
10th Path - Human

"Ah!, I finally caught up to the two of you!" Moka and Mukuro heard before they turned around to meet the plain looking Tsukune Aono.

"Ah, Aono" Mukuro said as he nodded. He didn't know why the guy followed after them, after all he didn't know the guy personally. He was just some dude that rode the same bus as him.

"Ah, Tsukune-san!" Moka said as she too greeted him.

"What are the two of you guys doing here?!" He asked before he got an enthusiastic reply from the vampire.

"Mukuro and I are touring the school! After all it's my first time being away from home by myself and had a friend my age!"

"R-really, would it be fine if I joined you guys?!" He asked expectantly.

"Suuure, the more the merrier! " Moka said as Tsukune sighed in relief.

"by the way Mukuro-san, it was amazing what you did at the hallway" Tsukune said with awe.

"Yeah, Mukuro! You were so cool, you beat that bully so quickly!" Moka said nodding her head furiously.

"Meh, it wasn't all special. I thought he'd be alot stronger considering how others were scared of the guy, though much to my utmost disappointment. He was a weakling" Mukuro said earning a sweatdrop from Tsukune.

"By the way, Moka-san. Are you really a vampire? You look pretty human to me" He asked though Mukuro heard the slight fear in his voice.

"Yup, I might look human right now" Moka said as she leaned closer to show the rosary dangling on her chest "But if I take this rosary off, I become a real thing, an evil and scary vampire!" She said as Tsukune blushed from her cleavage being exposed.

"Umu~ Why are you sealed?" Mukuro asked in slight interest. Although Moka was stronger than in his base, she was still far weaker than S-ranked monsters. In her current state, Mukuro could measure her power to be at least A-rank. Though she is still weaker than in his Asura Path.

"Ah, my original form was hated and caused conflict, I put a rosary on myself to most of my vampire powers" She said "But even if we seal our powers, we still have the craving of blood" Moka said as she leaned closer to Mukuro trying to get to his neck, only for the teen to dodge.

"Ah!, Mukuro no baka!" She said pouting slightly. She continued to try to bite him for a few more times before she gave up.

"Oh, by the way. What type of monsters are you two?" She asked

"Ah!- well, um- You know the rules Moka-san, we aren't supposed to tell our true forms" Tsukune said nervously as Mukuro raised an eyebrow towards him.

"Ah, I forgot! Sorry! But I already told you guys mine!" Moka said pouting once more.

"Well then, guess you'll have to fin it yourself~" Mukuro said playfully.


The next day Tsukune was walking to school out his dorm contemplating whether he should quit the school or not.

'But there's Moka-san!' He though weighing the pros and cons 'But then again there's monsters everywhere! Even Mukuro-san is scary!' He thought fearfully.

"Hey Aono! I saw you with Moka Akashiya and Mukuro Rokudo yesterday, must have been fun hanging out with a hot chick eh?" A voice was heard from behind him. Turning around Tsukune couldn't help but freeze up.

'SAIZOU KOMIYA!!!' Tsukune thought.

"You, what's your true form!!?" Saizou questioned as he lifted Tsukune up by grabbing his collar.

'This is bad, if they know I'm human. They will kill me!!' Tsukune thought as he struggled to answer. "True form?. I'm.. a v- vampire..." He said causing Saizou's eyes to widen while he punched out with his other free hand though Tsukune managed to duck a little to avoid it.



Looking up, Tsukune saw Saizou's fist imbedded to the wall before a huge chunk of it crumbled making a huge hole on it.

"Woah!" Some of the spectators said

"VAMPIRE YOU SAY!!? VAMPIRES ARE IMMOSTAL ATROCIOTIES, THEY'RE THE STRONGEST OF ALL MONSTERS!!!" Saizou yelled as his arm that held him up just moments ago transformed, getting bigger with claws on it.

"AND A WIMP LIKE YOU IS ONE OF THOSE VAMPIRES?! DON"T LIE TO ME!!" He said before he scoffed of and turned around. "Anyway don't go near Moka Akashiya again, I'll be teaching Rokudo a lesson as well. He just got lucky yesterday" Saizou said before walking away.

'This isn't a joke anymore!' Tsukune said getting up 'He smashed concrete with his bare hands! I'll be killed in no time!' Tsukune said panicking before a voice interrupted him again.

"Tsukune-san!" Moka said as Mukuro was walking beside her lazily.

"Good morning!" She said greeting him.

"Moka-san! Mukuro-san!" He said tearing up gaining a confused look from Moka.

"What's wrong" Moka asked as even Mukuro seemed intrigued.

"I-I can't help it. This school is just too scary! I want to go to a human one!" Tsukune said causing Moka to freeze.

"A...human school?" She muttered "NO! YOU CAN'T GO TO A HUMAN SCHOOL, I HATE HUMANS!" She said, this time it was Tsukune's turn to freeze. "I actually went to a human school before... I was isolated, alone... But you and Mukuro accepted me, it's the first time I had any real friends!" She said with a smile.

Meanwhile Mukuro was piecing the two and two together. The fear in his voice from before, the reason why he wanted to switch schools. 'Is he human?' Mukuro thought narrowing his eyes slightly.

"...IF!...if I was one of those h-" Tsukune said before he was interrupted

"Human, Tsukune Aone... You're human right?" Mukuro said causing both Moka and Tsukune to freeze.

"Eh, Mukuro you really know how to joke" Moka said chuckling slightly before she noticed that Tsukune stayed silent "T-Tsukune-san, it's not true right?" She said a little fearfully.

Tsukune saw that before he turned around. "That look... That's right, I shouldn't even be here" He said as he started walking.

Panicking a bit Moka went to try and grab Tsukune's arm but it was in vain as he quickly got out of her reach "DON'T TOUCH ME! YOU HATE HUMANS!" He yelled as he turned an walked away "Excuse me for being a friend to a monster"

"Tsukune-san! Wait!" She said

"Let him go" Mukuro said as he looked at the ordinary human's retreating back "He needs to blow off some steam, besides its not up to us whether he wants to stay in this school or not. It may be fine for us but to him, it's about survival"

Moka only looked at Mukuro with a pleading gaze before she turned and ran after Tsukune.

"Mu~ Is it wierd I'm getting entertained by watching this?" Mukuro asked no one in particular before he lazily followed. If only he had some pop porn!


"Hey! What are you doing here alone?!" Said a voice as someone caught Moka's arm.

"SAIZOU!!" Moka yelled as she saw the figure holding onto her

"You shouldn't be lonely Moka Akashiya, when you have a man like me..." He said as he licked his lips.

Meanwhile on a branch of a tree, Mukuro sat eating a bag of chips. It was the closest to pop corn that he could get. "If it gets too much for her I'll step in... Saizou's somewhat on the stronger side, maybe I can get a decent soul for the shard" Mukuro mumbled out.

"HA! HA! HA! I'M GOING TO ENJOY THIS VIOLATION OF SCHOOL RULES!" Saizou said as his body transformed into his true form. His body was twice the size of his human transformation, he had bulging muscles, sharp teeth, and a long tongue.

Mukuro was just about to step in when he Tsukune near them. He then exchanged words before Saizou swapped him like a fly. Seeing that Moka rushed to him but it seemed that Tsukune was unconscious.




O_O if anyone asks the pairing is Akua x Mukuro x Moka. I don't know if I will add on to that as I don't really see the mc of mine as a harem type... who knows

UchihaFanaticcreators' thoughts