
[DC] Keep your head down!

It was an innocent survey on Heylel's phone. It asked 'Would you like to make a character to reincarnate into DC?' And he replied with an innocent answer, 'I would not.' Well, whoever made that survey did not seem to like that, which brought him—now her—here, a gun in hand staring down at an angry Batman, as she kicked away the body of Joker's girlfriend who was at the moment very dead. He was glaring at her. She cowered but still spat out, "It was self-defence." [Sociopathic MC] [Cover's mine] [With recent reviews I think I need to clarify something, this is not an OP/cheat fic. The MC is a child and it will take time for her to get stronger or to make any impact whatsoever(would you listen to a child?)]

SthUnlimted · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

Jason Todd

"We will get him, sir," Hill said from the co-seat of the Oshkosh JLTV, Gordon reluctantly nodded, he wasn't so sure. After all, there was a reason that vigilante justice had become a second spine for this city's crime-fighting.

"Madam Hill should keep her horses reigned in," Madison spoke up from behind, he was a grunt, an experienced grunt but a grunt nonetheless.

"And you, Madison, should remember your rank," She shot back.

"Sorry ma'am but that's the honest truth. You will be disappointed if you expect too much."

Hill sighed, "Come on, Batman practically traced out a treasure map. All we need to do now is dig it up."

"That is the worst part for us, Madam. If one desk jockey is in Ruby's hand how many others?"

Gordon finally spoke up, "Yeah, it's been a major problem. The courthouses are bursting with sellouts."

"Ruby brought them all out?"

"It's not just Ruby in the city, hell he is even a newcomer in this space. The Falcones, Black Mask, Cobbelpot, the works. And many of them don't like us," Madison spoke up.

"I see," Hill quietened down, "I guess Gotham isn't called the corruption capital for nothing?"

Gordon chuckled, but not at the line but rather at the repetition of it, every new officer says it.

And every time it reminded him of how much work there still was, but at least they were on track. No 'family' dares to challenge the GCPD anymore, at least not directly.

[A/N: There will be more chapters to flesh out the GCPD specifically. But that will have to wait for Heylel's time behind a mask.]


"Jason," There was a hint of displeasure in her voice, while her face was much more blatant about it, "I told you already, we have a new member and this, this is how you show up?"

Jason had stains on his jacket, a few pints of dirt here, and blood there. He scoffed, "How the hell is it my fault?" He was completely sober now, "I was literally about to be kidnapped? In a bloody taxi, you told me to take."

"Jason, go take a shower. We will discuss how wrong you are afterward," She dismissed him and pointed towards his room, which had a joint washroom, keeping herself from the urge to shout at the man, if only for the sake of the girl who was with Damian the room over. Even if she might be a bit...twisted because of her—another thing to investigate—past.

Jason just held his head and followed through. And as soon as he left the room, the newest addition to the Wayne's sneaked her head in through the door, "So that is my other brother?"

"Sounds like it," Came the voice of Damian from behind the door. Barbara just looked over at her and nodded, "Indeed."

Damien pushed open the door forcing the girl to move away from it and scoffed, "The reek of blood and alcohol."

"So it was blood after all," Heylel said, Barbara who saw the scene grumbled, "Why do I even try!" If Damian was going to just be blunt about it what was the point in her trying to keep the girl away from it?

"Whatever," Barbara directed her mind, "Damian, Bruce asked you to join him at Wayne Tower."

Damian raised a brow at the wording and then remembered, Heylel didn't know yet, and so the roundabout way to telling him to put on the mask.

"Oh, you guys are busy?" Heylel asked, her hands on her chin, and Damian responded, "If I am one day going to lead Wayne Industries, I better be." That's what he told her but shifting her gaze to the window, "In the middle of the night?" She said as the stars twinkled, though she could only see the brightest due to all the pollution blocking out the sky.

Damian shrugged, "No timelines or tables for our work." She bit back her desire to call out the nonsense.

"Advantages of being your boss?" She let it be, no point in digging further, they would tell her one day.

"You know it, Mira," Damian answered.


"She was totally about to call bull-s*it," Jason now dressed, talked to Barbara as he walked into the bat cave.

Barbara replied without shifting her gaze from the bat computer, "She will find out one day anyway."

"So, who is taking care of her?"

"Alfred," Her replies were short, her mind more focused on the screen than him.

"Whatever. So, anything on my kidnapping?"

"A desperate old man in need of money, who saw Bruce Wayne's adopted son."

"That's it?"


Shaking his head he switched gears, "So what are you searching for?"

"Mira's family records."

"And what do they say?" He asked as he buttoned open for the his suit's glass capule. Though as a rule he kept a spare vest on him at all times.

"Deceased all across, down to a third cousin, not a single blood relative alive," Now that was surprising, "Causes of death?"

"Varid, from cancer to...fighting a bear?" She looked somewhat conflicted as she read that out, on her mind, 'Who the f*ck fights a bear willingly!?'

Jason too would have thought the same but he rembered trying to take on the entire Gotham Underwold alone. That was stupid and the knife scar trailing down from his chest down was a damn good reminder.

Sliding on the vest and the and his slipping the two pistols into their respective holsters, readying up to head out. The read translucent head encasing with two eyes gaps. A caramel jacket hiding the bulwark of a thin metal cuirass, now standard in the bat family.

"Bye Barbara." He said as he straddled the his bike, she nodded in response.


[A/N: I can't believe we have yet to finish the first day in this novel. But crime needs fighting and characters need introducing.

If you guys are wondering why GCPD has JLTVs well, i will tell you in the next few chapters.

Also, on Saturday and Sunday, don't expect a new chapter. And as for the powers in the lead

1. Hive queen(Second)

2. Scarlet rot(From Elden Ring)(First Place)

Just to be clear the voating has yet to end. It will last three more chapters.

Thanks for reading hope you guys enjoyed.

One more thing, we reached 200 collections in 50k views and about 45 power stones. Thank you guys!]