
[bl] I Became A system: Our Own happy ending?

"Is this finally our happy ever after?" a young man said looking up at the tall man next to him. "Who knows..." the tall man said. "Will we ever have that?" said the young man as he hugged the tall man by the waist. "I hope..." as the tall man said that a nostalgic look flashed past on his face. "I love you...do you love me?" asked the young man. "yeah...I love you" with a loving voice the tall man answered. "Will you die for me as I did for you?" the young man asked the tall man awaiting the answer that he wants to hear. "I will...as long as your safe...I'll do anything for you...even if it means giving up my life" the tall man's answer sounded as if he had made up his mind right then and there, determined to protect the one he loves. The young man looked at him and smiled bitterly, his eyes then turned watery when he started to think of the reason why their in this situation now, "Why is everyone against our happy ending! I just want to be with you...in peace...What's so wrong with us being together? What's so wrong with us being happy?..." As the young man said that, tears rolled down his face. "Shouldn't we just make them disappear! as long as they're not here...everything will be fine! that's right! I'll just make them disappear... FOREVER!" the young man's eyes flashed with ruthlessness as he though of getting rid of the pests that's been against them, as he thought of finally being able to live peacefully with his hubby.

ProudFujo · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 0.1| I Became a Golden Finger [II]

At the registration desk, Gu Xiangdao stood waiting for Wei Xiaoli to get his special System Code tattoo, after 10 minutes has passed Wei Xiaoli finally came out of the little room that he was in.

When Wei Xiaoli came out, Gu Xiangdao walk up to him and said, "what do you want to do next? do you want to look around some more, or, pick your first host?"

"Pick my first host," said Wei Xiaoli.

"Ok!" Gu Xiangdao said cheerfully.

"Each system has their own personal room where all the hosts that they can choose from are transferred to them, your room is M-36879, the Main Core processes all the potential clients for every system before sending it to their database every month, each system can choose from the list which host they want to do first." Gu Xiangdao diligently explained.

"Okay," Wei Xiaoli simply replied.

After a little while they finally arrived in front of room M-36879, Wei Xiaoli scanned the tattoo on his neck before entering the room, and Gu Xiangdao was left waiting outside of the room.

As Wei Xiaoli walked into the room he scanned his surroundings, inside the room, there is only a small bed and digital screens where Wei Xiaoli will receive his host's information, what type of system he will be for each person and the plot for each world's, he can also listen to music, play games and watch movies.

Wei Xiaoli decided to take a little nap before going over the different peoples information and choosing his first host.


▪︎5 Hours Later▪︎

That 'little nap" ended up turning into a big nap.

Wei Xiaoli was honestly drained of his energy, everything that has happened so far all happened in the span of a few hours, which was very exhausting so he slept longer than he planed to.

When Wei Xiaoli woke up he sat on the side of the bed and stretched before getting up, after his 2 minute stretching session he was fully awake and ready to work.

While going through his options, Wei Xiaoli settled on three different Host: Fan Mingxiang¹, Zhang Wudao², and Lin Fan³.

•Fan Mingxiang is 39, he graduated with all A+, he majored in both science and biology, and he can play four instruments (the Piano, Erhu, Violin, and the Guqin). The parents of Mingxiang are so proud of him, they boast of him any chance they get, he is their pride.

Due to over working overworking his body from a young age, Fan Mingxiang fainted and passed away, he was under so much pressure from his parents and didn't want to be compared to the neighbors son or anybody, so he studied day and night for his A+, sometimes he goes days without eating anything, he also had OCD⁴ and a not so slight case of Mysophobia⁵.

When Fan Mingxiang died he transmigrated into a cultivate world as a sect leader with a "Number 1 Sect System".

•Zhang Wudao is 12, he was born into a toxic family, his parents were both very wealthy people with their own establishment, when his mother got pregnant with him she hated him, but she needed an heir for both her and her husband's company.

When Zhang Wudao born his parents ruthlessly trained him, their was no love involved in it, Wudao eventually became distant from people and was very cold, they were nothing but pawns to him.

When Zhang Wudao was 12 he git into a car accident that was not so an "accident", when he woke up he gained the "Business Emperor System".

•Lin Fan's mother was dispelled from the Chen family for marrying his father, despite that Lin Fan was still loved. When Lin Fan was 4 his mother suddenly disappeared leaving just him and his father behind. Lin was constantly bullied in high-school, but he didn't do anything to retaliate, he only gritted his teeth and endured everything. Lin Fan had a crush on the most beautiful girl in school, but she too would sometimes call him names, one day while walking home was attacked by somebody he didn't know, but that wasn't the end for him, he got transmigrated into a cultivation world and worked his way up, while trying to break-through he was attacked by his 7 trusted subordinates and transfered back to his world were he gained the "Grand-master Cultivate System".



Wei Xiaoli rubbed his aching head and sighed, "I don't think I'm ready for this T-T" he whispered to himself while crying mentally, he looked over at his three options one more time before reluctantly picking Zhang Wudao as his first host.

After Tapping on Zhang Wudao's name Wei Xiaoli's body started to turn into tiny particles as he slowly dissappear.




Inside of a VIP room, a 12 year old boy was laying silently on the hospital bed with his eyes closed.




[Successfuly Binded with host Zhang Wudao!]

The sound of the system ringed in Zhang Wudao's head as his eyes slowly fluttered open, "who-" he silently whispered before being cut off by Wei Xiaoli.

[Wei Xiaoli: My names Wei Xiaoli and I'm your going to be your system till death us part] said Wei Xiaoli with a smirk on his face.

Zhang Wudao just silently stared at Wei Xiaoli before saying "oh"

[Wei Xiaoli: oh? is that all you have to say? OH!?] after a rest Wei Xiaoli was actually very interested in this system thing and was looking forward to his first host, but now? Now! Forget It!!

▪︎▪︎▪︎ ▪︎▪︎▪︎


[I did a lot of research for this novel, my poor brain T-T]

°Fan Mingxiang¹ - Fan from the Pinyin Fánróng and Characters 繁荣 meaning Prosperous, blooming, thriving or flourishing.

Ming from the Pinyin Cōngmíng and Characters 聪明的 meaning Clever, smart, wise, brilliant, intelligent, cute or lovely.

Xiang from the Pinyin Jíxiáng and Characters 吉祥 meaning auspicious or lucky.

°Zhang Wudao² - Wu from the Pinyin Cuòwù and Characters 错误 meaning mistake.

Dao from the characters 倒霉 and Pinyin Dǎoméi meaning Unlucky.

°Lin Fan³ - is common name I've seen been used in Urban manhwas or this genre, another name commonly used is Chen something [I forget and I don't want to look it up]

°OCD⁴ - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder also known as OCD is: Excessive thoughts (obsessions) that lead to repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead to compulsive behaviors.

Mysophobia⁵ - Mysophobia is an extreme fear of germs. It causes an overwhelming obsession with contamination. The condition goes by other names, including: Bacillophobia, Bacteriophobia, Germophobia, and Verminophobia.





A/N: Pls forgive my Grammer mistakes, I'm not really good at it.

I hope whoever is reading this likes this chapter and ones to come, because my brain is about to burst from all the research I'm doing now and will be doing in the future.