
"Within the Ancient"

When two world meets and a unexpected meeting unfold between two lovers separated by destiny. After saving a world once, now through thick and thin they once again try to save earth from other world beings from world domination. "Till we meet again, love."

SleepZy · Fantasia
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6 Chs

Juliette Blanc

Chapter 5

"Juliette Blanc"

Father seems to be busy these days, he was always busy but nowadays he looks like he is working day and night for this project.

He didn't talk much during dinner also, only asking an absurd question "Do you believed in other worlds?"

Maybe aliens have invaded us? Maybe the world that I know is ending. I really do hope that's the case. Although I love my father dearly, I am sick and tired of being a royalty.

Being the only offspring of a royalty family, I have been tasked with an important position, always being watched by my "Kind" relatives. Trained since the age I was able to speak, never able to do normal things like a regular college student would.

Maybe "Normal" just isn't in my vocabulary.

As I walked down toward the royal garden, I caught a glimpse of young man dressed weirdly walking across the Guest wing. I found myself staring at him, is it because he looks attractive or the weird dressing. He then suddenly turns towards the garden as if he notices the peering eyes of mine.

Instinctively, I hid myself from his gaze, only to be embarrassed by my own behavior. Why is a person with a status such as mine hiding from someone else?

"Princess, breakfast is about to be served." a familiar voice called me from behind.

As I sat down for breakfast, Father suddenly asks me "How have you been these days?"

"I been ok, I know you have busy so don't worry too much about me, father."

Father then with a serious tone, "Juliette, I need to tell you something. Do you want to know why I have been so busy?"