
[DISCONTINUED] HP: A Bolt from the Blue

[A Harry Potter AU Fanfiction] Meet Aayan Barak, a 17 year-old whose life came to an unfortunate end after he was struck by lightning during a storm on his way back from work. After waking up in the body of a newborn in a world not too dissimilar from his own, will Aayan be able to navigate his way through the ups and downs of his new life while trying to discover the mysteries magic has to offer? Read on to find out! ********************************************** Hi everybody! Ash here. I'm a completely new author and this is my very first novel/fanfiction. There's a few things I'd like to get out of the way before you go on to read the novel. This is probably going to be quite similar to other fanfictions you've read considering the Harry Potter fanfiction community is a very large one. I'll do my best to put my own spin on it but do keep in mind that there's only so much I can do that hasn't already been done. Secondly, this is a story that is inspired by FictionOnlyReader's "HP: A Magical Journey" and SnollyGoster609's "HP: I Have Magic." I, for one, would like to express my admiration for these two wonderful humans and the hours of reading time they've provided for me, as well as several other people on this platform and if you haven't read their stories, I'd very much recommend for you to do so. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/HT3VeC26fb --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters in this story barring my original ones nor do I own the image used on the cover. As a wise man once said, "Harry Potter is J.K Rowling's playground and I am just happy to be playing in it." (Or something along those lines)

Ashtar29 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Chapter 4— Exploration and Realisation

~Fun Fact: It's unknown why Professor McGonagall was staying next to the Dursleys' home all day, instead of being at Hogwarts. It's unlikely that she was stationed there on Dumbledore's orders, as Dumbledore was surprised to see her there. It is also unlikely that she was there to see Harry be delivered to the Dursleys, as she was appalled when Dumbledore said he would do so.


A week or so later, I found myself in the living room after waking up from my second nap of the day. There wasn't much else to be said about the life of a baby. It consisted of eating, sleeping, and well, soiling yourself and don't get me started on nappy rash; may God have mercy on my poor baby ass. Mum walked through the living room door, disturbing me from my thoughts as she caught the sight of my flailing and giggled.

"Aww, is little Yan trying to get up?" She cooed, picking me up and taking me to the kitchen. That was a little nickname my parents came up with for me, Yan. And in all honesty, I didn't think it was too bad.

Once there, she placed me in a baby stroller and took out a long, stick-like apparatus from her pocket.

'Hmm...I wonder what that's for' I thought as she started waving it around. As if in tandem with her motions, ingredients were cut with knives and dirty dishes began to wash themselves as I marvelled at the sight. Of course, what came out of my mouth was nothing other than nonsensical babbling that my mother found adorable as she continued to cook and clean.

'Now that's one way to be introduced to Magic..' I thought. 'So I'm in the Harry Potter world, huh. It truly could be worse. I could've been in Naruto Universe or Percy Jackson instead where kids are in mortal danger an unholy amount of times before adulthood. I'm pretty sure I'd end up dead within the first decade of my life…'

After reflecting for a few moments, I came to the decision that I had no plans whatsoever to stick to the canon as in my opinion, there were several things that went suboptimally resulting in the unnecessary deaths of many and conflict and drama that could have been avoided. I knew that I had a hero complex but not to the point of self destructive stupidity; there were people like that in the world. No, although I had a hero complex I knew when to pick my fights.

Once mum had finished cooking, she breastfed me before walking to the living room and switching on the television. Sitting in my mother's lap, I mindlessly gazed at the low quality video in front me until I heard the jingle of the front door's keyhole, resulting in my giggling happily.

"You want to see your daddy little Yan?" Mum asked excitedly which was promptly followed by my childish laughter.

"Alright then!" She said as she put me back in the stroller and pushed me to the front door just as it opened.

"Is that my little Yan?!" Questioned dad good-naturedly, his smile evident by the tone of his voice.

I replied with incoherent babbling while raising my arms at him, causing dad to grin as he picked me up from the stroller and showered me with praise for my first attempt at human language. Now, I may not be a narcissist, but I do enjoy praise… especially when it was from my father.

"Alright-y boys, time for dinner" Mum said using some sort of sanitisation spell to clean us all.

We followed her to the dining room in preparation for dinner. Well, when I say dinner I mean the monstrosity known as baby food for me, and a five-star meal in comparison for my parents; but not much could be done until my body developed enough to actually eat good food, so endure I shall.


Around a month had passed and I somewhat adept at crawling around and even attempted to walk, however that still eluded me since my body wasn't developed enough to do so, leaving crawling as my main mode of transportation. Naturally, that meant exploration as I was a curious person by nature. The first task was of course the stairs. However, by some kind of divine intervention, everytime any part of me touched the first step, my mother would come running from wherever she was to carry me away to the living room.

'But today will be different!' I vowed as I began my journey to the staircase while being careful not to smack my infantile cranium on any walls or surprise obstacles. I turned around the corridor and came face to face with the stairs. 'Alright, cue me some epic music'

Almost instantly, my mother's footsteps could be heard as she ran down the corridor. An almost acidic frustration started bubbling in the pit of my stomach.

'Damn it all, I was so close!'

My frustration must have been evident on my face because upon picking me up, my mother ruffled my head softly and began walking back down the corridor leading to the living room.

"Don't worry little Yan, mummy will let you climb the stairs as much as you want when you're older, okay?" She said, looking at me lovingly with her blue eyes.

'No! I want to climb the stairs now!' I shouted internally. I wasn't sure whether what happened next was a result of my childish brain overcoming my sense of reason or a conscious reaction to my will, however I found myself atop the staircase in the blink of an eye.

My mother was ecstatic as much as she was worried as she ran up the stairs to take me back to the baby stroller. "My little Yan is a genius isn't he! Wait until daddy finds out!" she cried happily.

It still hadn't registered in my mind that I had performed magic until quite a few minutes afterwards where I was overcome by a fit of giggles expressing my happiness.

If anything had cemented the fact that I was in the Harry Potter world, it was this.


Once my dad had come home, the dining room was full of his roaring laughter.

"You finally managed to beat mummy, huh little Yan!" He said, chuckling as my mother's face gained a rosy tint.

"Oh,you! It isn't funny Adam! What if he fell down the stairs and hurt himself" She tried to say as she failed to suppress her growing smile.

'Oh yeah, who's the man?' I thought as I giggled at mum's reaction while dad continued to tease her.

"Oh, I can't with you! I'll go take the dishes away instead." she laughed, getting up as she levitated the dirty dishes and cutlery behind her.

Suddenly, dad leaned in close.

"Make sure to take notes little Yan!" He instructed.

'Pfft- What the hell kind of dad teaches his two year old son how to flirt?' I laughed. 'Wait, who am I kidding? Dad's awesome!' I thought as a yawn escaped my mouth.

"Are you tired little Yan?" My dad asked "Well it's no surprise considering the wild day you've had. Come on, let's go take you to bed."

Dad walked over and picked me up, but before he could even get to the stairs, I had already fallen asleep.


*A/N: Hello everybody, thanks for reading the fourth instalment of the improved chapters; I haven't changed much since if I did, it would result in me having to rewrite the entire story, which would be a hassle. Don't forget to use the chapter/paragraph comments if you feel like there's anything you'd like to say and I'll see you in the next improved chapter! The community server is down below.


DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/HT3VeC26fb (See paragraph comment)

As usual, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to use chapter/paragraph comments and share the novel to all who you believe will be interested.

Have a good night/morning or whatever time it is for you.

Yours truly,


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