
[DROPPED] God of genjutsu

[DROPPED] God accidentally kill a guy with good karma in an extremely painful way. So he decides to let the guy choose if he wants to go to heaven or reincarnate. [I DO NOT own picture if the creator wants me to change picture I will.] [First time writer.] [Writing for fun.] [English is not my first language.] [Constructive criticisms, suggestions and feedbacks are appreciated.] [This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material 'Naruto', created by Masashi Kishimoto and its anime adaptations. Please support the official release and know that I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content related to the series. The only things I own are the original characters and the altered storyline.]

SilverSerpent · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Birthday and Medical jutsu

*Another six months later*

During this time Katagishi had been taught Fūton: Reppūshō (Wind Style: Gale Palm C-rank) by his father and clan head Mashuno had contiuned to teach him the Magen: Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: False surroundings technique C-rank), but he didn't get familar enough with the jutsus to use them yet.

Katagishi also was taught by the clan head on how to use the Magen: Narakumi no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique D-rank) more effciently and his father and mother helped him on using the academy jutsu and Fūton: Daitoppa. (Wind Style: Air bubble D-rank)

'It has been six months since I was tested by the clan head' - Thought Katagishi.

It was currently his birthday and the first time he met Itachi

"Katagishi come here and greet Fugaku and Itachi, they are part of the Uchiha clan" - said Nasho"Hello Itachi and Fugaku" - Replied Katagishi

"It seems your son has quite well manners. Why don't you and Itachi go and talk whilst we adults talk by ourselves" - Commented Fugaku

Then Itachi and Katagishi go off to talk.

"I have heard that you are a genius crawling at three months old, and talking at one year old, but I am a greater genius and even though your family does have better genjutsu my clan's Sharingan is far better" - Itachi said

'I guess I am the same age as Itachi and then Naruto and Sasuke will be born in around two years, and this is Itachi one year before he sees the third great ninja war' - thought Katagishi

"Your clan's Sharingan may be better at some stuff, but we are far better at genjutsu, also you haven't awakened your Sharingan yet. " - Relipied Katagishi

"Well when I awaken my Sharingan I will be better than you in all aspects" - Itachi proudly said

'If he thinks he is better than cast a genjutsu on him' A demonic voice echoed in Katagishi

Katagishi almost begins to cast a genjutsu on Itachi, but then he remembers about his kekkai genkai may make another personality that tries to control his genjutsu.

'No I shall not lose control because of my kekkai genkai' thought Katagishi

"How about this in a year and a half when we are in the academy I will challenege you to duel"

"Okay I accept your challenge" - Said Itachi

Then Katagishi walked back to his mother and asked who else is at his birthday party

"There are some other kids, but I don't personally know them, I only knew Itachi because he is a genius"

"Okay I am going to go talk to some of them"

Then Katagishi walked over to a girl with brown hair in a ponytail with bangs framing her face and onyx eyes, with a mole under her right eye. Katagishi asked her

"Hello, what is your name?" - Katagishi

"I am Izumi Uchiha, I hear that you are a genius as good as Itachi, I hope I can become as good as you in the future." - Replied Izumi

"Thank you. You are so much nicer than Itachi he may be a genius, but he is so cocky." - Said Katagishi

"Don't mind that, he just likes to compete with people and that is why he acts like that. After you get to know him he is not bad at all." - Commented Izumi

"Then I will keep that in mind next time I talk to him. Well good talking to you, see you later." - Added Katagishi

After that Katagishi talked to some other kids, but none of them were interesting. His father also gave him a guide on how to gain more chakra and Katagishi figured out that chakra is made up of physical energy and spiritual energy and the stronger those energy is the stronger chakra is. This made him think if he could cultivate chakra like in those martial arts novels, 'I mean there is a chakra pathway system, so it should be possible, no this shouldn't be possible but it should still be helpful'. Then he had gone to his mom and asked

"Mom can I get some books on chakra pathways because I want to learn Iryojutsu and I think it would help " - Katagishi

"Okay, and you should be quite good at Iryojutsu because of your excellent chakra control, and knowing the chakra pathways do make putting others in genjutsus easier." - Nasho

His mom then went out and after an hour came back with some books on chakra pathways and some basic Iryojutsu. He had started to read and learned that Along the chakra pathways, there are 361 nodes called tenketsu that control the flow of chakra like circuit breakers, and within those tenketsu are Eight Gates which control body function and strain levels.

First Katagishi looked at the Iryojutsu and saw Healing technique (AN: Real jutsu from a movie) and he decided to try to make chakra scalpel and succeed easily, but it did not seem to be very sharp.

Katagishi then remembered that the yin-seal exists and wondered if he could use it to store more chakra. Then he tries to focus chakra onto his chin, but the chakra almost instantly wasted. This made him realize that his chakra control is not good enough to do it and that if he had some info on how to use fuinjutsu it would be easier.

Do you guys like this cultivation? If no please comment and I will choose to edit it out. Also I will try to change how Itachi acts in the future, he is like this because he hasn't seen how war is yet. Everyone I have edited out cultivation and made it about Yin seal.

Please comment any thing you would like, I have seen how you guys want a slight nerf to MC on jutsus, I will edit them to weaker jutsus.

SilverSerpentcreators' thoughts