it." Sydney who was standing by the side finished.

"You bitch!" Kera high pitched.

"You stole them?!" Kali asked raising an eyebrow looking at Kera.

"No! I borrowed them." Kera said.

"Did you get caught?" Kali asked.

"No." Kera said softly.

"Haha attagirl!" Kali said and raised his hand for a high five which Kera returned happily.

Sydney who was looking at them rolled her eyes before walking away, the reaction was pretty normal and so it wasn't surprising.

"Anyways I need a test subject." Kera said looking at Kali.

"Why call it a test subject, why not say participant or something?" Kali asked.

"Come on! Haven't you ever thought about having a tattoo?" Kera asked excitedly.

"N- mmmm, hehe well I mean I guess it could be fun... how much can that ink cover on my body?" Kali asked.

"I don't know, it really depends on what kind of ink you want." Kera shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay, how about if it covers my back." Kali asked.

"Hmmm..." Kera pulled him down onto the ground and turned him around looking at how big his back is.

"You want to cover your whole back?" Kera asked.

"Well no, I always wanted a... do you have a paper?" Kali asked.

She gave him a piece of paper and he drew the drawing he wanted on his back and showed her, she saw it and started humming massaging her chin.

The drawing Kali drew was a very familiar symbol in his past life, it was a tattoo a fictional character donned name Meliodas, and he was the sin of wrath and had a circular dragon tattoo.

Kali felt he always liked that and was always on his mind, now that Kera was doing tattoo arts he might as well get something for fun.

He wasn't worried if Kera would mess up or not because he has seen her draw and she was phenomenal, she had a book where she would do different types of drawings and was even able to capture and draw the sleeping face of Hannah in just an hour and some minutes.

Kali caught her once tagging a wall once, but instead of being a lecturing parent he fanboyed out and asked her to teach him, that day they filled the wall with a bunch of silly paintings and other art styles, then a security guard caught them but before anything else Kali picked up Kera and disappeared faster than a flash.

On that wall was a Kali and Kera standing together tagging the wall, it was something Kera quickly spray painted for memories and it is still there to this day.

"Hmm, it is good." Kera said.

"Oh oh and can you put my last name in the middle too?" Kali asked.

"Aah? But that'll waste the whole can of ink." Kera complained.

"It's fine I'll give you a few bucks and you can buy yoursel-"

"Deal!" Kera said interrupting Kali before he finished.

Of course she would take any money this old guy would give her, a "few" bucks to him is like a few thousands and that is a lot of money to them, with that much she could buy a few cans along with other colored inks.

"Now, take that unstylish shirt off and face that way old man." Kera said as she somehow made the can of ink rotate around her finger before connecting it to a plastic like wire onto a ink needle.

"What's wrong with this shirt? I just threw it on when I came out the hous-"

"Just take it off, and turn around." Kera said.

"Alright." Kali took his shirt off before facing away from Kera as she faced his back and moved closer focusing on inking his back.

"W- wait!! I forgot to ask, do you have any experience with a ink gun?" Kali asked.

"No, I'll just learn on the way." She said as if it wasn't a big deal and went back to focusing only to be interrupted again.

"Then how do you know you will do good if all you do is fuck it up?!" Kali asked.

"I won't I'm always good on my first times!! Now face forward and shut your trap!!" Kera yelled at Kali.

But that sentence just didn't sound right to him so he looked sideways before speaking.

"Don't ever say it that way or someone will get the wrong idea." Kali said.



Kali screamed out as he jumped up colliding onto the door breaking it before he tried reaching for his back but his muscles were too thick to let him reach the back, and so he ran to the wall before leaning and grinding his back on the wall easing the stinging pain.

He looked to Kera who had a red hand, she slapped him hard on the back, and it stung more than the punches the old fool would strike him with.

"Gee, such hard skin." Kera said as she shook her hand trying to ease the pain.

"Why did you slap me?" Kali asked with a pained face.

"Because! I told you to shut it and let me focus, but you just keep on yapping, sit back down." Kera said.

Kali sat back down although slowly.

Soon she started and the first few while she was learning as the needle leads the ink onto the gaps inside the flesh and leaving the permanent marks in it this completing the ink process and she learned from it.

She started to slowly drag the gun as it rapidly pierces little by little the skin of Kali, it was hard since there was a few scars on his back but Kera just worked over it.

Time slowly passes and she also learns and guides it the way she would draw, but then her lower back started hurting and she groaned.

"Oh god, I don't like sitting like this, it's bad for my spine." She muttered.

"Hey, old man." She tapped him to which he jerked up waling from his short nap.

She was able to see that the head of the dragon was forming up well, after the head would be the chain like body.

"Hey uh lay on your front." She said.

"Ugh, gladly." Kali said as he grabbed a pillow and laid on the ground with the pillow supporting his head.

He usually wouldn't be tired but boredom could make you achieve many things, he closed his eyes for a nap as the feeling of the needle was just numbing.

Kera laid on the side as they made a T and she started working on the dragon again.

Soon enough he lost track of time and really went to sleep as the sun soon starts to set and night comes.


"Zhang is calling me to the [Nest], gotta see what's up."

"You could do some training there if you want." Charles said.

He walked out of the house with a duffle bag and following behind was Chase, Dillon, Mannix, and Ronny.

Ever since they went back to school they changed their schedules and started doing trainings on the nights instead, and so they would at times go to the [Nest].

"I'll see you guys there." Charles saluted with two fingers before he started floating up into the night sky and flying off.

"Tsk, showoff!!" Mannix screamed out.

"I'm driving!!" Ronny tried to run to the driver seat of the beamer only to be stopped by all three.

"Not happening." x3

All three said, they have seen Ronny tried to drive and it was just too embarrassing for them to even talk about it.

Dillon took the drivers seat as he started the car heading out for the [Nest].

Charles was already at the hideout and he went inside to see Markus with Zhang on the big computers, Logan who would spent some times in the hideout was in the resting room meditating with crossed arms.

It might seem like he was sleeping peacefully but this ferocious creature is meditating and could go off anytime, Charles thought.

"Z, what's up, you called?" Charles asked.

Both Zhang and Markus was already suited up, Zhang was typing on the keyboards and on the big screen there was something he was working on and on top of it was a name, Entity.

Markus was on the [Nest] couch stuffing his face with popcorn and had his legs up on the near table.

"Yeah." Zhang replied.


"Well? What's up?" Charles asked from the silence.

"Give me a second." Zhang said as he still typed.

"He's been like that for about... 30 minutes or so." Markus said looking at his watch.

"Hmm, well I'm gonna go get suited up." Charles said walking away.

A few minutes and he was back in his Nightwing suit, the door up the stairs creaked a little as 4 boys walked down having a conversation about hero names and such.

No one was alarmed since it was Dillon, Mannix, Ronny, and Chase.

"Here." Zhang handed the two something.

It was two domino masks just like the ones they are wearing.

"It's an upgraded version, take it." Zhang urged.

The two took off their equipped domino masks and put on the new ones, the appearance were the same but from their eyes looking out the mask it was like the mask was scanning the room before a few objects appear around their sight, but not enough to distract them from their battles.

"The masks hud works on real time, and reacts along with you when you fight and detect enemies among others, I added a tactical mode for heat signatures but it is incomplete and is not %100." Zhang said.

"Here take this as well." Zhang said.

Two small bean like thing was on their hands.

"What is this?" Markus asked.

"It's a small comms unit, it's small enough to stick onto your inner ear, no worries it can easily be retrieved with a magnet so it won't be stuck forever." Zhang said as he went back to typing.

"Where did you even get the stiff to make these things?" Charles asked.

"Black Market, although it's shady the old man said it's useful when you need something." Zhang said.

"Hmm, I think I just found my new shopping mall." Charles muttered.

He loves building things, and if he can get his hands on a few things, then things would be build with his hands happily.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Chase asked as they walked up.

"You losers here to train again? Haha give it up, you ain't never gonna get stronger than me." Markus mocked them.

"Ooh freebie." Chase ignored him and passed them walking up to the big computer desk and grabbed the mask Charles left on the table, he put it on and his eyes started hurting.

"Aaah! What the heck?! How do you guys even wear these things? And why does it burn my eyes?" Chase asked looking at the mask.

"We can use it because we trained our eyes to get used to it, and it's also has night vision glasses and the lights are turned on which burned your eyes." Charles said.

*Ping* x3

A pinging noise started sounding out on the large computers Markus smiled wide and ran out to the side rather than the usual exit and Zhang followed behind.

"You guys can start your training since you're here." Charles smiled and said before also leaving.

As the four stood around Logan came with a bowl of popcorn and typed a few times on the keyboards as three separate squares on the big TV displayed the trios POV as the ran from rooftop to rooftop.

Well Charles was flying, Zhang was jumping high at times before gliding, and Markus was jumping roof to roof.

"Whoah!!" The four was excited being able to see the trio in action.

"Sit, you're blocking my view." Logan said.

The four looked back to see him sitting on the couch eating popcorn while watching the screen.

Logan would do this every once in a while, he learns a lot from watching the three, not the fighting as he thought he fought fine but the mistakes they make, he would learn from them, plus it's entertaining.


"You know this might be our first team up in a while." Charles said flying above.

"Tsk, I don't even know why you geeks came, I coulda handle it on my own, after this I'm going back on solo." Markus said.

"Assistant, locate." Zhang spoke out.

>Straight for 400 meters, south side of Chinatown.< A sudden stiff female voice sounded out startling the other two.


"Who the hell!!"

Charles and Markus freaked out.

"What was that?!" Charles asked.

"That was Assistant." Zhang said.

"Be more specific you emotionless Ken doll!!" Markus screamed out.

For a while Zhang has been really emotionless and at times cold, it is worrying a lot of people.

They asked Kali about Zhang but all he said was that it'll pass soon.

"An incomplete junior artificial intelligence I am working on." Zhang said.

"A what?!" x2

"It is part of Entity, called Assistant, it's purpose is to help out on our patrols hands-free." Zhang said.

"Wait artificial intelligence?! As in AI?!" Markus screamed out.

"Thats what it means airhead!! Zhang how did you even create something like that?! Like this?!" Charles asked.

"Dude!! Haven't you seen any robot movies?! You should know making a computer robot always ends badly!!" Markus screamed out not knowing the exact words.

"Okay Zhang, I know that all the bad robots and evil AI's are on the TV and all but are you sure it wo-" Charles spoke but was interrupted.

>Waypoint reached< The AI spoke again.

"There!!" Markus shouted as a speeding vehicle passed the roof they were on with a cop car chasing behind.

"Heh, easy." Markus reached his hands out and a silver revolver appeared out of nowhere and he took aim.

"No wai-" Charles screamed.


The back wheel of the criminal car popped and it started wiggling around until it flipped but before it can tumble upside down it paused in midair.

The cop car stopped as two police officers got out of their car shocked taking their guns out aiming at the car in mid air.

As the criminals car slowly come down it revealed Nightwing on the other side grinding his teeth to slowly put the car down.

The two officers sigh in relief seeing that it was Nightwing, and they holstered their guns knowing how capable and dependable he is.


Charles let the car go as it dropped and the driver in there was thrown out by Nightwing to the officers.

"Thank you, Nightwing." One of the officers said.

"No problem, just doing my job." Charles saluted before flying off.

"Hehe, except it's not your job kid, but we're thankful non the less." The cop said as they cuffed the drunk reckless driver.

Back at rooftop...

"...thats what he thought, until it turned on him and killed him!! His own creation!! That should show you how bad giving a robot their own brain is!!" Markus yelled at Zhang.

"Intelligence, not brain... intelligence." Zhang said.

"Same difference you punk!!" Markus yelled out.

"What the hell Markus!!" Charles came and screamed out as he landed.

"Du- DUUDE!! Secret name you idiot!!" Markus yelled at Charles.

"You can't just recklessly shoot like that and expect it to be done!! Someone could have gotten hu-" Charles spoke.

"The criminal would have gotten hurt, and who gives a shitt about the criminals, now let's focus on this dipdick who is on the road to making his OWN SKYNET!!" Markus screamed at Charles.

"Don't change the subject!! This is why we don't work with you because you are too uncontrollable out here, and I don't know why Kali even let you use those guns!!" Charles said.


Charles looked at Markus thinking he got a point, arguing won't change what happened, the police would probably need to question someone but good thing he was gone before they asked anything.

In the end they both looked at the stoic Zhang.

"Zhang!!" x2