
[DC x Overlord] Bloodbound

Daily life weighs heavy on her shoulders, this burnout yearns for an early retirement. Seeking solace in a diversion, she immerses herself in a DMMO-RPG, unaware of its true nature. 12 years later she's in a strange world. Now, she stands beyond the edge of power that will forever alter the perception of what is possible. "I'll show you true magic," she declares. Additional Tags: Major Character Death, Minor Canon Divergence (Overlord), Mild Gore, No Harem

Zerviil · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


Meingardr, The Dying Garden of Helheim.

Valaine was met with a grim sight. This is the coordinates her friend gave to meet each other.

It is a vast expanse littered with countless skeletal remains. These are the lost souls who strayed too far into Helheim, unable to find their way back to the land of the living. Hollow eye sockets seem to watch her every move, silently pleading for release.

The ground itself is treacherous, a mix of ice and snow that chills anyone to the bone. Rotting plants, twisted and blackened by the unyielding cold, cling desperately to existence, adding to the overall sense of decay and despair. This frozen wasteland is also adorned with jagged ice formations that protruded the ground.

Something however stands out in this canvas of the blue icy undead garden.

A bipedal frog.

A tiny one.

No more than two and a half feet in stature. Clad in a full suit of knightly armor.

This tiny frog clutched a colossal battle hammer, a weapon that stretched ten times the length of his own body. In his other hand, he carried a minuscule circular shield adorned with bronze-colored circular intricate patterns.

From his low vantage point, he gazed upon the viewer in front of him with an unwavering intensity. The frog knight found himself gazing up at her.

He looked at Valaine and grinned. "Yo. I see you chose to be a Vampire, that is so you"

It's a tiny frog. Kusanag1's character is a frog that is half her height.

Her presence is also a striking a stark contrast against the pallor of the landscape.

A black hooded cape with silver engravings. Her hood, drawn low over her porcelain features, revealed a silver-colored, two-bun hairstyle with two elegantly parted, elongated bangs that framed her delicate face. Her black scleroses and crimson cat-like eyes, filled with an alluring mystique.

Beneath her cloak, Valaine wore a worn out leather armor that clung to her lithe form. At her side, a trusty sword, it's a rusty blade marked with the scars of several battles. Her Kirugetsu dagger, a weapon of concealed lethality, was nestled beside it. And most importantly, a trusty red imp by her side.

She shook her head, correcting him "Not actually, my base race is Wamphyri"

"Same thing" he argued.

Valaine looked around the frozen world of Meingardr and then turned to him. "So, what are we doing in Meingardr?"

Kusanag1's tiny frog character hopped a little before replying, "There's a boss fight that I need your help with"

Valaine nodded, understanding the request. She couldn't help but say, "You're a tiny frog, I see why you need my help"

Kusanag1, anticipating Valaine's judgment, chuckled. "Don't judge me by my appearance. I'm level 25"

Valaine was genuinely shocked. "Level 25? Seriously?"

Kusanag1 nodded proudly, "Yup. I've been grinding my way up."

Valaine crosses her arms, impressed but still curious. "How did you manage to get to level 25?"

Kusanag1 grinned and shared a secret. "Well, I started with [Armour of Reinforcement]. I got it from the Yggdrasil Season 1 Battle pass. But I got bored of it quickly"

Valaine nodded in agreement and she can't hide her envy. The battle pass is expensive and she can't afford it without eating only nutrient pastes for a month.

"I get that. It's more fun when you earn your levels the hard way."

Kusanag1 nodded, his frog avatar displaying a sense of determination. "Exactly. So, I've been doing it the old-fashioned way. Let's talk on the way. The Boss summoning altar is near"

Valaine nodded in agreement as she follows his avatar.

As they walked, a haunting silence enveloped them, broken only by the crunch of ice, snow, and bones beneath their feet.

Valaine's crimson eyes fixed upon him, "how is it that you do not freeze in Helheim?"

"Simple, my armor is enchanted with [Cold Resistance III]" Valaine's eyes gleamed with intrigue as she absorbed this revelation. She nodded in acknowledgment and continued to walk alongside her frog companion.

Kusanag1 then cast occasional glances at his companion, regarded her with curiosity.

"Hey" Kusanag1 began, leaning in with curiosity. "I've been wondering about something. Why did you choose to be a Wamphyri if you're planning to evolve it into something more humanoid later on?"

Valaine chuckled, replying, "I know it might seem a bit odd, but there's actually a method to my madness here"

Kusanag1 grinned. "Haha, I'm all ears! Tell me your reasoning"

Valaine explained, "Well, you see, for me, creating a monstrous character is a way to fully immerse myself in the fantasy world"

Kusanag1 looked intrigued but questioned, "I don't quite understand, but why not just create a character that's closer to what you eventually want to play as?"

Valaine considered this and responded, "That's a valid point, and I totally understand why many players go that route. But for me, I find it poetic to start as a creature that might not fit in with the usual norms, and then work my way up to becoming something powerful and evolving into humanoid."

Kusanag1 nodded, understanding now. "Ah, I see what you mean. So it's about the story you create for your character for roleplaying reasons."

"Exactly!" Valaine agreed. "Plus, along the way, devs said there's a chance to get a transformation skill in late game from having a Wamphyri as a base race"

Kusanag1 grinned, showing approval. "That actually sounds pretty cool when you put it that way."

"Absolutely!" Valaine continued. "And let's not forget the surprise factor. Other players might see nothing out of the ordinary, only to be caught off guard when I reveal my real form"

Kusanag1 chuckled. "You've convinced me. It's a unique approach, but don't tell me to join along your route. I wanna look as monstrous as possible."

Valaine laughed. "Don't worry, I won't interfere"

The vampire and the frog pressed on through the frozen wasteland.

As they drew closer, they saw a grotesque carcass and its skeletal remains protruding upward from the icy floor like the ribs of some long-forgotten behemoth. At the center of the altar bore six empty holes, as if meant to hold something of great significance.

The frog nods "This is the place," he declared "The legends speak of a ritual long-forgotten, a ritual that can unleash an untold beast hidden within the heart of this realm"

"Really?" Valaine raised an eyebrow to him.

"Let me have my moment" He looked back at her in disappointment. He was expecting her to go along with it.

"Well, how do we summon it?" she asked, her eyes fixed on the peculiar altar before them.

"See those six holes?" he replied, gesturing toward the center. "All I need to do is put these green undead cores, and it will fall from the sky and it will do a superhero landing"

"It?" She arched an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the prospect.

"Yeah," he confirmed with a hint of excitement. "We're going to face off against an ice golem."

Her gaze turned contemplative. "I've never fought one before."

He grinned reassuringly. "No need to fret. Its attack patterns are quite straightforward. It wields a massive stone pillar, and a single hit can knock you out, so be sure to dodge it or get behind me"

He continued, nodding toward her imp. "Your imp's fire abilities will be a great asset, especially since the golem is made out of ice. It'll help us melt through its defenses and make the battle easier."

His enthusiasm was contagious as he shared, "I actually had the chance to battle it during the game's beta testing. Just follow my lead and let me agro"

She nodded, gaining confidence. "Alright then, after you."

Kusanag1 immediately went to work and placed the undead cores in the holes.

Without warning something large descended from the sky with a thunderous impact that reverberated through the frozen landscape.

As it plummeted from the sky, landing behind them.

It trailed a cascade of icy fragments, glittering like a celestial shower of stars. The ground trembled beneath its weight, and a deafening crash echoed far and wide. The moment of impact unleashed a colossal puff of icy smoke, billowing upwards like a spectral veil, obscuring the giant's visage from view. It enveloped the surrounding area in a shroud of frozen fog.

Slowly, as if unveiling itself to them, the mist began to dissipate, revealing the titanic ice sentinel standing tall amidst the vanishing haze.

[Zaldrem, Golem of Meingardr Lvl. 30]

Its bluish and greenish hues sparkled and gleamed, and the white gleaming eye at its core seemed to pierce through the dissipating fog with an otherworldly intensity.

The golem Zaldrem, as if awoken from an aeon-long slumber, stood resolute, its presence commanding the attention of the frozen wilderness that surrounded it. It was as if the Hel herself had chosen this desolate realm as the stage for its dramatic entrance.

Valaine immediately summoned her blood blade with a wave of her hand, and uses her telekinesis to lunge it at the golem with deadly accuracy. The blood blade sinks deep into the creature's chest. She then unsheathed her Kirugetsu and sword.

Kusanag1 stands in front of them, its tiny frame dwarfed by the immense hammer it is holding. Together, the three are facing off against a colossal ice golem.

The ice golem grips a large icy pillar in its hands, using it as a weapon. Valaine darts toward the enemy, her blades flashing, and the imp dives at its feet to trip it up.

Kusanag1 raises his hammer and uses his skill [Taunt] as he charges forward to strike the ice golem. His tiny legs pumping wildly as it attempts to close the distance. The golem turns its attention towards the diminutive intruder and lifts its massive foot to squash it.

He took advantage of the golem's attention and leaps upwards.

Seizing the opportunity, he lashes out with a heavy [Pommel Strike] that will knock the golem back, delivering a powerful blow.

The golem stumbles forward, its balance thrown off.

Valaine and her imp react quickly, leaping in to take advantage of the now staggered golem. The imp spewed fireballs onto the golem's ankle, lighting it up, while she lashes out with her Kirugetsu, slicing at its calf.

The ice golem lets out a bellowing roar, its ice body vibrating with immense power. It grips the pillar more tightly and plunges it into the ground, creating a huge shockwave that rocks the entire battlefield.

The force of the shockwave throws him to the ground, but Kusanag1 reacts quickly, summoning a [Mass Protect] spell. It created a barrier around the three of them to shield themselves from the worst of its impact.

"Whoa, that's handy" Valaine scrambles to her feet, her dagger gleaming with anticipation. Her eyes now glowing with a blood-red aura.

Valaine calls forth another blood blade, its form glistening with fresh blood. She concentrates her mind, using her skill [Lesser Telekinesis] to lunge the blade at the golem's chest once more.

The blade zips through the air, piercing the golem's chest.

The imp is already back on its feet, racing towards the enemy. She follow close behind, her dagger slicing at the giant's ankles.

"Keep chipping away it's HP! I'll divert it's attention!" Kusanag1 continues to tries to distract the golem, dancing around it and brandishing its colossal hammer. The ice giant growls in frustration, its body trembling with every movement.

Valaine plunges her daggers into the ice golem's ankles, her blades digging deep into the icy mantle. The imp summons ball of flames onto the giant's ankles with its continuous ferocity, sinking its fangs into the flesh. The ice golem let's out a howl of pain and frustration as Kusanag1 dances close. Valaine rips her blades out and attack again, stabbing at the monster's legs with a merciless intensity.

The ice golem bellows in rage as she continues to tear into its legs with her strikes. It stumbles around, trying to keep its balance while Valaine and her imp cling to its ankles.

Kusanag1 continues to distract the ice giant, dancing just out of reach of its gigantic ice pillar. As it stomps the ground trying to squash him, he reacts quickly, sidestepping out of the way of the massive foot.

He leaps and taunts, plummeting his colossal hammer to it as an act of brazen defiance. The ice giant bellows, its freezing gaze still towards the tiny figure. It takes a step towards the frog warrior, raising its pillar of ice in preparation for a strike. Valaine and her imp is still latching onto its ankles, digging into the icy mantle of the golem.

The ice giant steps towards the tiny frog warrior, raising its pillar and preparing to strike. With swift reaction, the frog parries the blow managing to briefly stagger the huge monster despite their size difference. The golem is now staggered again.

"Chance!" Valaine continues to dig her weapons through the ice giant's mantle, striking again and again with precision and speed. The imp is still latched onto the monster's leg, its jaws digging into the soft flesh.

The ice golem bellows in pain as they continue chipping into its mantle. Then, its body begins to rumble and glow. They react quickly, moving away as a massive area of effect attack that will engulf the battlefield.

"AOE attack! Get behind me!" Valaine quickly moved behind the Kusanag1, he casted [Wall of Fire Resistance] a defensive barrier spell as cover. A glowing translucent red-orange rectangle construct rises from the ground, protecting them from an incoming AOE attack of Zaldrem.

It erupts, leaving a lingering trail of blue fire in its wake. The golem recovers from the blast, shaking the lingering flames from its body. The giant turns its attention back towards Kusanag1 again. It raises its pillar, preparing to strike at him with immense power.

Valaine and Kusanag1 alternate between attacking the golem and hiding behind a barrier, taking advantage of the creature's lumbering movements. Valaine uses her agility to dart around the foe, striking at its heels and ankles while the imp summons balls of fire onto the monster with relentless ferocity.

The giant roars in rage, lashing out with its pillar like a drumstick in an arc, but the Kusanag1's barrier [Mass Protect] holds, protecting her and the imp as Valaine continue chipping away at its mantle.

Moments later, the battle continues on in the same pattern. The imp summons balls of fire onto the golem, melting away it's icy armour. Valaine is moving around behind the titan, striking at its ankles and heels with her Kirugetsu and sword. Kusanag1's continuous taunt and barrier is still holding, providing her and the imp with protection from the golem's massive pillar.

The golem continues to howl and bellow, trying to shake off its tormentors to no avail.

Valaine is still circling the golem, trying to find an opening to attack it when the giant suddenly hurls the pillar it was holding towards her. Her eyes widen and she leap out of the way to dodge the incoming projectile.

Before the pillar can hit the ground, the frog warrior quickly leaps in and parries it, its tiny frame standing against the massive force of the giant's blow. The projectile reflects back to the golem with ease, staggering it.

The battle rages on. Valaine and Kusanag1 are darting around the battlefield, avoiding the giant's huge pillar and looking for an opportunity to attack it.

Suddenly, the golem rears back and lets out a piercing blast from it's core. A wave of ice energy surges from its body, shooting towards their direction.

"Behind me quick!" Kusanag1 reacts quickly, raising a barrier and shielding themselves from the attack.

The ice energy crashes against the barrier, sending them stumbling backwards from the force of the blast.

"Thanks!" Valaine seizes the moment, charging towards the giant with buffed movement speed and striking out with her Kirugetsu and sword at its ankles and heels. She keeps up the relentless assault against the giant's legs, trying to cause as much damage as possible. Small patches of decay spread across the skin, indicating the deteriorating HP of the golem.

"Time for a finisher" His small body glints with energy, before it lets out a booming shout.

[Brute Impact]!

Kusanag1 jumped in front of the golem and charges up his signature move.

Time seemed to slow as his colossal hammer plummet towards the icy golem. Valaine watched in awe as it descended, its weight and velocity promising obliteration.

The golem, sensing the impending danger, turned its frozen gaze upward, but it was too late. With an earth-shattering impact that reverberated through the frozen tundra, the colossal hammer collided with the ice golem.

The air filled with a symphony of splintering ice, like the shattering of a thousand glass windows. The golem's monstrous form shattered under a massive force, its leftover jagged shards exploding into a blizzard of glittering fragments of data.

The titan has met its end.

[Area Boss Defeated]


[Wrathful Frostburn (Top Tier)]

[Data Crystal: ???]

[Gold x560]

[XP gained!] [Level up! 17 -> 20]


Valaine stood amidst the aftermath of the battle.

She had leveled up, not once, but three times. Her experience and skills had grown, and she was now a formidable level 20. Welp, 50 more levels to earn before she can use [Chiyou's Key].

With a swift vertical motion in the air with her finger, Valaine opened her character sheet, her fingers dancing across the translucent interface. She allocated her newly acquired skill points, channeling them into her Vampire racial class. Bringing it up to level 8.

She was rewarded with six more racial skills and passives, each one a testament to her growing power.

But the real prize of this victory awaited her in her inventory. Valaine reached down and retrieved Wrathful Frostburn, the dagger that she was rewarded for her contribution in defeating the boss. It's a cool name, she won't rename it.

It was a masterpiece, a weapon of exquisite craftsmanship that seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly light. It is a long triple edged blade that is carved from what appeared to be a sapphire-like material with a platinum hilt.

Valaine studied the dagger closely, her fingers tracing its intricate rune engravings in every edge that she assumes to be Old Norse. But there was more to this blade than met the eye.

Her eyes widened as she read the weapon's description. It possess the ability to release a devastating burst of blue flames to be unleashed five times a day, and it also had a 45% chance to burn her enemies with every successful hit. Wrathful Frostburn was a weapon of destruction, a tool that would serve her well in the battles to come.

With a smile, Valaine sheathed the dagger at her side along with Kirugetsu replacing the rusty sword. But one thing was on her mind. The boss battle ended quickly after Kusanag1's attack and she couldn't help but to ask why and how?

"What was that?" Valaine asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"What? The attack? It's a skill," Kusanag1 replied.

"Yeah, I know, but it killed it effortlessly. Why didn't you use it in the first place?" She inquired, her curiosity evident.

"It's a 3rd tier skill, and it's actually weak against other enemies," he explained.

"[Brute Impact] is a bludgeoning attack that is weak normally but strong against brittle enemies like skeletons and golems," he continued.

"And it uses a lot of stamina, so I can't just spam it. I only used it when its HP was low enough," He added.

"Oh, I see," She said with a nod of understanding.

"Well this was a good co-op boss battle, I'm logging off now," said Kusanag1 with a hint of fatigue.

"Now?" Valaine replied with a hint of surprise and sadness.

"Uh, yeah. I have a presentation tomorrow for my boss," he explained.

She responded, "Oh, good luck," punctuating her message with a supportive emoji. It has it's thumbs up and smiling ear to ear.

"Thanks, I'll need it," he said, appreciating her well-wishes. "Well, it's been fun. Watch out for PKers"

His tiny frog avatar disappeared in a blink of an eye like it popped out of existence. She was alerted with a bright flashing red colored text in her corner saying:

[Kusanag1 is now offline]

Their co-op now ended, leaving both Valaine and Kusanag1 with the knowledge that their adventure would resume another day.

She sighed.

Valaine is now all alone.


But not forever.


Name: Valaine

| Level 20 |

Race: Undead

Racial level:

Wamphyri (10)

Vampire (8)

Job level:

Dual Wielder (1)

Hemomancer (1)

HP: 27

MP: 20





AGT: 31

RES: 0

SPC: 0

TOTAL: 171


DYK: Golems are from a Jewish folklore

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