
12th Path - Controlled

It's been a few days since the incident with Saizou and Tsukune in the end had decided to stay because of Moka.

Mukuro thought it was cute as the human male had a crush on the vampire while said vampire had no clue about it.

A lot had also happened that passed few days and it seems that a rumor had begun to afloat as most of the school had come to the conclusion that Tsukune was a vampire and that he had been the one to defeat Saizou.

There was another rumor of Mukuro being even stronger than Tsukune which amused said person. Well it wasn't a lie, Mukuro had the strength to contend with an S-class monster. Also another thing was that Mukuro had absorbed some residue blood from Saizou which along with his body's adaptability gave a strength boost.

His normal base was now almost nearing A ranked, his Asura Path as well neared S ranked in strength. As for the Human Path... well it had gained only a little but in the S ranked category, even gaining a little extra strength makes huge differences. Not to mention he could now maintain it a little longer.


The next day Mukuro was walking out of the dormitories when he had come across Tsukune, who like him had also got out of his room.

"Ah Mukuro-san! I heard from the school nurse it was you that brought me there after I fell unconscious. Thank you!" He said as he bowed like a typical beta protagonist.

"No need" Mukuro said as he started walking ahead with Tsukune following after him.

"Are you still planning on leaving?" Mukuro said casually starting a conversation as they walked to class.

"Huh? Ah... I-I think I'll stay for a little while longer" He said hesitantly "And besides... The bus only comes about twice a month..." He said.

"..." Mukuro said nothing as he opted to listen to Tsukune's ramblings on how scary it was for him to be in the school.

"If you're so scared why don't train yourself..." Mukuro told the normal teen.

"Eeeeh?! B-but I'm not like you guys... I'm only human" Tsukune said with a downcasted look.

"So?" Mukuro said "I was human once as well"

After dropping such a large bomb Mukuro looked amused at the totally baffled look that Tsukune gave him. Tsukune just stopped in his tracks as he looked at Mukuro with wide eyes.

"W-w-what!!!? But how??!" He asked. After all, how could a human possibly turn to a monster? His ordinary mundane mind couldn't begin to explain how.

"How?... Do you think humans are really that innocent Aono? You should have learned it in history class, humans are all selfish... even you" Mukuro said.

"They are petty, hypocritical but that is their nature after all. They preach peace but they wage wars to gain power or the slightest difference in belief or culture... They might say things like they feel bad for someone who doesn't have alot but when they pass by the poor or homeless they look disgusted. What's to say humans can't try to experiment on each other? They crave to explore the unexplored..." Mukuro stated leaving Tsukune shocked and silent.

"...Mukuro-san.. y-you are... I-I'm sorry..." He said quietly.

"Hmm? Nothing to be sorry about, it's all in the past now. I'm just a regular student now" Mukuro said chuckling slightly causing Tsukune to sweat drop.

'A regular student my ass! You are a student in a school for mythical beings and monsters!' Tsukune inwardly screamed.


As they were walking to school they suddenly heard a yelp which caused the two to look around to spot a light blue haired beauty.

"S-someone...please...help...I suddenly feel so ill" The girl said as she was on the ground.

'Wh...WHOA!' Tsukune internally said as he looked at the girl

Walking over to her to help, Tsukune crouched down to help her up.

"kufu~ Well, ever so helpful aren't we Aono. Since you already have this one I'll be on my way" Mukuro said as he waved his hand casually.

"EEEH!! Mukuro-san!" Tsukune yelled.

But unknown to him the girl looked unwilling. 'Why did it have to be this ordinary looking guy instead of that hot hunk?' She questioned.


"Thank you very much, I've always had a very weak body... Ah...my chest. My chest suddenly feels like it's about to burst!" She said pushing her large breast onto Tsukune's chest.

'Whoah! They're so big and soft!" Tsukune thought internally

"Hey... Look into my eyes Tsukune-kun...I'm Kurumi Kurono. Please be a good friend to me, Ok?" She said as she used her eyes to hypnotize him.


"Ah! I'm going to be late!"

While that was happening Moka who was running late because she overslept dreaming about Mukuro's blood suddenly spotted the two.

"Ah! Tsukune-san! He probably knows where Mukuro went!" Moka said before she jogged up to the two.

"Tsukune-san! Do you know where Mukuro went? Both of you come from the males dormitory right?" Moka asked as Tsukune who was surprised by her sudden appearance grew flustered.

"M-M-Moka-san! A-Ah Mukuro well he went a-" But just before he was about to reply he suddenly stopped mid sentence as the light in his eyes dimmed and he looked more robotic. 'EH!? Why did I suddenly stop mid sentence?' Tsukune thought.

"Why Moka-san? Aren't you just using Mukuro-san for blood? You don't need him you can just use mine?" Tsukune's monotone voice said but on the inside he was freaking out. 'Wait! I didn't mean to say that!'

"Wh-What do you mean Tsukune-san?" Moka asked growing confused.

"Just face it, aren't you just using him as your food? Well you can drink mine instead, so how about it? Why don't you join me?" Tsukune said

"What!!? How rude of you to just assume that I'm using Mukuro as my food Tsukune-san! He was my very first friend! I thought you were as well but it looks like I'm mistaken!" Moka said as she suddenly ran off leaving the male and female.

'NOO! I didn't mean to say that, come back Moka-san!' Tsukune inwardly screamed.




Good news

This fic finally hit 15k words yay

But theres also bad news, something irl came up. Probably won't post for a while


UchihaFanaticcreators' thoughts