
"The final journey in the world of Evola"

Story is about 19 years old kid named Zeltar. He was just a teenager that lived of bare minimum needs. Due to the fact that his parents were having huge lack of money his days were pretty grey, until the day that soldiers were knocking on his door. He received a news that he got recruited into elite military school and has to go with them right this instance. In school he reunites with his older brother Alan, that has left home five years ago. After completing battle class test, Alan realized that Zeltar has two hearts one of which has pure berserker energy in it, one of most violent and uncontrollable battle classes. To prevent Zeltar from getting into hands of scientists, Alan decided to join his team and train along side with him. And now all that is left to Zeltar is opportunity of changing his life, will he use it to change his life for good or will he give in to the desire of bloodshed nature that his brother tries to keep from eyes of society?

Darver_Reaver · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Part 4 ''Medical check''

As they enter into the big and almost empty white room, the first thing that catches Zeltar's attention is the peculiar source of light in there. The whole inspection room is lit up by many brighten colorfully pellets that are just about the size of a pea. These things are floating in circles around the entire room with each one of them glowing in a different shade. One could wonder, what defines such difference in magically charged objects. It is almost like they radiate tempting energy that makes you want to come closer. The only two objects that occupy some of this vast space are a couple of relatively modern silver-painted bookshelves and an old-fashioned table at the far corner. But still, many objects that would seem essential to a functional laboratory are absent.


Sudden yelling from Alan, sends shivers down Zeltar's back.

"W-why do you have to shout like that?"

"Well, because otherwise, DR.AMANDA AMANDA, won't notice our presence.

As he yelled again noises of falling objects are audible from the right side of the room, but the is nothing that could make such sound. All of a sudden anomaly appears in the wall, it looks like a crack in which a completely different room can be seen. Seemingly young women step out of it. She wears a dark blue lab coat, with no accessories on her hands, ears, or neck. The dead mom's hairstyle and adorable sleepy face makes her look like she is the kindest soul in this whole place-

"How many sheep's did you catch doc?"

Until she opens her mouth to speak.

"Oh, did I just see that wall behind you cracked? It seems like even some parts of the building can't stand your jokes. If you keep going, this place will collapse to shit."

This answer left Zeltar speechless but Alan on the other hand seems like he would expect such a response.

" So, what do you want anyway?"

" Traditional Ozmandian pie with no sprinkles, chocolate drink, two tickets to the best Evola's beaches, and vacation till the end of my life."

"I actually have some pie leftovers after yesterday's birthday. You want some?"

"Oh really? Umm, I mean, let's just put that aside for now, if I am being serious we need to scan Zeltar for class identification, a short description and after all of that we should register him as a first-grade student."

Amanda lets out a disappointed sigh and starts to walk in direction of bookshelves.

"You know that you are able to do it yourself right?"

"And you know that I am worst when it comes to remembering passwords, right?"

"Okay, guess there is no hope that one day you will become my personal assistant, because of your black hole in the memory."

"Indeed, but to me, it is only the bright side of things."

"And why so?"

For the reason that I at least get to sleep like a normal person."

Amanda smirks as if agreeing with Alan's point but then Zeltar's presence caught her heed. Zeltar keeps his mouth shut while hoping that Alan will notice growing up tension in the room and ask why is she looking at him, but he seems to be flying in the clouds. So Amanda decided to take matters into her own hands.

"Mr. Dremor, would you please stop traveling through other dimensions and bring your ass back here for a proper introduction?"

"Ah, what? Did you say something?"

"Uhh, I said, introduce us."

"Right. Zeltar this is doctor Amanda. Amanda this is a new first-grade student Zeltar."

"That's it?"

"If you are hoping for a date with him then there is no way, he is too young for you. By the way Zeltar, she is twenty-six years old, so you better find-"

" Alan!"


"I am talking about, who is Zeltar to you?"

"Didn't I say it earlier? He is-

"No! I clearly see that you even talk to him differently.

Amanda takes one closer look at Zeltar and immediately comes to conclusion.

" Yep, definitely. This must be the brother you were talking about. This red eye color without a doubt is the first thing I noticed when I saw you."

Zeltar is slightly out of words for Amanda's statement, but as he realizes the atmosphere and the fact that she clearly has to have some information about Alan's activity out of home, he decides to keep this information in mind for further use. As for now, he is determined to get on Amanda's good side.

"Yes, we actually are brothers. How could you tell with such small amounts of clues?"

"It's actually not something that can be called clues, I would name it intuition."

"I am truly fascinated."

Clearly annoyed, Alan starts to see through Zeltar's intentions, so he breaks the scene.

"All right Zeltar, if you will try to get any closer to her butt, you might eventually be able to smell what she had for breakfast. So why don't we just get to the essential matter."

Brothers' words are hurting Zeltar deeply, because of the way Alan is making this situation more difficult and embarrassing than it has to be. Before Zeltar decided to say what is on his mind, Amanda stops him by putting a hand on his shoulder.

"He may not say this in the nicest way possible but he is right. The analysis will be ready only in few hours and we still need to register you based on these analyses. So we should start now."

Zeltar nods with head and follows where Amanda leeds. Mostly it's just a standard visual description, weigh, body length and so on. And so standard annotation about Zeltar is published in school archives. ____________________________________________

Hair and length: Coal-black, shoulder-length.

Height: 5,8 feet tall.

Weight: 186 pounds.

Eye color: Cherry red.

No chronic illness or allergic reactions has been discovered during the observation period.


"Okay, that will do it for the first part. Now I want you to step into the center of the room."

Boy does as the doctor asks, then she presses one of the books deep into the shelf which triggers two disc's that appear from the unseen side of the table. Discs are starting to move towards Zeltar and slowly begin to spin around him. In the best way, possible the boy tries to keep himself calm from all of the magic nonsense that happens around him. He looks at Amanda as she presses something on a big screen that materializes in front of her.

"Now take off your shirt and throw it to Alan."


"Because we need to get more accurate results of course."

Before he can do what she says thousand of terrible thoughts are making him uncomfortable. Just the fact that he has overweight already makes his self-esteem shrink into toy sizes, getting teased by a brother or doctor will make it disappear.

("Oh no, I can't believe they need to see me half naked if only I would be slim as a stick. Now Alan definitely will use this opportunity to make fun of me. Oh God this is embarrassing.")

But as Zeltar takes off his shirt and throws it to Alan, second does not even look in the direction of the flying clothing before catching it. He just stays there with a stone expression like this whole thing would be a process that he hates.

After Amanda pressed a few more buttons meaning of which is inexpressible, two discs are starting to spin around faster, as seconds go by the sound of these spinning objects can be described as one blade that unimaginably fast being is spinning around you.

A little while after Amanda gets a notification about research processes being complete, right after that, she presses the stop button to immobile scanners that float around Zeltar and let the system conclude the results.

Discs are starting to lose their speed until the moment when they just fall flat on the floor. Zeltar puts clothing back on and waits in anticipation for the doctor's results, but Amanda decided to send him to the dorms so he could already settle in.

''I will help him.''

''I would be surprised if you would not.''

''Oh and one more thing Amanda.''


''After the results are ready, please contact me.''

Alan suddenly starts to act unusual, but Amanda, however, is the only person in this room that notices it.

''Sure, if you need it ill put them in the archive and-''

''No. Right-after.''

Alan takes a look at Zeltar and wawes his head in the direction of the exit. As they both leave Amanda is left only with one question in her head:

''What is this sudden change of character Alan?''