
[DC x Overlord] Bloodbound

Daily life weighs heavy on her shoulders, this burnout yearns for an early retirement. Seeking solace in a diversion, she immerses herself in a DMMO-RPG, unaware of its true nature. 12 years later she's in a strange world. Now, she stands beyond the edge of power that will forever alter the perception of what is possible. "I'll show you true magic," she declares. Additional Tags: Major Character Death, Minor Canon Divergence (Overlord), Mild Gore, No Harem

Zerviil · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


Amidst the embrace of a desolate, jagged landscape, devoid of greenery or the tender touch of life, there lay a solitary figure. Her presence was concealed beneath the protective shroud of a hooded cloak.

The mountains rose like ancient titans, their peaks etched into the skies, craggy and foreboding. From the depths of the rugged ravines, sporadic plumes of steam spiraled upwards, shrouding the girl in a mist, an earthly exhalation as if the land itself were alive. 

Atop a mountain peak, a wyvern stands proudly, its shadow casting a solemn cloak over the land below. 

[Voidspwan Dragon Lvl. 75]

Its scales, as black as the night itself, bear a subtle, ethereal purple hue that shimmers like the twilight sky during the hour of dusk.

The wyvern possesses no eyes to meet any mortal's gaze. Instead, upon its horned head rests an orb, a cosmic marvel that seems to hold the very galaxies. 

Sleek and formidable spikes adorn its head, a stark contrast to the inky blackness of its scales. These formidable protrusions are as gray as the stones of the mountain the wyvern stands. It gives the creature an air of regal authority, as if it were the undisputed master of the world it surveys.

With a hauntingly silent exhalation, the wyvern releases a breath of fire, but this is no ordinary conflagration. Instead, the flames that burst forth are of a mystical hue, a lavender fire. 

The very air crackles with an otherworldly energy as the searing plume descends upon it's victim below.

The fire engulfs its target, its voracious heat melting stone and earth alike with the ferocity of an oven at its maximum inferno. The very ground seems to buckle and liquefy beneath the intensity of this supernatural blaze, like cheese under the searing heat of a relentless oven.

Yet, the victim appears wholly untouched by the scorching flames. Their figure stands unscathed amidst the molten chaos.

The figure, slowly unsheathed a dark sword. Its blade was like a shard of midnight, gleaming with a malevolent aura that seemed to drink in the eerie lavender firelight. 

With a fluid and grace, the figure swung the dark sword through the air. As the blade sliced through the ether, it created a shockwave of slashing force that rent the fabric of reality. This shockwave surged toward the wyvern with a terrifying velocity, an unstoppable tide of destruction.

The wyvern, regal and formidable though it was, could not evade the onslaught in time. The wave of slashes crashed upon its dark-scaled form, tearing through its flesh and scales as if they were mere paper. The creature let out a deafening, mournful roar, a sound that echoed through the desolate mountain peaks.

Injured and wounded, the wyvern staggered back, its majestic form now marred by deep gashes that oozed an iridescent ichor. 

With a voice, the figure intoned an incantation.

As the words of power reverberated through the air, the deep gashes upon the wyvern's form suddenly seemed to come alive, as if imbued with a malevolent sentience. 

They writhed and twisted, spreading with horrifying rapidity across the dragon's body like serpentine tendrils of darkness.

The wyvern, once a symbol of fierce majesty, now convulsed in agony as the sinister magic coursed through its being. The gashes deepened and widened, cleaving into its very heart and soul. 

With a final, agonized cry that shattered the mountainside's eerie silence, the wyvern succumbed to the insidious onslaught, its form collapsing into a grotesque and lifeless heap.

[Area Boss Defeated]

[XP gained!][Level up! 70 -> 71]

She raised her hand, fingers stretched, and from her very being, a brilliant blue light began to emanate.

In an instant, the girl vanished from sight, leaving nothing but a lingering echo of her presence and the memory of that radiant blue light. 

She had teleported away in the frigid realm of Helheim, nestled within the unforgiving embrace of the mountains, there exists a city unlike any other in the known world. 

Blarfold, they call it, a medieval metropolis.

The city's foundations, carved from the very heart of the mountain itself, provide a stout and unyielding fortress against the relentless onslaught of winter. Tiers of intricately crafted buildings cascade down the mountainside, each a piece of artistry unto itself, with steeply pitched roofs that channel the snowfall away.

Deep within the heart of the city, amidst the opulent grandeur, there lay an unassuming building. It was not a place that drew attention no soaring spires, no intricate carvings, no banners proclaiming its significance. 

It was, in fact, a mere rental, chosen for its unremarkable appearance, an effective cover for those who sought to remain hidden in plain sight.

Two months had passed since the establishment of Nine's Own Goal, its numbers steadily growing, as quietly as the snowfall upon the city's rooftops. 

The door swung open, revealing a corridor adorned with faded tapestries and portraits, she stepped forward, her footsteps hushed by the thick, dust-laden carpet. The flickering candle sconces cast dancing shadows.

Her gaze wandered, almost unconsciously, to an ornate mirror hanging on the wall. 

She saw herself.

Cloaked in a fancy armor, a masterpiece in black and crimson hues, it clung to her form, its surface etched with Old Nordic runes. 

But it was not just the armor that adorned her; it was the frock beneath, crafted with meticulous care by Amanomahitotsu to allow her to move like a whisper in the wind. The fabric embraced her, a second layer of protection.

A black cape, her final shroud of deception, flowed behind her like a river of shadows. Enchanted with runes, it rendered her invisible to the naked eye when the hood was drawn. 

Her long, flowing white hair cascaded down her back, like a cascade of moonlight, a stark contrast to the ebony of her attire. Her eyes, pools of darkness, held a predatory glint within.

And her body well-endowed, was both a weapon and an allure. It possessed the curves of temptation, each curve honed to perfection. She took more time during character creation when she maxed out her True Vampire racial class.

With a tentative hand, she reached up to adjust a wayward strand of hair.

In that fleeting moment of vanity, she saw something at the reflection. Two shadows emerged at the corner of the corridor, their silhouettes elongating as they approached. 

"Valaine, you're back. Peroroncino and I were just about to raid a Dungeon. Want to tag along?" Momonga inquired.

"Thanks for the invite, Momonga, but I have to prep for something important later on" Valaine replied apologetically.

"Another solo raid? You're like Takemikazuchi" Momonga remarked, sounding a bit surprised. 

"Well, if you need help, just holler at us" Peroroncino chimed in.

"I'll keep that in mind" Valaine responded with a nod.

"No, I meant it. We could use some offense because Momonga's build is kinda weak" Peroroncino admitted.

"Hey!" Momonga protested.

"It's true! Why is your build geared for roleplay?" Peroroncino teased.

"I prefer reading my opponents and relying on tactics, my KDA speaks for itself," Momonga defended his playstyle.

Their words clashed like swords in the midst of a duel, echoing throughout the hallway. 

The debate raged on, punctuated by impassioned speeches and fervent gestures. They delved into intricate calculations of skill rotations and min-maxing strategies, and obscure forum guides to bolster their arguments.

With a tired but knowing smile, Valaine excused herself from the heated discussion. She knew the futility of trying to mediate between them. 

As Valaine made her way through the corridors of the clan's headquarters, she stumbled upon another door, one that led to a small, dimly lit chamber. 

Inside, her friend and fellow guild member Bukubukuchagama, a stalwart tank who bore the avatar of a slime, was engrossed in a curious task. 

Valaine, her curiosity piqued, couldn't help but approach the unusual scene. Her friend was meticulously sculpting an intricate figure from the most basic of materials. 

She was crafting an NPC

Bukubukuchagama looked up from her work, a gleam of excitement in her eyes as she noticed her arrival. 

"Valaine! You won't believe what I'm doing," she exclaimed, her voice a mix of pride and enthusiasm.

Her eyebrows furrowed in curiosity. "What is it? What's this all about?"

Bukubukuchagama gestured to the still-unfinished figure before her. "I'm creating an NPC" she explained. "A custom character. With a little coding magic, I can bring this statue to life and give it a unique personality."

Valaine's eyes widened in astonishment. "I had no idea players could do that," she admitted. "This is incredible"

"Valaine, you should make one" Bukubukuchagama suggested.

Valaine responded, "I'll put it on my to-do list."

Bukubukuchagama raised an eyebrow, asking, "Oh? Another solo raid?"

Valaine nodded, replying, "Something like that. Do you know where Amanomahitotsu is?"

Bukubukuchagama explained, "Yeah, we just switched rooms. I liked this one better, and he prefers a smaller one."

Valaine then makes her way to the room where her friend Amanomahitotsu, the master blacksmith of their clan, resided. 

His avatar, a massive crab, towered over an array of glowing anvils and intricate smithing tools. It was a place of craftsmanship and innovation, where the clan's weapons and armor were forged.

Valaine approached Amanomahitotsu with a triumphant grin, depositing a trove of materials she had acquired from her recent skirmish with the Voidspawn Dragon. 

"Amanomahitotsu" she greeted him, "I've brought it. Do you think these are enough for the project?"

Amanomahitotsu, his pincers deftly sorting through the various materials, cast an approving eye over the impressive haul. 

The gleam in his eyes signaled his satisfaction. "You've outdone yourself this time kukuku. These materials are not only sufficient, but the data crystals you've farmed will elevate the final product to Divine Tier"

Valaine's heart swelled with pride at his words. 

With a nod of gratitude, she passed the materials into Amanomahitotsu's capable claws. "I knew you were the right person for this job"

Amanomahitotsu's crab avatar radiated an aura of determination as he began his meticulous work. Sparks flew, and the rhythmic clang of hammer on metal echoed through the chamber. 

Valaine watched in awe as the master blacksmith skillfully shaped the materials into a masterpiece, infusing it with the power of the data crystals she had obtained.

Finally, as the last adjustments were made and the weapon gleamed with an ethereal radiance, Amanomahitotsu held it aloft with pride. "Behold, a Divine-Tier Class weapon"

"What's the name?" Valaine asked.

"God-Flesheater Sword" Amanomahitotsu replied.

This accursed weapon defied the very essence of nature, fashioned from a material most grotesque flesh.

Its blade, polished to a sinister gleam, appeared as though hewn from the bone of some long-forgotten horror, yet it bore an edge sharper than the finest steel, a blasphemous fusion of the organic and the inorganic. 

Sharp bones jutted forth from the Chappe, the pommel, and hilt, forming a grotesque symphony of agony. Upon the guard, a set of unblinking eyes wandered ceaselessly, their inscrutable gaze unsettling to all who dared to peer into their depths.

But the true malevolence of this cursed weapon lay not in its appearance alone. The God-Flesheater Sword was imbued with runes, granting it the power of instant death magic with every swing.

The dread of this sword extended even further, for it carried the essence of rot within its very being. At the merest touch of its blade upon any flesh, decaying magic would set in with unnatural speed, consuming all that it touched. 

Normally, any player that will hold this sword will get continuous damage, but due to her undead traits, holding this sword will give her a continuous flow of regeneration.

"Sick" Valaine muttered, her tone filled with awe.

Valaine now stood alone amidst the pristine whiteness of a snow-covered field. The winds whispered through the snowy pines, their branches heavy with the weight of snowflakes that glistened like diamonds in the pale moonlight.

Her fingers traced the contours of her inventory, her heart quickening as she found what she sought.

The object of her desire materialized in her hand, a key. Chiyou's Key, it was called, a treasure born from a cryptic scroll she had stumbled upon. It had beckoned to her with the allure of the unknown.

Now, at level 70, Valaine had finally fulfilled the requirements to unlock that was Chiyou's Key. She's also prepared what is behind the door that promised her power.

With a determined flick of her wrist, she inserted the key into an unseen lock, the game's code responding to her command.

A heavy stone door, materialized before her. Its groaning hinges echoed through the stillness of the snowy landscape as it slowly swung open, revealing an inky blackness that seemed to swallow all light. Valaine stepped forward, her figure silhouetted against the ominous void. 

She found herself in a courtyard.

The courtyard is vast, its stone tiles worn smooth by centuries of devotion, polished to a radiant sheen. Four towering, dragon-carved pillars guard the entrance, their eyes ablaze with fiery light as though they watch over all who approach. 

The air is thick with the scent of incense, each plume of smoke spiraling upward like whispered prayers carried to the gods.

The god right in front of her.

He is unlike any being, for he possesses not two, but four arms, each chiseled and powerful, clad in the resplendent armor of ancient China. 

His visage is obscured by a helmet adorned with fierce dragon motifs, and a flowing crimson cape billows around him, caught in a perpetual dance with the mountain winds. Around this deity, an aura of flames dances and crackles, a halo of fire that defies the laws of nature. 

[Chiyou, The Blade King Lvl. 90]

"I am Chiyou, The Blade King" He declared.

Valaine stands before the Chiyou. He narrows his eyes at her, his expression determined and resolute. She can feel the sheer power that emanates from this being, as if a hurricane were swirling within him. 

"What mortal dares to challenge me?" Chiyou shouts, his voice echoing throughout the battlefield. "Face me and you shall know true pain."

She calmly summoned her two swords, a faint smile playing on her lips. "I am here for your treasures I was promised."

The first, known as Bronte, was a blade forged not of steel or iron, but of pure lightning itself. As Valaine raised it aloft, arcs of electricity danced and crackled along its length.

And the second and her recent sword, The God-Flesheater Sword.

The Blade King scoffs, his eyes blazing with fury. 

"Then Die!" he shouts, raising his swords and marching towards her, his movements fluid and graceful like that of a dancing leaf.

With a sudden burst of speed, the Blade King feints left and leaps to Valaine's right, slashing at her with his blades. 

But she reacted quickly and parry the attack, locking blades with Chiyou for an instant before pushing him back with her strength.

She unleashes a flurry of rapid slashes at Chiyou , cutting a path of lightning through the air.

Chiyou 's eyes glow with concentration as he maneuvers his swords to deflect the attacks. He blocks the first few effortlessly, but after a few more, his guard begins to slip. The last attack breaks through his defenses and cuts deep across his chest.

The Blade King staggers back, his swords dropping to his sides as he tries to contain the bleeding. He glares at her, fire burning in his eyes.

She launches herself into action once more, swinging the Bronte with a powerful downward cut. The Blade King catches her blade with his own swords, the steel locking in a tense struggle. After a moment, Chiyou pushes her back and launches his own counterattack, slashing at her with blinding speed.

Valaine reacts in time to duck beneath the blade, but the Blade King is quick to follow up with another attack. He raises one sword high into the air and brings it down with devastating force. She deflects the swing with her Bronte, their blades clashing in a shower of sparks.

She swiftly switch to her God-Flesh Eating sword to dominant. She circles the Blade King, trying to find an opening in his defense.

Chiyou glares at her, his swords glinting dangerously in the sunlight. He shifts his weight and lunges forward, launching a vicious thrust towards her chest. 

She quickly dodged to the side, but the Blade King smoothly pivots on his feet and follows up with a brutal slash aimed at her neck.

Boldly, She leaps forward to intercept the attack, but Chiyou is too quick for her. 

His sword slices through the air, cutting through her defenses and slashing at her neck-side. In a flash of light, virtual blood ran down her neck, but thanks to the God-Flesheater Sword she healed up in no time.

The Blade King lowers his sword, his expression grave. "You are a formidable foe," he says quietly, "but your time will come to an end." He draws his swords back, poised to strike the fatal blow.

[Perfect Unknowable]

Valaine quickly concentrates herself, cloaking her body in a shroud of invisibility. The Blade King's eyes widen in surprise, and he takes a step back. He cautiously scans the battlefield, trying to detect her presence.

As she stalks closer to him, Chiyou takes up a defensive stance, his swords held protectively. He slowly circles around the courtyard, his eyes darting back and forth, trying to catch her off-guard.

Then a flicker of movement catches her eye, and she saw the Blade King launches himself towards her position, his swords raised in attack.

She swings the Bronte in a horizontal slash, and the Blade King narrowly blocks the attack, her blades meeting in a shower of sparks. 

The Blade King quickly takes advantage of her momentary lapse in defenses, thrusting at her with one sword while swinging the other in a powerful arc.

She quickly lunges backwards, dodging the swords and creating some space between her and Chiyou. With the element of surprise lost, the Blade King turns towards her, his swords held at the ready.

Unexpectedly, She launches both of her swords at the Blade  King, who swiftly evades the attack, his movements graceful yet efficient. 

However, she expected this and use the opportunity to charge at him while he is off balance. She closes the distance between her and the Blade King, bringing her knee up into his midsection and knocking him to the ground.

He groans in pain and rolls onto his back, taking a moment to catch his breath. She quickly seize the advantage and dive towards him, summoning back her swords and swinging her Bronte at his chest.

She then uses God-Flesheater sword and strike at the Blade  King with a simultaneous swing. 

He reacts quickly and parries one sword with his two, but the God-Flesheater sword manages to connect with his torso. Inflicting him with decay.

The Blade King groans in pain, and she continues to press the attack, striking at him again and again with both of her blades as he struggles to defend himself.

She took advantage of the Blade  King's weakened state, repeatedly slicing at him with both of her blades. He does his best to defend himself, blocking with his swords and dodging when he can, but Valaine's attacks are brutal and persistent. 

As she strikes again and again, his defenses begin to fail, and she successfully land blow after blow, causing more and more damage.

Valaine created some distance between herself and Chiyou, taking a moment to catch her breath. Sensing her intent, the Blade King rises to his feet, ready to defend himself once more.

She quickly raises both of her swords and focus her power, infusing it into the wounds that she had inflicted upon the Blade King. 


The power spreads through the cuts, causing more damage and further weakening him.

The Blade King staggers back, clutching his wounds as he attempts to regain his composure.

Taking advantage of Chiyou's injury, Valaine unleashed a mincing attack, slicing at his weak points and inflicting further damage. The Blade King grimaces in pain, his wounds now bleeding profusely. 

As her blade continues to strike him, he attempts to parry with less and less success, blood running down his arms and swords.

Valaine's mincing attack continues to take its toll, and Chiyou's tries to back away from the onslaught, but she keeps up with the pressure, following him, her swords are unrelenting.

She continues to mince at the Blade King, slicing at him with both of her blades and exploiting his wounded state. As the power spreads through the cuts, he staggers back, his face contorted in pain.

While Chiyou is still staggered, Valaine casted the same spell to spread the wounds, dealing even more damage. Once more, the Blade King reels from the pain, unable to withstand her relentless attacks.

She relentlessly attack the Blade King, striking at him again and again with both of her blades. Each cut hurts him more and more.

She keeps up the attack against the Blade King, but as she slices at him with both of her blades, she sensed a shift in the air. Her senses perk up, and Valaine realizes that the Blade  King is preparing something.

She quickly jumps back, and just in time, as dozens of blades of energy slice through the air where she stood. The Blade King's face is filled with determination as he unleashes the attack, sending a veritable storm of blades flying at her.

Valaine's speed is a powerful asset against the Blade  King's barrage of blades. She moves with agility and dexterity, avoiding the blades that whirl around her as she keeps up the onslaught.

As she dodges the blades, Valaine sees an opening, and seize the opportunity to strike the Blade King once more. Using every once of energy to sprint towards him, she slices through the air like lightning, and the Blade King grimaces in pain as the blades connect with his torso.

In a moment of weakness, Chiyou lowers his guard, letting down his defenses for an instant. 

Valaine sees the opening and take it, unleashing a powerful attack that slices through the air like the claws of a hurricane. 

With a finishing blow, her swords swung deep into the Blade King's neck. The Blade King collapses to the ground, his arms dropping to his side. 

Valaine stand over his body. She let out a breath, aware that she have emerged victorious. 


[Billion Blades] (World Item)]

[Gold x5M]


[XP gained!] [Level up! 71 -> 77]


| Congratulations for defeating The Blade King, you have completed the hidden quest: "Vanquish the Blade King" |

|You are rewarded with the World Item: [Billion Blades] |

A World Item.

The World Item, Billion Blades. 

It was no towering, ornate artifact of legend. Instead, it was a simple black ring adorned with glistening gold trims, unassuming in appearance yet brimming with untold power.

Valaine's fingers brushed the surface of the ring, and the HUD sprung to life, displaying the item's description. The words before her seemed almost too fantastical to comprehend.

"The unique ability to summon and copy any weapon she touches at will." It read, and her heart raced.

This was no ordinary ring; it was the embodiment of endless possibility. Valaine marveled at the landscape before her, envisioning the vast arsenal that lay dormant within her grasp. 

Her thoughts were filled with swords, bows, staves, and weapons of every ilk. With a mere thought, they could be hers, materializing into existence at her whim.

Valaine's heart raced with a heady mix of anticipation and excitement as she equipped the ring, Billion Blades. The ring's unique power pulsed through her, a surge of potential that beckoned her to explore its limits.

With a heavy breath that seemed to reverberate through the courtyard, Valaine reached into her inventory, her mind's eye fixed upon the image of her weapon, Astrape. A spear made of pure lightning, it crackled with electric energy and possessed the power to rend even the most formidable of foes asunder.

"Copy" she uttered, the word almost reverent as it escaped her lips.

The world danced to her command.

A visual indicator materialized before her, confirming her success. The incredible power of Billion Blades had yielded to her command, and Astrape had been replicated.

Valaine's excitement surged as she pushed the limits of her newfound ability. 

With a bold demand, Valaine commanded the ring to summon not one, but ten copies of Astrape. 

In the blink of an eye, ten identical spears materialized around her, each one crackling with the raw energy of lightning. 

They hovered in the air, an awe-inspiring display of her newfound power.Valaine's heart raced, her mind a whirlwind of exhilaration and wonder. 

She reached out and grasped one of the replicated spears, feeling its weight, its electrifying presence, and its very real existence. Yet, she knew these were no ordinary weapons; they were mere constructs, a manifestation of the original one.

With a grin, Valaine swung one of the spears through the air, marveling at how it moved with the fluidity of a living thing. She spun it, twirled it, and tested its capabilities.

This is a game changer.

DYK: Billion Blades is a real World Item in Overlord but it's abilities are unknown so my interpretation is basically Gate of Babylon. And instead of having all the treasures, Valaine has to acquire them herself. Gotta Catch em All

DYK: Bronte and Astrape are the goddesses of lightning and thunder.

Zerviilcreators' thoughts