
Don't rush conception

Xi Zirui absolutely can't keep it together for a week.


When he and Han Yu finally emerge from his room, after spending what he later learns where three straight days locked inside, Xi Zirui feels like a newborn colt, barely able to stand on his legs, his eyes straining at the brightness of direct sunlight.

They're informed that Su Xueyi is long gone, although Cao Fei offered to follow him and that 'shady Jin Ranyu' to ensure they don't cause any more problems. 

Xi Zirui has his own opinion on Cao Fei's interest in the matter but he doesn't comment on it.

Since Han Yu claimed Xi Zirui while they were busy fucking like there was no tomorrow, they are now officially married, but Bai Mi still makes them go through a traditional ceremony, although with only her and a few servants in attendance.

It's still the happiest day of Xi Zirui's life.

He can't believe that after so long he's finally married to Han Yu.