
"Zodiac Chronicles: Virgo's Valor - Earthbound Enigma" EN VER

In the Kingdom of Jaya Darata, Myland Mestro, a seven-year-old girl, experiences a life-altering tragedy when her birthday ends with the death of her parents. After witnessing her father murdered by mysterious men, Myland discovers a hidden magical power within herself that she never knew existed. Raised in the Yamayi orphanage by Kalana, she is trained in martial arts, haunted by trauma and her inability to use magic. At the age of fourteen, a mysterious black sword and a message from Kalana set Myland on a quest toward the Kingdom of Padang. Along the way, she must face enemies, uncover the mysteries of the sword, and find her true strength to change her fate. “The Chosen Sword” is a tale filled with action and emotion, following the courage of a young girl as she searches for her identity and confronts a harsh world.

Lingga_PNG · Fantasia
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2 Chs


- August 30, 1131

- Kingdom of Jaya Darata

On a bright and sunny afternoon, a little girl with short red hair walked in the park with her parents. The girl's name was Myland Mestro, and she was thrilled because today was her 7th birthday. Her parents had brought her to the park to celebrate her special day. "She's so happy," said her mother. "Yes, our daughter is so cheerful," replied her father. Myland eagerly ran ahead of her parents, but they still kept a watchful eye on her. After a while, when Myland turned around, she realized her parents were gone. Panic filled her as she started searching for them, but the more she looked, the more frantic she became. She began to run, her expression on the verge of tears.

While running, Myland suddenly heard the sound of swords clashing. Terrified by the noise, she ran away from the sound, but because she didn't know her way, she ended up running toward it, entering an alley that led to the source. She was horrified to see three men wielding swords, exuding a sinister magical aura, and her father lying on the ground, covered in blood. Fear, anxiety, and panic consumed Myland. Amidst the chaos, the ground around her began to shake violently. Myland screamed, "DADDY!" as sharp earth spikes erupted from the ground, impaling the three men and killing them instantly. Myland ran to her father, hugging his lifeless body. When she saw the three dead men, she became fearful, realizing she had killed someone. Myland ran again when she heard footsteps approaching, wondering all the while where her mother had gone.

Exhausted, she finally sat down by the roadside and cried for her lost parents. Worn out, she fell asleep on the street. When Myland woke up, she found herself lying on a bed in a room with wooden walls and neatly arranged furnishings. An old man sat beside her. "Looks like you're awake. I saw you running after you hugged your father's body. Your clothes were stained with his blood, so I changed them," the old man said. Myland noticed that her outfit was different from what she had last worn. "Where am I?" Myland asked, confused. "You are in the Yamayi orphanage," the old man replied. Myland stared at the ceiling, still grieving the loss of her parents. "I know this is hard, but no one knows when death will come. By the way, my name is Kalana. What's your name?" Kalana said gently. "My name… is Myland," she answered in a barely audible voice. "You'll stay here. There are many kids your age, so you can make friends with them," Kalana continued. Myland nodded. "Rest for now; I'll bring you some food," Kalana said, leaving the room to fetch a meal for Myland.

- January 10, 1139

Eight years had passed, and Myland was now 14 years old. During her time at the orphanage, she realized that she lived in a harsh world where the strong ruled, and the weak were oppressed, regardless of rank, power, or race. If one was weak, they would always be downtrodden.

Myland had been unable to use magic since the tragic incident eight years ago. She also noticed that in her environment, magic was often used to oppress the weak, which made her reluctant to learn it. This reluctance caused her to be shunned by her peers.

Knowing she couldn't rely on magic, Myland focused on physical strength. Over the years, she was trained in martial arts by Kalana, honing her skills and strengthening herself. As time passed, she grew stronger, and those who had once bullied her now avoided mocking her.

One sunny morning, Myland found a black sword in her room. Surprised, she noticed a note on the table that read, "Myland, this sword has chosen you. No one else can wield it but you. Take it and follow its guidance. I am away from the orphanage due to some matters - Kalana." Myland was amazed by the information, especially the words "the sword has chosen you," which stirred excitement within her. As she held the sword, she suddenly experienced a vision of a katana in the Kingdom of Padang. Myland heard a whisper, "Seek it and use it." She snapped back to reality, startled by the brief but intense experience. Reflecting on the whisper, she wondered, "Is that a clue?"

After hours of contemplation, Myland decided to follow the sword's guidance and journey to the Kingdom of Padang, heeding Kalana's words. The next day, she prepared herself, leaving the Kingdom of Jaya Darata to follow the path revealed to her.