
[BL] Misplaced Misfortune Of A Guy Who Reincarnated As A Side Character

Verde is well aware that life sucks in it's own. Sucks more to die a miserable death. But it sucks all the more to be reincarnated almost dying from suffocation and sucks worse when he gets to live after that only to live a more miserable life than his previous one where everything is pretty much trying to drive him into the corner of the cliff and get him killed. Like, what the f**k?! He would really rather not have any of those. Really. So this life, he will be focusing on cutting of those toxic people, be alive and not have everything try to kill him, and NOT be miserable, yeah? Also, what the f**k? Why are flowers growing on and inside him? What are these motherf**kers try'na be all stupid dumb**ses then try to be all goodie goodie with him? Why does all of these places feel so distantly familiar? Otome game? What the f**k is that? Huh?! Huh?! HUH?! WHAT THE F**K!!! [Author is a lazy amateur. Two words that aren't supposed to be together lol. So please do not expect stable updates. I'll try my best to update long chapters... try.] [Temporary cover is not mine, if you know the name of the artist, please do tell me so I can give proper credits to them.] [Warning! This story has a lot of cursing and also other mature themes that will be coming in the near future. While inconsistent with the updates, please still do note what kind of story you are delving into. Not rated Mature for no reason. Thank you and enjoy!]

SleeplessDolos · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Living Just To Die Again.

You know, life has been miserable, yeah? Not terrible in terms of living in a dog eat dog world. Not really all those dramatic s**t where people die a lot for some f**king tragedy made by a ruthless f**ker that doesn't know any better what to do with their lives.

Oh? Too much cursing? Well f**k off. It's already stressful at the moment and no s**t is going to be taken from others today. That cursing and some bloody murder is going to be much worse later on so shut the hell up.

Oh what could the reason be to excuse with all the language spouted like some ancestor was trampled and offended and s**t? Well, it all started with dying…

… and being alive again somehow and also f**king dying.

Introductions, introductions… does it matter at the moment? He is currently suffocating to death and is pretty much struggling with his head being a mess. Something… something is smothering him from the inside! His face may feel numb, but f**k something is inside his nose and mouth—but still that thought was something hard to process at the moment with his body being all too panicked to try and breath. It had been a minute, and everything was blurring. Miraculously, though, he was still conscious and able minded enough to think even if his brain was scattering from one place to another from the confusion and from the lack of air. At this point, he had forgotten that he died not even minutes ago and was alive again or something.

To live just to die, he would've laughed and cursed so much that the devil would scream bloody murder and run away. But he doesn't have much of a chance at the moment, with him being stuffed by something from the inside. Probably intentional. Yeah, it's most likely intentional, no doubt about that.

Getting his bearing enough that he manages to shove his hand inside his mouth, he tried to remove the thing that was inside his mouth that was obstructing his breathing. He was successful, painfully successful at removing some, but it was not enough. So he once again shoved his hand in his mouth to removed a bigger amount. He can breathe a little more now, but still uncomfortable and difficult. With a little more oxygen, his body was not too spastic and he can think a little clearly now. And so he redid his actions, removing the things inside his mouth and his throat before coughing out blood and desperately breathing. It… was not the best experience there is.

"Mo…ther…f—" he croaked out, relaxing on the ground that he just noticed he was laying on, and tried to calm his breathing and pretty much everything. Think, what the hell was happening? What was happening? He was f**king dying back there! What the f**k! What the hell was inside his mouth and throat anyway that he was dying like a rat drowning on an aquarium where some kid thought it was a good idea to make it as a replacement for a pet fish. Additional details weren't required, but who cares about it anyway at the moment? No one, pretty much. The guy was just too busy trying to inhale air like a sucker he is and process everything that had happened.


Why was he alive?

"T…he… f…k…?" the youngster rasped, finally taking in the place and what had just happened. He was dying earlier alright, that was what his brain was screaming so there is no need to think about that a lot. But what didn't make sense is that he was suffocating to death. That wouldn't have been a problem to think about, even if it was a big problem earlier, but wasn't he pushed into the busy streets by a jealous b*tch who wasn't trusting his friend enough to believe that he and his friend is, well, F**KING FRIENDS!

No, no, no—not f**k friends, they are friends that has no f**king involved. He and his friend were bastards that just get along all too well that the two of them do look like some overly close gay couple.

… okay, he can see now why she would get jealous. But mother**ker, it's still not cool to push someone into a busy road and get someone killed. You know, someone like him!


His head hurts from all the confusion. But anyway, he needs to remove the stuffy thing on his nose. What did he pull out of his throat anyway?

He shifted weakly and looked at the ground next to him. There were flowers, looking a little wet and stained with blood. Huh. Did a flower vase somehow drop when he was suffocating or something? He doesn't see any vase though. Where was that thing that was inside his mouth? Was it the flowers? Why the heck would there be flowers on his mouth? Wait, there is still something stuffing his nose…

… he just pulled out some flowers, it seems.

"Oh f**k…! What kind of sick—" then he hacked and started coughing out blood, him talking this sudden hurt his already damaged throat. Coughing in itself was painful but he could not stop himself. After a couple of loud, hard, coughs, a large clump of flowers flew out of his mouth. Apparently, his coughing was loud enough for someone to hear from outside the room and entered. A…

A maid?

Whatever, if it was a maid or not, at least someone heard him and get him to the hospital or something to get him fixed up with whatever deal he is having. But Whoop dee f**king do! The f**king bitch literally just entered and stared at him with a sneering look, clicked her tongue and f**king turned her back then left the room.


Oh, how he swears he will slap this b*tch on the face later when he is not dying. Literally. What kind of hellhole did he get himself into with some f**k damn maid actually ignored him and left him to die? He may be a piece of utter s**t but at least f**king scream!

He is so done with this crap and is just tired from everything. He just died from a car accident, he was sure of that, then he wakes up suffocating from f**king flowers and apparently, he is alive and there is a maid that's going to get it later on when he can get up. For now, he will just close his eyes for a while—who knows? Maybe he will die again but at least this time its his own terms with him just wanting to sleep everything off.

Man, how he wants to eat some strawberry chocolate mousse cake he had been saving in the fridge to eat for later. Chugging some strawberry syrup out of the bottle and some… some… yogurt… oh…

Hah… that's right…

Today was supposed to be my birthday… but I died… and lived again.

I lived again… just to die…

What a f**king life I have.


[All requirements have been met. Host has now been recognized by the System.]

*drip* *drip* *hick*

[Running diagnosis to the Host's current body for System Compatibility.]

[Diagnosis complete. System will now start an immediate data downloading…]



[Download complete.]

['Verde Spring' has been successfully registered for the ownership of 'Bride Of Nature' System.]


[Hold on a little more, Esteemed Host…]

[… hold on a little more, my beloved child…]

*drip* *drip*


[You will finally be free…]