
"Threads of Deities."

Unknown path: a soulless being drifting through the stories of the unconscious, an endless universe of different realities. Merging itself with the entities unknown to him; "To walk on a journey unbound by the time frame, step by step." .... A story with no soul. Read and it may take your soul, and roam the world to tell its tales. And Finally, conclude- "A story with a soul." .... .... ish_nok_

ish_nok · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


"Brother. Big Brother..." After reaching her assigned division, she settles herself, translating the things she has to do before continuing with her coursework for the day. Nothing particularly changes today; it remains the same as she goes through every day, until the moment she sees her brother transcending the restricted stairs.

Many question the belief regarding the stairs leading to the Deity himself, but every individual on the entirety of the Wright land follows the stone-written rule; none can escape the fate after breaking these rules.

She couldn't decipher what has changed in her brother's mind to make him come here. Moreover, he only obliges to escort her up to the gate. Still, he has gone further, not only entering the boundaries of Anginas but also stepping on the stairs.

She didn't know what to say; Klaus had seen her blank expression. She tried to ask him at that time, but he averted his gaze from her, looking upward and remained gazing upward until now. From outside the wire mesh, she discerns that he has lost his consciousness, remaining there like a statue.

She shouted more and more; her eyes started to moist, fear building up in her heart. Everything was fine in the morning, 'why… why is he acting like that? Brother, please stop whatever you are doing. I can't handle seeing you like this. Please.'

"Is he your brother?"

 "Isn't he a prodigy?"

 "Shirley, what's your brother doing? No one has dared to do that before."

 "Is he alright?"

 "Stop, please stop, everybody. He is my brother." Her fragile mind couldn't withstand the ongoing conversation around her.

'Brother, Brother, wake up. What can I do? I… please, someone.' She started looking around, her legs shaking, devoid of strength. Searching for someone through her eyes, a pleading look in her eyes.

Her gaze fell on Noke.

Noke and his friends outside started moving as soon as they all gathered. They saw Klaus venturing inside, not pointing at that time, knowing the image of Klaus. They remained at some distance from him.

When Klaus started ascending the stairs, fear gripped all of them. No one had ever seen anyone doing anything like that before.

Only some words they had heard about Klaus before, but seeing him engage in this kind of utter nonsense clearly declared that no one wanted to come closer to him.

As soon as they heard the cries of Shirley, Noke steered to move, going to the sixth floor through inside entries, coming closer to Shirley, though remaining at a certain distance. He could see Shirley, her pleading shouts for her brother. He wanted to go and stand beside her but refrained from doing that.

Ashlar and Keller also come out of the divisional room, coming close to Rony, asking him if this has anything to do with what they have done in the two days prior. Rony consoles them by giving a comprehensive statement, indicating that it has nothing to do with them.

Shirley's gaze drifts through the crowds, settling on Noke. Through her eyes, she asks if he could do anything. Through his eyes, he tells her he also has nothing to do that could help her in this situation.

The dam she had held in her eyes and her heart started showing cracks. Few drops of tears make their way down her face, shining and reflecting the morning.

"Brother..." It has been more than an hour; Klaus remained standing there. She held the wires, holding herself, ignoring the surrounding voices. Her eyes also now moist-less.

After an unknown time for her, she finally sees the movement of Klaus's eyes. His opened eyes, which remained open for more than half an hour, finally close for the first time.

He held his head down, gathering everything he heard and saw before ascending the tapered, gravity-defying stairs.

 Hearing shouted voices of his name, he opens his eyes again, still with his head down. In those moments, he discerns a particular voice calling him "Brother." "Shirley?"

He moves his head sideways, looking at the wire mesh, a girl holding the wire with her hands, trying to put her head in between the vacant space, her legs staggering. Her face shows marks of tears, shouting continuously. Not knowing what has transpired with her, he moves closer, asking her in concern, "Shirley, what happened?"

 "You..." She didn't say much, only banging the cage that concealed her only direct way to Klaus. Klaus averts his gaze from his little sister, checking the surroundings. He sees many students gather, encircling Shirley as she seats herself on the ground, finally stopping her attempts, sobbing.

His gaze startled everyone; they subconsciously moved, creating more distance between Shirley and themselves.

Noke could see Klaus's gaze settle on him for more than a second. He, too, moves out of fear. The love he had for Shirley all this time didn't let his primal instinct get lost; due to the fear he feels, he restrains himself from acting out of the situation, remaining reserved in his particular senses, condensing this thought to solace himself.

Getting up, Klaus moves downward, descending the spiral stairs, finally touching the ground. Students seeing him move in chaos; not one of them wanting to be a stepping stone in his way. Even the masters tutoring on Anginas kept their distance from him, knowing the implication of one stepping on these stairs. Due to their authority, they knew more than the average students.

Reaching the sixth floor, all of Shirley's fellow mates who have gathered there move; giving a clear way for Klaus. Shirley still seated on the ground, and no one has dared to come closer to comfort her.

He comes closer to Shirley, who is seated on the ground, moving her hairs that dangle in front of her face, not letting him see his little baby sister. Seeing she is still sobbing, he wipes her eyes with his thumb, holding her face in his hand.

"Hey, hey, what happened? Why are you crying?" He hugged her, placing one hand on her back and the other on her head, giving small pats to comfort her.

He calmly asked, looking around, subsiding his suddenly erupted anger. "What transpired here? Why is she crying? Has someone done anything?"

The ones who couldn't see didn't dare to utter any words, and those who could see his glaring stopped, letting instincts guide their actions for survival.

"Rony!" He calmly uttered Rony's name, silencing everything. "Are you here?" he asked again, emphasizing more on his words.

Rony trembled a little before finally coming closer, facing Klaus upfront.

"Why is she crying?" Klaus asked, fully showing his domineering side, completely opposite of how he had interacted not long this morning.

"Big brother, she must have feared because of you," Rony said.

"Explain yourself clearly." Shirley's sobbing had subsided, but Klaus hadn't stopped comforting her.

"Big brother, because..." Rony explained every detail: how Klaus stood there with his eyes open for more than half an hour, not responding to their cries, looking like someone who has lost his soul, only a hollow body remains.

The more Klaus listened, the more his angered eyes calmed. In the midst of it, he stopped glaring at Rony, getting lost in thought.

After an unknown amount of time, he felt some shifting in his chest. Shirley tried to move out from his embrace, indicating she has come out of her emotional turmoil.

The moment he saw Shirley's face, he smiled, unable to stop himself from appreciating his little sister for feeling for him.

"Hey, little girl. Aren't you the brave one?" Saying these words, he felt a little pain in his chest originating from Shirley's punch. He wants to tease her more.