

Realizing where he is, our MC works to hone both his mind and body, finding ways to stay in the battlefield and do what he does best. [] This is inspired by another I’ve read and I just wanna put my own ideas out. [] We all know I don’t own sh*tt but my own characters.

Karstag · Anime e quadrinhos
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75 Chs

Cubs Of The Bronx

Another year and a half passed...

In a park in The Bronx where a baseball field resides, it was filled with young kids with different race.

Playing catch, swinging at baseballs, racing and all kinds of things kids their age do.

But in the dugout there was about 10 kids having a meeting about their plans today.

"No way Bitty, no way they are as good as us!" One kids spoke out.

"But I'm telling you smalls, my cousin is from there, and he said that they are the best in all of New York, I'm telling you smalls!" Another kid spoke out.

"Thats crazy talk no one is better than us!!"

"Yeah, Bitty, no one." Another voiced out.

"Well they definitely haven't heard of us." Rose said crossing her arms.

"He also said it doesn't matter, and that they are the best even here in the Bronx." The one called Bitty recalled again.

"They are just amateurs, last month we beat Queens Young Tigers, there is no way they didn't hear about that." Billy said.

"Yeah no way Bitty."

"He also told me that they beat the Tigers before us, and that they would easily beat us too." The one called Bitty said.

"That does it, there is only one thing to do." Timmy said.

"Battle." Rolo said dramatically.

"But...Brooklyns far away, and we've only went as far as Queens, it's too dangerous to go that far, my mom said not to ever leave town." One of the kids said, some even seem to agree.

"It's alright." Our MC finally spoke with a mischievous smile.

"When have we never able to protect ourselves." Alfie said.

"If anything we will just take whoever wants to come to Brooklyn, Bitty do you know who and where they are?" Alfie asked.

"Uhh yeah, he said they are the Small Giants at Bushwick." Bitty said.

"Small Giants? Haha let's go show them that the bigger they are, the harder they fall." Alfie stood up as the other 9 followed walking out the dugout.

"Packs, line up!!" Alfie screamed out as every one of the kids on the field ran up standing in front of the 10 kids lining up, though clumsily and a bit unorganized.

"We have a new team to play a game with, they are from Brooklyn and calls themselves the Small Giants." Alfie said.

Some of them looked excited while the others looked up in thought.

Alfie took the time to explain that they will ride to Brooklyn, Bushwick.

And that whoever wants to come will and whoever doesn't don't have to.

More than 30 are coming while the others would stay not wanting to go that far away from The Bronx.

The other time when they went to Queens and played ball with the Tigers they won easily, and only about 20 of them went that time.

But hearing how they won at Queens made them wanna go this time, since last time nobody got in trouble from their parents since they didn't know.

"But first, we have to have protection from bad guys, does everyone have their pipes?" Alfie asked.

The crew suddenly scattered and soon came back raising different types of metal pipes that they usually use for protection.

But Alfie made sure they never use it unless it was a serious situation, and they have only ever fought with their fists and foots.

"Good put them in your backbags, head to the rides!!" Alfie said as everyone going went to their bikes.

"Make sure to bring our bats and gloves!!" Alfie said.

Soon enough a group of 40 kids in bike took off on the roads getting many attentions.

Alfie at the front and his closest friends just behind him lead the Morris Cubs to Brooklyn to have a baseball game with the Small Giants, which Alfie thought was a stupid name.

Throughout their ride to Brooklyn they pissed off a few New York pedestrians almost running them over.

The boys were so skilled at driving they snatched a few street foods from pedestrians eating on the side.

Alfie would stop them but he just considered them harmless pranks, plus they're kids they were just living a little.

"BRIDGE!! Ride slow, don't rush!" Alfie screamed out as they crossed the bridge to Queens.

'Home of Spider-Man' Alfie thought.

By the time they crossed to Queens Alfie let Timmy take the lead as he knew the way to Brooklyn through Queens.

But they halted at Ridgewood which was the edge of Queens going to Brooklyn, Timmy informed Alfie that this was as far as he knew in Queens.

"Now where are ya punks doing riding around causing trouble?" A man suddenly asked.

As Alfie looked at the man he saw that the man was a police officer.

Some of the boys tensed up thinking about the trouble they've been causing, but Alfie stood firm.

"We're going to Brooklyn to have a game...you wouldn't know the way to Bushwick would you?" Alfie asked.

"Bushwick? Y'all punks ain't causing trouble are ya?" The officer asked.

"No sir, like I said we are just passing through Queens." Alfie said.

"No stupid head, he said we are going to Brooklyn to challenge the Little Giants." Billy said almost arrogantly.

"It's Small Giants Billy, not Little Giants." Timmy corrected.

"Little Giants? You kids playing ball?" The officer asked to which the group nodded at.

"Where you kids from?" He asked.

"We are the Morris Cubs from The Bronx." Rose said crossing her arms.

"Bronx?! You punks the ones that went against the Tigers a while ago?" The officer asked.


"And we beat them!"

"Hahaha they wasn't even a challenge!"

The group proudly answered.

"My kid plays with them..." The officer said with a frown.

The kids tensed up a little bit.

"We are just having a game." Alfie said.

"And y'all going to Brooklyn?" The officer asked.


"Hmm, Little Giants you say?" He asked again.


"Hahahahah, well I'll be, why don't ya let me escort ya punks over there eh?" The officer suddenly asked.

"You will?"

"Yeah, them little punks from Brooklyn keep talking down on our kid here at Queens, so if your Cubs beat them it might quite those arrogant boys down." The officer said.

"Alright then officer, we'll follow you." Alfie said.

"Great! Now don't fall behind and stay with me, I know where them Brooklyn boys play ball at, follow me!" The officer said as he walked to his car and starting it.

Soon the cop car was in siren heading straight to Brooklyn Bushwick as a group of Morris Cubs behind screamed in excitement following the police officer.

25 minutes passed by the time they were at Bushwick.

The officer stopped his car as Alfie stopped by the side of the car window and looked in, he thanked the officer before trying to ride off when the officer called out.

"Hey kid."

"Go kick some ass." He said before driving off.

"Hehe, you heard em boys." Alfie said.


In a park near Bushwick, there was a baseball field where 9 kids were hitting dingers to the outfield.

1 at bat, 1 pitching, 1 catcher with 6 outfields catching balls.




When suddenly a large group of kids rode in the field with their bikes making barking noises while the 9 kids gathered at the infield.

Alfie rode in with some of his friends behind him as they stopped right in front of the Brooklyn kids.

"Who are you guys?" One of the Brooklyn boys asked.

"We are the Morris Cubs, here to challenge you Small Giants, call out your players." Alfie said trying to look badass on his bike with his crew behind him.

"Who?" The brooklyn boys asked.

They wanted to mock these Cubs but there was a lot of them so in the end just asked again.

"You heard him, we are the Morris Cubs from The Bronx, I'm Rudy's cousin." The one called Bitty said as he walked up to Alfie's side.

One of the Brooklyn boys looked to another and signaled him to go, which he grabbed his bike and rode off.

Hopefully to get their full team here.

"So you are Rudy's cousin? I heard you play ball too, but I never heard of the Bronx's little Cubs." The boy said.

"Well you will know soon enough, after we crush you guys!!" Rose said as she aimed her wooden bat at the Brooklyn boy.

"Haha, we will see about that, no one can ever get on our level, we're the best in New York, and that's a fact." The boy said.

Not knowing any comebacks, the young Cubs just frowned and scowled at the Brooklyn boys.

"Yeah, who says?" Billy chimed in.

"I did, and it's true too, all the adults say we are the best in New York too." The Brooklyn boy said.

"Hahaha, well good for you guys, but we're here now and you've held on to #1 long enough, we are here to take your place." Alfie said with dramatic coolness.

The Cubs behind him went all rowdy at the Alph's comebacks.

"Hahahaha, thats right, we are here to challenge you guys and prove why WE are the best." Rose said.

"Yeah!! Why are you called giants when you are not even giant?!" Jonjon voiced out making everyone laugh.

20 minutes later...

The Morris Cubs spread out as they warmed themselves up doing some throws, and swings, but mostly horse playing.

Around 20 other kids suddenly showed up which are most likely Small Giants.

"Whoa those guys are..." One of the Cubs said.

"They are 8th graders..."

"They are bigger than us."

"And older..."

"And bette-"

"That's enough, stop going against your confidence, who cares if they're bigger, they'll just fall harder." Alfie said as he got up walking out of the dugout on their side to the field where an 8th grader also walked to Alfie.

"So you're the little Cubs?" The 8th grader said with almost mock in his voice.

"Yeah, and you're the Little Giants?" Alfie asked.

"Small Giants!!" The 8th grader corrected.

"Same difference." Alfie said lazily mentally winning as the 8th grader was provoked too easily.

"Hmph, I heard you and your team played the Tigers and won, but that doesn't mean you're at our level." The 8th grader said.

"Of course we aren't, we are wayy better than you Little 8th graders." Alfie said.

"No you're not!! You'll see, we even beat th-"

"Why don't we start the game already, and we'll see who's better." Alfie said.

"Fine!! Stakes...hehe if we win you give us all of your bikes." The 8th grader said.

"You stupid? Even if we did there's not enough of you to take all of them home, there is 43 bikes with us and your say 3-something of you will take them all? Even you came here with bikes." Alfie said.

"Fine, then we-" The 8th grader looked back at his team and did some mental count before looking back at Alfie.

"...we take 6 bikes." The 8th graders finished.

"Deal, and if we win we will take all your baseball equipments, balls, bats, gloves...and even your shoes." Alfie said smiling.

The 8th graders eyes widened as he touched his hat in nervousness, but his confidence came back later.

"Alright deal." The two shook hands before turning to their own team shouting it's time to play.

Bitty on the side spoke to his cousin Rudy before we start any games, Rudy seemed to be making fun of Bitty but it's nothing too serious.

"Alright everyone warmed up?" Alfie asked to which they nodded at.

"Good, for now we'll just test them, so we'll just do things the way we always do." Alfie said.

The Cubs huddled up and put their hands together before howling and ran out of the dugout.

The Small Giants quickly filled their positions and readied to defend their home.

On the first inning the Cubs are on the offensive, the first to bat was a boy named Emmet.

Coaching 1st base was Rose standing outside the field but close enough to the 1st base.

Alfie was to coach on 3rd base, their jobs was to help their runners if need be.

"Alright you got this Em, remember watch the ball." Alfie yelled out.

The 8th grader Alfie talked to a while ago walked up to the mount and stretch his arms around, he was the pitcher.

"Game start!" Alfie yelled out to make his team concentrate when he noticed the pitcher ready to pitch.

The pitcher slowly raised his left leg up before launching a ball straight at his catchers gloves.



The sound of the ball hitting the gloves spread.

Fastballs, and it was good, but Emmet didn't even sweat it, he's seen better.

Emmet nodded as he let the first pitch go to observe more, by the time the 2nd came he swung, but it fouled.

The third pitch Emmet send it to the outer field pretty far, but it was caught and he was out.

30 minutes later...

It's the 3rd inning and it was bad, for the Cubs because they have only 2 points in and the Giants are in the lead with 7 points.

But the kids on the Brooklyn side started to wonder, because the ones such as Alfie, Billy, Rose, Timmy, Rolo, Jonjon, Bitty, or even Smalls didn't play.

Some of them felt that the ones that played the last 3 innings were beginners in baseball and just started playing.

But they will know soon...

"So was that good enough?" Alfie asked.

"Yeah, thanks for giving us the chance Alfie." Emmet said.

"No problem, alright guys come together." Alfie said.

Now his closest friends are in.

"It's our time to shine, we've seen what they can do, they're good but not as good as us, so just go out there and do your jobs and we're good.

Now we are on the offense, Rose, go kick some ass." Alfie said smiling.

Rose suddenly donned an evil smile as she walked out of the dugout with her wooden bat.

Suddenly a series of laughters was heard as the Small Giants started laughing about her being a girl and all.

But the Cubs didn't get mad, no they smiled, because whenever someone laughs at Rose playing baseball, she makes miracles, painful ones.

The pitcher said a few words taunting her before he pitched, the first pitch wasn't swung on, but the second.

The second pitch hit the wooden bat almost perfectly, but the baseball passed the pitchers face almost kissing his cheeks, he almost got hit in the face by a baseball and he can't help but think if it was on purpose.

Rose ended up on 2nd base after that.

And then the next batter was Billy, with his big grin and bright teeth, the chubby black kid walked to the home base and pointed his bat at the sky.

Another hit.

1st and 3rd base was filled.

After then it was Alfie, the pitcher thought he could mess with Alfie but when he threw the first pitch Alfie cracked the wooden bat and made a home run.

As if expecting it Rose and Billy just walked on to the home base along with Alfie making 3 full points.

And in just that inning the Cubs made 13 points before going to defense.

It was now 15 points for Cubs and 7 points for Giants.

The Cubs were going crazy enjoying their winning streaks.

But now on defense each of them went to their positions.

Rose on the mount, no ones making fun of her anymore as she pitches.

Catcher was Billy, the one nicknamed Bitty was 1st base, Rolo on 2nd base, 3rd base was Timmy, shortstop was Alfie while Jonjon on centerfield with a boy nicknamed Smalls on the right along with another boy on left field.

They had an unbreakable defense and they easily struck out the first 3 batters.

On their offense again they made 7 points bringing it to 22 points.

What angered the Giants was that Alfie changed the group, they stayed on the dugout as he sent another 3rd string beginner players to get some experience.

It was at that moment that the 8th graders knew Alfie and his team were using them as practice, to Alfie and his 1st strings they weren't even a challenge.

Soon the game ended, and the Cubs won more than the Giants baseball equipments, they won the right to be #1 in New York, at least that is how the Giants voiced it.

As they took the baseball equipments they mocked and teased the Giants as a fight almost broke out, but Rudy stopped it, smart.

Because if there was a fight Alfie and his pack would have demolish these 8th graders, even with them being bug an all.

Because the Cubs grew up not only playing baseball all their lives , but also grew up fighting and conquered The Bronx middle schools and other young groups.

"Now we aren't the Cubs anymore, we graduated from that, we are now #1 in New York, we are now the Morris Wolfs!!" Alfie said pumping the team up as they went rowdy cheering.

"I say this deserves a celebration, what say we use a bit of our savings to go to a restaurant?" Alfie asked.

All cheers again in agreement.

"Yeahh!! Alright lets go home!!" Alfie and the others picked their bikes up and rode while carrying them the new equipments from the losing team and the mentality of the best team in NY.

As they rode out of the baseball park the group of 40+ howled like wolves on a moony night.

It brought them many looks from the pedestrians.

But before they could head out of Brooklyn Alfie saw something at the corner of his eyes.

He looked to an alley to find a few kids running screaming and shoving at two other boys, one looked young while the other seems to be protecting him.

"You can never shut your mouth can you? We're gonna take a few beatings." The bigger one of the two said almost like he was enjoying the situation.

Alfie saw this and like the fighting maniac and bully hating he is he immediately took a left turn as his pack behind him followed.

He was ready to tell everyone to beat up the boys picking on the two when he paused mid-ride, because the smaller boy of the two said something Alfie knew almost too well, a saying he suddenly remembered.

"I can do this all day."