
World 6.25

"Jiang? Are you okay now?"

Lou Jiang titled his head and grasped the sides of the sofa the moment he woke up. He passed out a while ago because of losing too much blood, the wound was deep afterall. 

"The glass wall!" he unconsciously exclaimed 

Gung Weixi furrowed his eyebrows "Glass wall?" he asked 

"Yes! The glass wall! The big glass wall!"

Lou Jiang grabbed his own hair in disappointment, probably Gung Weixi couldn't remember it anymore or maybe his father erased his memories.

He was stunned when a warm hug enveloped his body, so tight that he almost got no air to breath. "XV00!!! Are you XV00?!" Gung Weixi exclaimed beside his ears 

{XV00?? Is that my name as a test subject? It's kinda uhh...I don't like it}

"I guess.." then he smiled when Gung Weixi let him go "Do you still remember me?" he asked

Gung Weixi lowered his head "You're my only friend…" he mumbled